NMR Contact and Location

The NMR facility is now located in the atrium of the Core Science Building.

Both 300 and 600 NMR are located in room CSF1225. There is free access to the room every weekday (MWTF 9-5, Tuesday 10-5). Access after hours and during the weekend may be granted to advanced users.

The 500 NMR is located in Chemsitry, in  room C1027. The door is always closed and required card access.

Basic maintenance is scheduled every Tuesday morning from 9 to 11. This means that I'm generally not available during that time, sorry!

Dr. CĂ©line Schneider


Adjunct Professor in Chemistry
Research Laboratory Associate
Email: cmschnei@mun.ca
Phone: 709-864-3134 / labs: x3435
Office: CSF1225
Labs: CSF1224

Instruments / Experiments
Access and Sample Submission
NMR Training
Data Access and Processing
Contact and Location
Health and Safety