Our Team
Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous)
Catharyn Andersen
Vice-president (Indigenous) | Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous)
Vice-president (Indigenous) | Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous)
The vice-president (Indigenous) upholds a university-wide mandate to support Indigenous education broadly across the university, encouraging respectful engagement and relationship building with Indigenous peoples and communities, and supporting the success of Indigenous students across Memorial University. More information
T: 709-864-6260 |
E: vpindigenous@mun.ca |
O: A-2021 |

April White
Administrative Secretary | Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous)
Administrative Secretary | Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous)
T: 709-864-6260 |
E: awhite@mun.ca |
O: A-2021 |

Meng Zhu
Coordinator, Finance and Administration | Office of the Vice President (Indigenous)
Coordinator, Finance and Administration | Office of the Vice President (Indigenous)
T: 709-864-4052 |
E: mengz@mun.ca |
O: IIC-2002 |
Office of Indigenous Affairs

Kelly Butler
Interim Director, Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation | Office of Indigenous Affairs
Interim Director, Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation | Office of Indigenous Affairs
T: 709-864-8195 |
E: kelly.butler@mun.ca |
O: IIC-2002 |

Ivan J White
Indigenous Education Specialist | Office of Indigenous Affairs
Indigenous Education Specialist | Office of Indigenous Affairs
E: ijwhite@mun.ca |

Joanne Harris
Indigenous Resource Development Coordinator | Indigenous Affairs
Indigenous Resource Development Coordinator | Indigenous Affairs
T: 709-864-8053 |
E: joanne.harris@mun.ca |
O: IIC-2002A |
Indigenous Student Resource Centre

Valeri Pilgrim
Manager | Indigenous Student Resource Centre
Manager | Indigenous Student Resource Centre
T: 709-864-3495 |
E: vpilgrim@mun.ca |
O: Juniper House, BP-2005 |

Katie Hayward
Indigenous Student Wellness Navigator | Indigenous Student Resource Centre
Indigenous Student Wellness Navigator | Indigenous Student Resource Centre
T: 709-864-3716 |
E: kmhayward@mun.ca |
O: IIC-2002A |

Sonya Clarke Casey
Indigenous Student Academic Advising Officer | Indigenous Student Resource Centre
Indigenous Student Academic Advising Officer | Indigenous Student Resource Centre
T: 709-864-8137 |
E: sclarkecasey@mun.ca |
O: Juniper House, BP-2002 |
Grenfell Campus

Kristen Pittman
Manager | Indigenous Affairs
Manager | Indigenous Affairs
T: 709-639-4606 |
E: kepittman@mun.ca |
O: AS-278 |

Robert Park
Indigenous Student Success Coordinator | Indigenous Affairs
Indigenous Student Success Coordinator | Indigenous Affairs
T: 709-637-3019 |
E: k05rbp@mun.ca |
O: AS-278 |