Chemistry 4151

Winter 2020

Analytical Separations and Organic Mass Spectrometry

Instructor:  Dr. Christina Bottaro Office: C4010 Phone: 864-8088
Office Hours: 

Lab Instructor:
Yvette Favaro-Park Office: C4001 Phone: 864-8743

No Text. Course content will consist of assigned readings and course lecture notes. Notes and group communications will be made available on Brightspace (D2L).

Reference: Quantitative Chemical Analysis - Daniel Harris
 MWF 10:00-10:50 PM Room: C2026
Dedicated Lab Time: Friday, 2:00 - 4:50 PM Rm C5009

Please note this course is a cross-listed course - Chem 4151 and Chem 6151 (graduate level). Information for both with be posted on this page. Notes for the first section will be provided in class but other necessary

Note: There are no labs for the graduate students and the undergraduates will have a lab project - syllabus for details.

This course will focus on advances in the traditional chromatographic techniques, the development of new analytical tools in separation science, the interfacing of mass spectrometers to chromatographic instruments, and other mass spectrometric techniques. There is no assigned text.

All written submissions should be 12 pt font, double spaced and 1 inch margins.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence in any instance and applies to all submissions for grades or academic credit.

It is important that you clearly understand all the definitions of plagiarism and avoid it in all instances. The commission of plagiarism whether intentional or unintentional (i.e. not understanding what constitutes plagiarism) may result in failure in the course and/or more severe academic penalty. Have a look at