Undeclared Undergraduates
Students normally declare a Chemistry Major when they have completed 10 courses (30 credit hours) or have equivalent AP credits, but may be accepted as a chemistry major early, depending on their grades and courses completed. The Department will be happy to discuss our programmes with first year students at any time.
First year courses normally taken by prospective majors are:
Chemistry 1050 and 1051 or Chemistry 1010, 1050 and 1051
Note that 1010 is a preparatory course for students who were not able to take Chemistry 3202 (or Grade 12) in high school or who received a grade of less than 65% in those courses. Chemistry 1050 and 1051 are University level Chemistry courses.
- Mathematics 1000 and 1001
- Physics 1020 and 1021 - or Physics 1050 and 1051
- English 1080 and 1110 (or equivalent)
- Two other courses: For General or Honours in Chemistry (Biological) take BIOL 1001 and 1002
Students who intend to declare a chemistry major should contact the Chemistry Academic Program Officer at chemapo@mun.ca.
Students who have completed Chemistry 1050 or AP or IB chemistry or equivalent (We need to consider AP and IB transfer credits with Chemistry 1031 gone) are encouraged to meet with the Deputy Head, Undergraduate Studies to discuss the possibility of declaring a chemistry major before completion of Chemistry 1051.
If you do not choose your first-year courses wisely, completion of your program may be delayed because you have not completed the appropriate prerequisites for required higher level courses. Get advice early in your programme to avoid this problem!
For more information, take a look at our Undergraduate Handbook and the University Calendar.