ICP-MS Contact and Access


Ines Nobre Silva Dr. InĂªs Nobre Silva
Research Laboratory Coordinator I
Email: inobre@mun.ca
Phone: 709-864-4037
Office: ER5028
Lab: ER5040


The ICP-MS lab is located in room ER5040 on the 5th floor the Earth Sciences Building.

The ICP-MS lab has a well supported infrastructure including a number of clean rooms, acid distillation, rock crushing/mineral separation and computer facilities.


Memorial's ICP-MS lab is used by faculty and students throughout the University. 

Commercial work is accepted from external clients throughout the world. For solution-ICPMS we offer a set of analytical packages that are carried out on a routine basis, with submitted samples handled by appropriate technical staff on a straightforward cost-for-service basis.


Contact and Location
Analyses Available
Booking Calendar