
The Research  and Knowledge Exchange on Aging was established in 2007 as a forum where older adults in our community can meet with  faculty, students, researchers, policy makers and other community and health system partners to discuss a variety of issues related to aging in Newfoundland and Labrador. A working committee of this Exchange was responsible for the establishment of Aging Centre-NL, the province's first centre for research on aging.  Today, the group continues its strong ties with ARC-NL  as an important venue to highlight the research and community activities undertaken by ARC-NL members.

Research Articles on Aging

Group Conveners 
  • Dr. Sharon Buehler—Honorary Research Professor and Epidemiologist, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
  • Dr. Karen Doody, Director, Aging Research Centre-NL 
  • Dr. Carla Wells—Retired Professor, Western Regional School of Nursing, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University

Goals & Objectives

  • Facilitate research and community collaboration
  • Mentor students and new researchers
  • Identify funding and research opportunities
  • Identify knowledge gaps and health and community needs related to aging and health

Activities & Presentations


November 26 2024 | More than (just) movement - dance and health with Rebecca Barnstaple| Research into the benefits of dance for Parkinson's and movement disorders, Alzheimer's and cognitive impairments, and a range of other complex health conditions is rapidly evolving. Dr. Barnstaple  shared her work in this emerging field as a facilitator of dance for health programs and researcher on the neurobiological effects of dance, complemented by discussion of the importance and impacts of culture for health and wellbeing.  Rebecca Barnstaple, Assistant Professor Theatre Studies & Creative Arts, Health and Wellness, School of English and Theatre Studies, College of Arts, University of Guelph, is an interdisciplinary scholar in arts and health. With a PhD in Dance Studies completed in tandem with the Graduate Program in Neuroscience from York University, Rebecca's research investigates biological dimensions of culture and the impacts of participation in the arts. 

October 2, 2024 | Efficacy of the DISCAN for Assessment of Pain in Older Adults in Vivo and Telemedicine: Part 1 (acute pain) and Part 2 (chronic pain) |Presented by Roberta DiDonato, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Division of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Co-investigators, Michael Bautista, MD, and Elizabeth Woodford, MD).| Older adults commonly experience both acute and chronic pain (WHO, 2024). Pain has traditionally been assessed using a scale, such as the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). However, older adults, their caregivers, and healthcare providers have concerns regarding the use of these scales for pain control and management. Systematic literature reviews support that the two current pain scales used (NRS or VAS) have some limitations with an aging population, particularly those with hearing, vision, or mental health and cognitive issues. Limitations of the NRS and VAS for an aging cohort are numerous. The DISCretized ANalog Scale (DISCAN) method of pain-intensity assessment may be useful for addressing these limitations. 

September 25, 2024 2:00pm to 4:00pm NT |ARC-NL Public Consultations: Setting Priorities and Developing Collaborative Research on Aging with Older Adults in NL The Aging Research Centre (ARC-NL) is located at the Grenfell Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. ARC-NL focuses on promoting and co-ordinating research related to aging that is relevant to older adults in the province. We are hosting a virtual event to hear from older adults to better understand your aging research priorities. We want to know your ideas about health and aging in the province, priorities for research on aging, and determine the best ways to include seniors and community partners on research teams and projects. This virtual event will consist of conversations broadly themed on ARC-NL’s three Strategic Pillars: Biology of Aging, Lived Experience of aging, and Aging in Place. Research participants are invited to share their ideas verbally and through the chat. We are excited to hear from you!

September 19, 2024 12:30PM NT | Building a Continuum of Care for Healthy Aging in the City of St. John’s: How can we improve food security for older adults? |Link to Final Report here: Bringing care home Applying the continuum of care to aging in place Martel 2024 | The task force Health Accord NL identified several action items that would improve population health and make our health system more effective and sustainable over the long term.  One action item of particular interest is the need to: "Implement a continuum of care for older adults. A continuum of care includes options for care that follow a person through time, adapting to their changing needs."  Improving food security for older adults aligns strongly with implementing a better continuum of care throughout the lifespan.  For his Master's of Public Health Practicum project, Ronan Martel researched services and policies that support food security for older adults living at home in St. John’s.  He identified approaches that may currently be missing from the continuum of care for healthy aging in this city. By reviewing available data and conducting stakeholder interviews, Ronan’s project created a map of the current healthy aging continuum of care, identified service gaps related to food security, and proposed solutions that will fit the local context of St John's.

