Classics student travel fund

Nov 1st, 2021

Janet Harron

Classics student travel fund

Applications are invited to the newly established Classics Student Travel Fund. Undergraduate majors and minors in Classics and MA students in Classics at Memorial University are eligible to apply.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. However, applicants are advised to apply at least 1 month prior to the proposed travel date. The maximum amount available for any given project is $1500. The amount awarded may be significantly less, depending on the number of eligible applications, the quality of the project, and the justification of the proposed expenses. All reimbursement for travel expenses will require the submission of original receipts.

Valid uses of the funds include:

• Travel to attend and/or participate in an academic conference

• Travel to work on an archaeological excavation

• Travel to conduct research on a Classics-related topic. Such research may include visits to archaeological sites, museum collections, and/or library collections.

Your application should include:

• A description and justification of the proposed travel with discussion of the research project along with any relevant bibliography (approx. 500 words)

• A proposed budget (maximum 1 page)

Criteria include the relevance of the topic to the study of classical antiquity; the quality and originality of the project; the feasibility of the proposed travel as a means of advancing the research.

Completed applications should be sent as a pdf document to Luke Roman, Head, Department of Classics: