Frequently Asked Questions

No problem! This initiative is created with the goal of helping more students get started on their ideas. You can fill out the Expression of Interest form by clicking "Sign up now" and we’ll help guide you from there. You can also meet with an MCE startup coach anytime to discuss your idea and next steps. 

Diversity in teams is a key driver of success - not only gender diversity, but diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and skill sets. We certainly encourage diverse teams to apply, however for this specific competition, the business must be at least 50% owned by a Memorial student who identifies in one of the following categories: cis-woman, trans-woman, trans-man, non-binary, other marginalized gender, and who is in a lead role with the company. The lead applicant/presenter must also fit this criteria.
If no ownership structure is yet in place, the lead applicant/presenter must be a key part of the leadership team and have a reasonable expectation to own at least 50% of the company as it grows.

The Lean Canvas is essentially a one-page business plan that allows a high-level overview of your business idea. It provides an entrepreneur a faster approach to analyzing key aspects of their business model without diving into a full business plan.
MCE’s startup coaches and training sessions can help you on your way to completing your own lean canvas.

Research shows that women (*though could also apply to other marginalized genders) typically want to know they have the required skills and knowledge before taking the leap into entrepreneurship. If you’d like to attend the training sessions to build your skills and learn more about starting a business and pitching in a competition, please feel free! (Simply fill out the Expression of Interest form by clicking "Sign up now"). Once you attend the sessions, you may just have the confidence to take the next step! At any point, you can also meet with an MCE startup coach to help you prepare, and reach out to MCE ( with any questions or concerns you have about the process.

The training sessions are a great way to improve your knowledge and skills in different areas of entrepreneurship. While they are not mandatory to enter the competition, it is likely that participants who avail of training, resources and support from MCE will be better prepared. If you’d like to attend the training sessions but there is a schedule clash, they will be recorded and sent out to all registered participants. View the training session schedule.