September 18 2024 Old School Intergenerational Projects is an arts charity in St. John's, NL that connects generations through arts programming and performances. They are currently working alongside the Government of NL’s Department of Health and Community services to offer dementia education and awareness in the community and in schools, to provide arts opportunities for people living with dementia and their carers, and to support the implementation of intergenerational arts initiatives across the island. About our Presenter:  Erin Winsor is the Executive Director of the charitable organization Old School. She is a graduate of Sheridan’s Music Theatre Performance Program, CNA’s Executive Administration Program, and the Dementia Solutions CDCP Program, and is currently training to become an end-of-life doula. With a diverse background, Erin has worked as a CYCW at Key Assets, a Private Home Care Worker, and a Music Coordinator at a local long-term care home. She is a regular performer with Spirit of Newfoundland and has graced many stages in St. John's. Erin is dedicated to advancing dementia care and challenging ageism in the province with an arts-based approach. She has a rare skill for building a special rapport with both older adults and young people.

September 9, 2024 12:30PM NT |  Through the Looking Glass: The Impact of COVID-19 Isolation on Long-Term Care Facility Residents – A Visitor’s Perspective | NL SUPPORT funded research team will outline findings from a primary research study. In 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NL SUPPORT Patient and Public Advisory Council members asked a question: "What impact are visitor restrictions having on residents in long-term care facilities in Newfoundland and Labrador?"  Three and half years on, NL SUPPORT has released a research report outlining the findings of its first patient-initiated research project. NL SUPPORT, a unit dedicated to advancing patient-oriented research in Newfoundland and Labrador, is housed in Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine. Titled Through the Looking Glass: The Impact of COVID-19 Isolation on Long-Term Care Facility Residents – A Visitor’s Perspective, the report outlines five recommendations the project team hopes policy-makers will consider in developing long-term care policies and pandemic preparedness plans.

March 14 2024 | A New Social Prescribing Initiative through SeniorsNL & NL Health Services | SeniorsNL in collaboration with Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NLHS) is working to develop, implement, evaluate, and integrate social prescribing into the healthcare system through the Family Care Teams. Attached patients of designated Family Care Teams who are 50 years of age or older will have access to Link Workers via referral or self-referral. A Link Worker will connect with referred individuals to address non-clinical social needs, connecting them to appropriate programs and services, and working with them to help overcome roadblocks to success. At the completion of this three-year Social Prescribing pilot project, the goal is to have successfully integrated Social Prescribing into the healthcare system of Newfoundland and Labrador. Presented by Suzanne Brake,  Heidi O’Brien  and Kathy Stock.


December 13, 2023 at 12:30PM NT | Update from the Aging Research Centre-NL (ARC-NL) | Dr. Karen Doody, Director, together with Strategic Pillar Leads Dr. Kelly Vodden, Dr. Dawn Pittman, Dr. Sukhinder Cheema, and Dr. Kelly Warren  will provide an overview of activities, funded research, strategic pillars, and research collaborative potential at ARC-NL.

November 20, 2023 at 12:30PM | Dignity Therapy: Alleviating Emotional and Physical Distress at End of Life| Amanda Devlin, MSW RSW is a compassionate and culturally-sensitive professional with over 15 years of experience in the field of social work. Drawing on  specialized training , lived experience, and expertise, she provides comprehensive and effective therapeutic care in a variety of settings. Ms. Devlin will talk with the group about Dignity Therapy and its role in supporting palliative patients. This presentation will provide you with the opportunity to learn about the value of Dignity Therapy in alleviating both emotional and physical distress during end-of-life. Dignity therapy is an evidence-based, clinically effective intervention for terminally ill patients.  Experiencing an irreversible illness may lead to a loss of autonomy, physical pain, and challenging existential and spiritual experiences, all of which can contribute to disintegration of a patient's sense of self.  Harvey Chochinov, a Canadian psychiatrist who specializes in palliative care, is widely credited with putting forth the theory behind—and the practice of—dignity therapy. Dignity is synonymous with terms such as self-esteem, self-worth, and self-respect—it is a complex and multifactorial concept that encompasses physical independence, cognitive acuity, self-pride, and autonomy. Among patients with terminal conditions, the undermining of dignity often results from psychiatric symptoms including anxiety and depression, worry and guilt and a sense of hopelessness. Moreover, loss of a sense of meaning, feelings of burdening others, spiritual distress, and loss of dignity have been found to correlate with patients' requests for hastened death. It is believed that existential distress experienced by dying patients, manifesting as various cognitive and affective states and by the symptoms mentioned above, threatens both the meaning given to life and the coherence of one's sense of personhood. Dignity therapy strives to address these problems. Dignity therapy is a brief, individualized intervention designed to engender a sense of meaning and purpose among patients with terminal illness, thereby reducing distress in this patient population. At its core, it offers patients an opportunity to speak about issues that matter to them most and about the aspects of their lives they wish to be remembered for. [SOURCE]

