Information for researchers

Information for researchers

 Finding your way through the research administration and services landscape can take a bit of time (and patience). This section offers information to make your trek a bit easier, starting with a summary of "who does what" in research support:

1. The Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Research is Dr. Rhonda Joy, ED2007D. All research-related questions, reviews and concerns normally go through this office. The Associate Dean's Assistant, Samantha Keats, sends out all funding opportunity announcements.

2. Get to know your Grants Facilitator (GFO) Lisa Charlong-Norris, ED2007C. Lisa will help you navigate your way through Pre-award people, portals and policies. Post-award questions and requirements go through the Faculty Finance and Administration Office, Rm2012.

3. Dr. Tana Allen is our current Acting Vice-President (Research). Research Initiatives and Services (RIS) a unit in the Research portfolio, is the hub for pre and post award administration services and tools to help researchers. David Miller is the Director of RIS and is the institutional signatory on most grants and contracts. The Researcher Portal and Project Management tools are also within this unit. Also in RIS are our contacts for internal MUN grants, Michelle Butt, and external grants, Sheri Collins and our contracts contact, Dean Strickland.