ISRC Scholarship Guide

ISRC Scholarship Booklet

The ISRC has developed an extensive (but not complete!) Scholarship Booklet which lists over 50 internal and external scholarships, bursaries and grants available to Indigenous students. This booklet is updated annually.

If you require assistance with the scholarship process, please contact

Tips for Scholarship Applications

  1. Apply! Thousands of dollars in scholarship money across Canada goes unclaimed each year. You may think you aren't qualified, but you never know. As the saying goes, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.  

  2. Meet all application deadlines. Make a note of scholarship deadlines, if you miss a deadline, even by just one day, you may not be considered. Note the closing date of scholarships you would like to apply for, put them in your planner, write them in a calendar, create reminders in your phone - do whatever works for you, and if you need to, create another deadline that is earlier than the closing date to remind yourself to work on that application!

  3. Gather application materials early. This is where that second earlier deadline comes in handy. Give yourself plenty of time to complete each step - this includes asking for letters of recommendation, updating your CV, and the awkward task of writing about yourself. Applications that have been rushed look sloppy, and incomplete applications probably won’t be accepted. 

  4. Request letters of recommendation early. Some applications require letters of recommendation. Think carefully about who should write these letters and choose people who can speak to your strengths and ability to overcome your weaknesses (letters from family members are usually not appropriate). Give your recommenders no less than two weeks notice so they have time to write the letter. Be prepared to provide them with additional information about yourself or the scholarship. Make sure to follow up with your recommender to assure that your letter was submitted.

  5. Write a great essay. Think carefully about the question being asked and use this opportunity to tell the selection committee things about you that might not be shown elsewhere in the application. Provide details, this is where you set yourself apart from all the other students with similar GPAs. Get help with editing for grammar and spelling, if you can have a friend of family member review your essay. 

  6. Talk yourself up. Applications will often ask you to talk about what you do with your time. As uncomfortable as this may feel, this is the time to brag. Tell them about recognitions and awards you've received. Emphasize activities that show your talents and passions, especially things that demonstrate your ability to lead, take initative, and care for your community. If there are obstacles in your life, share them, demonstrate your persistence and strength in the face of adversity. Don't underestimate yourself - employment and family responsibilities can say a lot in your favor as well.

  7. Review your application before submitting. Make sure your application is complete and no pieces are missing. Incomplete applications are usually disqualified from the selection process. Dedicate time to proofreading; spelling, grammar and sentence structure are very important in any kind of scholarship application. Follow any limits given, if a 2 pages is the limit for an essay avoid going over.

  8. Keep trying. Continue applying for scholarships even if you don’t win any right away. Save copies of every application that you complete so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.


Other Scholarship Resources

Memorial University Scholarships and Awards Office - Learn more about undergraduate scholarships and eligibility, and other financial processes through the Scholarships and Awards Office page. This office administers entrance and undergraduate scholarships, bursaries and awards; processes loan documents for students from the United States and from other Canadian provinces other than Newfoundland and Labrador, and provides liaison services between those students and their provincial loan offices.

Memorial University Graduate Scholarships and Awards - Thinking of graduate studies, or already a graduate student? There are plenty of scholarships, awards, and funding opportunities available!

Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool


Scholarships Canada