September 27, 2023 | Older Adults in the Emergency Department |Older adults present to the emergency department (ED) more frequently and experience longer lengths of stay, misdiagnosis, and adverse events compared to their younger counterparts. Dr. Kayla Furlong will share some of her academic and research work on her area of expertise, geriatric emergency medicine. Dr. Furlong will discuss results of recent research projects investigating the under-triage of older adults in the emergency department, her work on 'community emergency' patients in the ED, and results from a recent systematic review on re-visit rates of patients with dementia to the ED. Dr. Furlong will also discuss the exciting work that is happening to improve older adult care in the ED in Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as her involvement and advocacy at the national level. |Presenter: Kayla Furlong, emergency medicine physician in St. John's and Carbonear, NL. 

September 20, 2023 |Bringing Health, Hope, and Humanity to stroke survivors and their families in Newfoundland and Labrador: March of Dimes Canada |March of Dimes Canada’s After Stroke Program is a personalized stroke recovery program that helps survivors and their caregivers navigate the path forward after a stroke. It aims to fill the gaps and give those affected by stroke a seamless transition from hospital to home-and beyond. |Dedicated coordinators and trained volunteers work directly with stroke survivors and their families to provide: Personalized stroke recovery plans to support their changing needs; Practical advice to help with daily living challenges; Emotional support and reassurance; Access to tools, resources, and programs in their community; Connections to other stroke survivors to help navigate the journey ahead.  The Department of Health and Community Services announced new funding to March of Dimes Canada in 2023 to expand After Stroke services to Newfoundland and Labrador. The funding is aligned with the Provincial Government’s efforts to support health promotion and wellness. It is also aligned with recommendations from Health Accord NL to improve services for stroke, cancer and cardiac disease. | March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability and creating real change to help people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives. | Presenters: Renee Cashin, the Regional Stroke Program Manager for the Eastern Urban and Rural Zones in NL Health Services. Rebecca Bourbonnais, Regional Director of Community Support Services for March of Dimes Canada. Haylee Nauss , After Stroke Coordinator for March of Dimes Canada. Len Baker, President and Chief Executive Officer​, March of Dimes Canada. 

April 4, 2023 | Lived Experiences of Older Adults Living with Type II Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM): An Exploration Using a Digital Storytelling Approach. Abdullah Saif's Ph.D. project project will use arts based digital storytelling to explore the lived experiences of patients in contexts of social, political and cultural discourses. The project is supported by SPOR (Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research) oriented research that prioritizes the patient voice.

March 30, 2023|CIHR Institutes of Aging Strategic Framework|  R. Jane Rylett, PhD, FCAHS, Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Aging | Directrice scientifique, Institut du vieillissement des IRSC Distinguished University Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Scientist, Robarts Research Institute Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario on the CIHR Institutes of Aging Strategic Framework. The CIHR Institute of Aging’s (IA)  Strategic Research Plan 2019-2021 recently came to an end.  The IA launched a new strategic planning process to identify priorities for research on aging in Canada to align research priorities in aging with the new CIHR Strategic Plan 2021-2031: A Vision for a Healthier Future.


October 21 2022 at 1230pm |Developing Curriculum for Graduate Student Course on Aging in Faculty of Medicine | Dr. Shree Mulay and Dr. Gerry Mugford of Memorial University's Faculty of Medicine seek input from the Research Exchange Group on Aging as they develop a new course for graduate students in Community Health & Humanities on Critical Studies in Aging.

