
The ISRC offers Indigenous students (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) a variety of services to assist them academically and financially. 

Indigenous Student Services

Tutoring and Referral Services
Tutoring services are available through the ISRC to all Indigenous students, whether you are a first-year having a hard time in math class or a fourth-year looking to boost your GPA in preparation for the next leg of your education journey. We can also assist you in accessing services outside the ISRC through referral to the on-campus units and student support services such as Academic Advising, the Blundon Centre, the Writing Centre, etc. You can also apply to provide tutoring services. At the beginning of each semester the ISRC makes a call for tutors which is open to any student currently enrolled at Memorial.

Student Scholarships
Between a part-time job that just doesn’t pay enough and studying for your next exam, hunting down scholarships and staying on top of submission deadlines can end up at the bottom of the priority heap. Fortunately the ISRC has developed an extensive (but not complete!) Scholarship Booklet which lists over 50 internal and external scholarships, bursaries and grants available to Indigenous students.

Don’t think you are quite qualified enough for a scholarship? Apply anyway, there’s always a chance. Plus, it’s a really great skill-building practice, and it helps you keep a current record of your accomplishments and activities ready for the time you hear about a great scholarship six hours before the submission deadline. Always double check your application and the requirements because sometimes something like forgetting a signature to include in your transcript can disqualify you or lose you that one point that would have swung the decision in your favour.

Opportunity Sharing
Who knew university could be so busy with so many opportunities!? When it comes to keeping track the ISRC has your back. We keep our ears to the ground and make every effort to share events and opportunities that may be useful or of interest to Indigenous students. This includes ISRC offered programs and services, employment and scholarship opportunities, community and cultural events, conferences, and more!

To stay up to date email us at to get on our listserv, and follow us on Facebook. If you hear of something you think we should share, please forward it to us.

Photocopier, Computers, and Fax Machine Use
Are your roommates making a racket so you can’t work from home? Waiting for your laptop to dry because the kids spilled something mysterious on it? Drop by the Indigenous Student House and check out our computer lab! Bright and comfortable, it is equipped with seven computers, space to set up a laptop, and a printer/photocopier. We also have a fax machine available. These may be accessed on a drop-in basis; booking ahead is not necessary.

Refrigerator, Microwave, Coffee, and Tea
Whether you need a caffeine fix, the chance to relax with a cup of tea, or somewhere to nuke your lunch, the ISRC will improve your on-campus subsistence habits. The Indigenous Student House is equipped with a full kitchen and eating space–a refrigerator and microwave are available for student use, and the coffee and tea are complimentary at all times. This is a communal space, so please do what you can to help keep the kitchen clean.

Study and Work Space
The ISRC has multiple work and study spaces available to you. We have a computer lab, a social room, a quiet space and a multipurpose room which may be used by students when they are not being used for scheduled programming. For more information please drop by the ISRC, check out our page, or email