October 27 2022 at 1230pm |Building Capacity & bridging gaps: An Atlantic Canada Research Collaboration on Long-Term Care | Dr. Janice Keefe, Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Studies and Gerontology at Mount Saint Vincent University, will provide an overview of her research on residents and staff in long-term care in Nova Scotia and describe the ways this research can inform practice/policy. She will share a vision of an innovative, inter-provincial Atlantic Canadian research collaboration focused on long-term care that will generate much needed evidence for planning and building research capacity in the region. About our Presenter: Janice Keefe, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Studies and Gerontology at Mount Saint Vincent University. She holds the Lena Isabel Jodrey Chair in Gerontology and is Director of the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging.  

November 24 2022 at 1230pm | Value-Based Advance Care Planning | Death is an inescapable but unifying human experience. The journey there, however, is uniquely personal.  Value-based advance care planning is a process that can support one’s journey, ensuring who they are is reflected in their care plan. As part of MSW Pathways project, Alison Judd has created an educational module to improve healthcare professional’s communication and understanding for value-based advance care planning. Improving healthcare professional’s communication around death, dying and value-based advance care planning is the primary goal of the education module.  

April 7, 2022 | 12:30pm to 2:00pm NT | Beyond Retirement: Older Adults’ Contribution to Community Building and Empowerment in Newfoundland and Labrador with Dr. Paul Issahaku, School of Social Work, Memorial University | Over the past two decades, there has been a corresponding increase in research on older Canadians. Unfortunately, this research, which is predominantly quantitative in nature, has focused almost exclusively on poverty, health challenges, and on the healthcare needs of older Canadians.  This study aims to highlight the strengths and agency of older adults by exploring how, post-retirement, they contribute to building and empowering their communities. Dr. Paul Issahaku outlined the purpose and focus of the study. which is supported by a SSHRC Explore grant.

April 13, 2022 | 12:30pm Advance Care Planning: Improving care by thinking ahead |Alison Judd, MSW student, Memorial University now working with the Palliative Care Program in Western Health | Advance Care Planning (ACP) is more than just a written document listing what medical procedures one is willing to endure or who they have chosen to make medical decisions on their behalf. Advance care planning is a process that evolves through conversations, experiences, and reflection. ACP also presents a unique opportunity to have a better picture and understanding of who each patient is, not just by their diagnosis.  Alison Judd is developing an educational module on ‘Improving Advance Care Planning Conversations for Front Line Health Professionals’. 

May 26, 2022 | 12:30pm to 2:00pm NT | An Interprofessional Model of Care for Frail Older Adults in Newfoundland and Labrador with Dr. Susan Mercer

March 15, 2022| 1:00pm - 2:00pm NT| Agesim | A special (FREE) presentation on Ageism  with Henry Kielley, Director of the Seniors and Aging Division of the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador


September 15, 2021 | Planning meeting for 2021-2022. 

September 20, 2021 | An Introduction to the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development with the Honourable John Abbott, Minister, and Susan Walsh, Deputy Minister.

October  27, 2021 | 12:30pm NST | Via Zoom | The Aging Well Project in Western Health and Eastern Health with Stephanie Ryland BSW, MSW, RSW, Aging Well Social Work Lead in Corner Brook. The Aging Well Project, which started in September 2020 and is underway in both Western and Eastern Health.

November 17, 2021 | Dysphagia and Oral Health: Implementing a modified Free-Water Protocol in long- | Dr. Roberta Didonato and Ms. Cindy Holden, RDH, MPH will discuss the NL- SPOR funded study which they conducted at the Pleasant View Towers long-term care (LTC) setting in Newfoundland and Labrador. The study examined the practicality of implementing a modified free-water protocol with oral hygiene care for older adult residents with varying levels of swallowing difficulties. The researchers will highlight how the project illuminated a number of factors related to the oral care of older adults, and revealed the many practical and ethical challenges inherent in conducting research within a long-term care setting.

December 16, 2021  12noon NST| Supporting a Home First Philosophy in the delivery of community based health services | Deena Waddleton, Manager of Community Health Planning and Joanne Rose, Health Consultant with the Department of Health and Community Services, Government NL will speak about provincial policies and porgrams to support aging in place for older adults in Newfoundland and Labrador.

January 28, 2021 | Update from the Seniors' Advocate for Newfoundland and Labrador | Dr. Suzanne Brake | The Office of the Seniors' Advocate is an independent office of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador. This Office has authority to identify, review and analyze systemic issues related to seniors and make recommendations respecting changes to improve seniors' services.  The COVID-19 pandemic has had enormous consequences for the lives of seniors. As the Seniors' Advocate for NL, Dr. Brake discussed the role of advocacy during this unprecedented time. |  Link to Recommendations 

March 25, 2021 | Hearing & Listening in Older Adults | Dr. Sarah Sauve | This presentation covered how hearing and listening change as we age, with a focus on the cognitive aspects of these changes. Dr. Sauve discussed a wide range of literature on the topic, including speech in noise and music perception, as well as spoke about some of her work in the Cognitive Aging and Auditory Neuroscience Lab at MUN, which focuses on music perception in older adults. Dr. Sarah Sauve is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Cognitive Aging and Auditory Neuroscience Lab at Memorial under the supervision of Dr. Benjamin Zendel. Her work focuses on music perception in older adults as well as the neural correlates of tonality and learning. She completed her PhD at Queen Mary University of London with Dr. Marcus Pearce and is a graduate of the MUN School of Music, where she studied piano with Timothy Steeves.

April 20, 2021 | The NL Health Accord Committee on the Aging Population | Joan Marie Aylward (Committee Chair) and Dr. Robert Wilson (Co-Chair) | This meeting provided an opportunity for the Research Exchange Group on Aging to learn about the work of the NL Health Accord's Committee on the Aging Population and to offer feedback about priorities and concerns. Six committees have now been established for the Task Force on Healthcare, known as Health Accord NL. Individual Chairs have been appointed to lead each committee on a volunteer basis. Dedicated to supporting healthy living in Newfoundland and Labrador, Health Accord NL will reimagine the health care system in order to best deliver services to meet the needs of people in communities across the province. Health Accord NL will focus on the social determinants of health, or the social and economic factors that influence people’s health. The Accord will be developed in consultation with all stakeholders, prioritizing engagement with various groups – including Indigenous leaders and healthcare professionals.

May 26, 2021 | ElderDog Canada- Starting a Pawd in NL | Please join us for a conversation with leaders from ElderDog Canada and members of the Research Exchange Groups on Aging and on Human-Animal Interaction and Wellness to discuss what would be required to start an ElderDog Pawd in NL.

May 27, 2021 | The Underreporting of Elder Abuse | Dr. Kelly Warren, Associate Professor, Psychology, Grenfell Campus | Dr. Warren is an associate professor in the psychology program at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University, with research interests in the intersection between psychology and law. Recognizing the problems that exist for children and those aged 65+ who witness or experience crimes, Dr. Warren's work is dedicated to learning why individuals of these ages struggle remembering their experiences, why they are hesitant to report negative experiences, and to developing procedures that can help child and older adult witnesses and victims testify. She presented her ARC-NL-funded research assessing the reasons why older adults fail to report maltreatment. This included preliminary findings of a study assessing older adults' opinions regarding behaviours that constitute maltreatment and perceptions of how they believe underreporting varies as a function of the type of maltreatment, the gender of the victim, and perpetrator characteristics. | Initiatives to Address Elder Abuse: Memorial University + Seniors NL | Kelly Heisz, Executive Director, Seniors NL | Kelly Heisz is the Executive Director of Seniors NL, a non-profit, charitable, voluntary organization dedicated to promoting the independence and well-being of older adults in Newfoundland and Labrador through the provision of information as well as various programs and services. Kelly outlined the unique services to seniors and those that support them through Seniors NL in bringing awareness of and action on elder abuse through the NL Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.

2020 and Prior

September 24, 2020 | Caring for the Care Partner | Dr. Veronica Hutchings | This presentation was directed towards care partners of persons with dementia. The session provided an introduction to the brain and dementia, as well as highlighted the importance of self-care for the care partner. Dr. Veronica Hutchings is a registered psychologist and Director of the Aging Research Centre– Newfoundland and Labrador (ARC-NL) at Memorial University, based at the Grenfell Campus. Prior to moving to her hometown of Corner Brook, she worked at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, NS where she collaborated closely with the ASNS developing and offering programs for persons with early stage dementia and their families. |  Link to Presentation |

October 22, 2020 | SmART Aging Project | Karen Tulk, Western Health | Nurse educators at Western Regional School of Nursing partnered with a community-based arts program for older adults. Dubbed "SmART Aging," the program was designed to help maintain and improve cognitive fitness for older adults with mild to moderate frailty or mild to moderate cognitive decline. Participants in the program will be provided the opportunity to stay socially connected through in-person or virtual participation in arts-based activities to lessen the risk of developing dementia, maintain cognitive health, promote engagement and fulfillment, and improve overall quality of life. Participants and artists will be recruited to participate in this project. The SmArt aging research project is a collaborative effort of Gros Morne Summer Music, Western Health and the Western Regional School of Nursing and is supported by a SPARK grant. SPARK grants are made available by the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CABHI). |  Link to Program Information |

November 26, 2020 | Barriers and Enablers to Deprescribing Medications | Dr. Justin Turner, Senior Advisor on Science Strategy for the Canadian Deprescribing Network and Sarah Mackey, CHRSP Research Officer, NLCAHR | Medications carry with them benefits and risks for our health. On one hand, they allow us to prevent and treat disease, alleviate symptoms and extend our lives. On the other hand, some medications can expose patients to risks that outweigh their benefits for example when medications are no longer useful or when multiple medications are involved. The use of multiple medications, known as polypharmacy, is especially concerning for older patients, as it is associated with negative health outcomes, such as falls, adverse drug reactions, hospitalization, increased length of stay in hospital and even mortality. Deprescribing is a solution proposed to address the use of unnecessary or inappropriate medications through the process of safely stopping or reducing harmful or unnecessary medication. Given the importance of this issue in NL, provincial health system partners asked the Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program (CHRSP) team to examine high-level research evidence that identifies barriers and enablers to deprescribing. | Link to Report |

December 17, 2020 | The Experienced Workers Program | Lori Sheppard, St. John's Board of Trade, and Mike Kehoe, Older Workers NL | The presenters discussed a new program at the St. John's Board of Trade helps seniors who want to work re-enter the workforce. The program is profiled in this news article.

February 11, 2020 | Learn to Lipread Online | Alison Butler MER, COHC, Coordinator of Education and Awareness, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Newfoundland and Labrador (CHHA-NL) | Butler discused a new online course with community health in mind–the first of its kind in Canada. Read Our Lips is an innovative social enterprise supported by Metro Business Opportunities (MBO) that will contribute to the programs & services of the CHHA-NL. | Link to Program Information

November 20, 2019 | Understanding Dementia | Jessica Flynn, Alzheimer Society NL | Flynn spoke to us about new and established programs that support people with dementia and their caregivers. She also discussed the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia, some common misconceptions about aging and dementia, and communication tips when talking to loved ones with dementia and how to maintain good brain health. | Link to Presentation

October 16, 2019 | Intergenerational Learning | Rebecca Law, Joanne Smith Young, and Lisa Little | This two-year study (2016-2018) brought together undergraduate pharmacy students and community-dwelling seniors (living in the greater St. John’s area, Newfoundland, Canada), who were either living independently and participating in Seniors NL (formerly the Seniors Resource Centre) activities, or living in a nursing home. The project integrated teaching via community presentations by students with intergenerational learning via informal dialogue. Students and seniors learned from one another about health and wellness, focusing on disease management issues. | Link to Presentation |

September 25 2019 | Award-winning research projects funded in the inaugural Aging Research NL (ARC-NL) Awards

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Maintaining Brain Health from Birth Through Aging | Dr. Sukhinder Cheema
  • Improving Awareness and Access to Services for Seniors with Early Dementia | Dr. Karen Parsons|  Link to Research |
  • Evaluating the Association with Benzodiazepine Use and Adverse Outcomes in Seniors | Dr. Gerald Mugford
  • Evaluating Pain Intensity Levels During Post-Operative Care in Seniors | Dr. Roberta DiDonato |  Link to Research 
  • Understanding Barriers to Reporting and Facilitating Disclosure of Maltreatment of Older Adults | Dr. Kelly Warren |  Link to Research |

January 9, 2019 | Connections for Seniors | Mohamed Abdallah and Amanda Devlin, Connections for Seniors, NL | The presenters spoke about how this initiative, located in St. John's, provides emergency accommodations and services to adults 55 years of age and older with a view to promoting dignity and self-efficacy, while helping seniors navigate complex systems linked to health, housing, legal and financial matters that ultimately impact their quality of life. | Link to Slides |

February 13, 2019 | The Schlegel Villages Program | Susan Brown, Lora Bruyn-Martin, and Scott Mitchell, University of Waterloo | The Schlegel Villages program provides housing for seniors with dementia, supported by the Research Institute for Aging at the University of Waterloo and new Knowledge Translation approaches that support health aging research. | Link to Presentation |

March 27, 2019 | Dementia-Friendly Environments in Long-Term Care | Michael Kary, Director of Policy and Research, BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) | Kary presented on the importance of creating dementia-friendly environments in long-term care. Along with highlighting recommendations on dementia care from BCCPA papers such as Strengthening Seniors Care (2017), Kary provided an overview of various dementia-care models. Models to be highlighted include Dementia Villages and Butterfly Care Homes - the latter of which is being implemented in some Canadian communities and was the subject of an article entitled the Butterfly Effect. Kary also discussed a new project that the BCCPA is undertaking with the Alzheimer’s Society of BC looking at making care homes more dementia-friendly, including focusing on changes to the physical environment and staffing in long-term care. | Link to Presentation |

March 28, 2019 | CAGP Programs and Intiatives | Drs. Kerri-Leigh Cassidy and Dallas Seitz, Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP) | The presenters provided an overview of the CAGP's programs and initiatives to support seniors' mental health in Canada | Link to Presentation |

January 2019 | Animal Model of Alzheimer's Disease | Dr. Carolyn Harley | Dr. Harley presented on a new animal model of Alzheimer's Disease that looks at the functions of a brain area implicated in the changes of aging. This brain area relates to arousal, sleep, and waking and also to learning and memory | Link to Presentation |

January 17, 2018 | Learning and Memory Performance in Older Adults | Dr. Roberta DiDonato | Dr. DiDonato, a researcher on aging and cognition who works as a speech/swallowing therapist in LTC at Eastern Health, discussed her NL-HARP-funded project: Do visual enhancements of healthcare instructions improve learning and memory performance in older adults? |

February 21, 2018 | CMHA-NL Programs for Seniors' Mental Health | Heather Pollett

March 21, 2018 | Exploring Pathways Across the Care Continuum | Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) | Webinar presentation on Seniors in Transition: Exploring Pathways Across the Care Continuum |

April 18, 2018 | Family Caregiver Experiences in Rural Newfoundland and Labrador | Mei Li, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Medicine | Mei Li presented her NL-HARP-funded project: Family Caregiver Experiences in Rural Newfoundland and Labrador: The Challenge of Patient Relocation to Receive Treatment |

May 16, 2018 | Pilot Project for Age-Friendly Communities | Dr. Elizabeth Russell, Trent University, and Dr. Mark Skinner, Canada Research Chair in Rural Aging, Health and Social Care | The presenters discussed a pilot project that will inform a large multi-year multi-province project on Age-Friendly Communities. This work stems from Dr. Russell’s PhD research, which was funded by NLCAHR. | Link to Presentation |

September 20, 2018 | Provincial Home Support Program Review | Annette Bridgeman and Joanne Rose, policy consultants with the Department of Health & Community Services, Government NL | The presenters discussed a recent review of the Provincial Home Support Program as it relates to homecare workers for seniors. | Link to Presentation |

October 11, 2018 | An Update on the Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Studies on Aging | Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Director of Aging Research Centre (ARC) | Dr. Hutchings provided an update on the creation of this new venture. Much has been achieved to date in developing research capacity and output on aging in this province; however, the key step of creating a dedicated centre for studies on aging at Memorial University had, until now, remained to be taken. | Link to ARC Website |

November 7, 2018 | Exploring the Intersections of Age and Sexuality: Concerns Among LGBTQ+ Older Adults about Moving from Independent Living to Residential Care | Rebecca Matthews, Master's in Aging and Health, Queen's University | Matthews' Master's research involved a scoping review of the literature. This research was the subject of a poster presentation at the International Federation of Aging 14th Global Conference in Toronto. |  Link to Research

December 5, 2018 | Outreach and Advocacy to Promote Healthy Aging in NL | Dr. Suzanne Brake, Seniors' Advocate for Newfoundland and Labrador | Link to Presentation |

October 18, 2017 | Dietary Inflammatory Index and Colorectal Cancer Patients' Survival | Ishor Sharma, M.Sc. (Medicine/Community Health) | Sharma presented on his NL-HARP-funded research project on the Dietary Inflammatory Index and its impact on colorectal cancer patients’ survival: a population-based cohort study in Newfoundland and Labrador |

November 15, 2017 | Gerontological Perspectives on Music in Long-Term Care | Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Psychologist and Assistant Professor, Memorial University (Grenfell Campus) | 

March 15, 2017 | Roundtable to Inform the New Newfoundland and Labrador Seniors' Advocate | Service NL |  Link to Presentation |

March 22, 2017 | Research Presentations | Dr. Gail Wideman "It Takes a Village: Palliative and End of Life care in Rural NL" and Dr. Daryl Pullman: "Ethical Reflections on Medically Assisted Dying." | 

April 12, 2017 | Housing Affordability Among Senior Residents in St. John's | Sinikka Okkola |  Link to Presentation |

May 17, 2017 | The Female Aging Body | Dr. Erin Cameron | "The Female Aging Body (FAB) Project: Understanding Perspectives on Health, Body Image, and the Aging Body to Inform Healthy Aging Policy and Practice."  

May 24, 2017 | Acute Care Deaths in Eastern Health | Dr. Susan MacDonald "Deaths in Acute Care in Eastern Health: the Case for Palliative Care." |

January 18, 2017 | Patient Engagement and NL Support | Dr. Catherine Street | Link to Presentation |

January 18, 2016| Aging Nurses with Chronic Disease | Dr. Sue Ann Mandeville Anstey | 

February 10, 2016 | Diabetes Care Programing at Central Health and Western Health | Kelli O'Brien (Western Health) and Heather Brown (Central Health) | Link to Presentation

March 16, 2016 | BMI and Developmental Trajectories for Older Canadian Populations | Meng Wang | Link to Presentation

May 18, 2016 | Research Presentation & Program Overview | Amanda George | "The Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Functioning and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood" & Seniors' Resource Centre NL Program Overview | Link to Presentation |

June 15, 2016 | Osteoarthritis | Jennifer Woodrow (researcher) and Jennifer Henning, Arthritis Society NL | 

September 21, 2016 | Themes in Aging Research: Group Discussion | 

October 19, 2016 | National Falls Prevention Conference: Planning Session | 

October 21, 2015 | Supporting Independence for Persons with Dementia, a CHRSP Study | Dr. Neena Chappell and Dr. David Speed | Link to Results | 

November 18, 2015 | Reducing Anti-Psychotic Use in Long-Term Care | Kelli O'Brien (Western Health) and Heather Brown (Central Health) |  Link to Presentation | 

November 16, 2016 | Falls Prevention Conference Overview | Dr. Jeanette Byrne |

May 20, 2015 | Telegerontology for Seniors | Dr. Roger Butler |  Link to Presentation |

April 15, 2015 | Research Presentations |  Elizabeth Russell: Age-Friendly Communities and Stephen Czarnuch: Assistive Technologies for Seniors | 

March 18, 2015 | Western Health's Restorative Care Program | Kelli O'Brien | Link to Presentation

March 18, 2015 | Remote Fall Detection for Seniors | Mohammed Ahmed and Reza Shahidi |  Link to Presentation |  | 

June 17, 2014 | Fall Prevention for Seniors in Institutional Healthcare Settings | Rob Kean, Research Officer, Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program (CHRSP) |  Link to Results|

February 26, 2014 | HIV and Aging Workshop | Thomas Ergdorf and Gerard Yetman (Facilitators) |  Link to Presentation| |

December 11, 2014 | Health Innovation for an Aging Population | Dr. Anne Snowdon | Link to ResearchLink to Presentation | 

November, 2013 | Developing a Data Inventory for Healthy Aging Research | Dr. John Knight |  Link to Research |  Link to Presentation | 

 Publications by Members

The Impact of Relocation on Adults with Mild to Moderate Dementia  (See Page 6) Kelli O’Brien (Western Health), Judith Wells (Western Regional School of Nursing), Darlene Welsh, (Western Health), Carla Wells (Western Regional School of Nursing), and Leslie Cake Memorial University (Grenfell Campus).


Link to Group Presentations & Resources on Aging Research