13.9 Mathematics and Statistics
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.
Students are encouraged to consult the Department regularly for specific planned offerings, semester by semester.
Placement in first-year mathematics courses at the St. John’s Campus and online is based upon a student’s pre-requisite level of proficiency in mathematics as demonstrated in a manner that is acceptable to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. This may be through credit and grades earned in recognized high school or undergraduate mathematics courses or scores earned in the University's Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) or recognized standardized examinations such as International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP), or the College Board’s Subject Area Test in Mathematics Level I (SATM1) examinations.
For detailed information regarding mathematics pre-requisites and placement requirements, see the course descriptions below and refer to the mathematics and calculus placement information provided by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at www.mun.ca/math. Students registering for first year mathematics courses at the Grenfell Campus should consult Grenfell Campus, Course Descriptions, Mathematics and Statistics for placement information.
13.9.1 Mathematics Courses
Pure and applied Mathematics courses are designated by MATH. Where the 4 digit course number is the same, students can receive credit for only one course with subject names MATH, AMAT, PMAT, STAT.
MATH 1000 Calculus I
is an introduction to differential calculus, including algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. Applications include kinematics, related rates problems, curve sketching and optimization.
MATH 1001 Calculus II
is an introduction to integral calculus, including Riemann sums and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration, improper integrals and first order differential equations. Applications include: area between curves, volumes of solids of revolution, probability functions and modelling with differential equations.
MATH 1005 Calculus for Business
is an introduction to differential calculus, including algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Applications include related rates and optimization in a business context and partial differentiation. This is a terminal course, not intended for those planning on taking further calculus courses. Business students who plan to take further calculus courses should complete MATH 1000 instead of MATH 1005.
At most 9 credit hours will be given for the successful completion of Mathematics courses at the 1000 level, excluding MATH 1001.
MATH 1006 Calculus for Life Sciences
is an introduction to differential calculus, including algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions. Applications include biomechanics, ecology, infectious diseases, physiology, and modelling.
MATH 1050 Finite Mathematics I
covers topics which include sets, logic, permutations, combinations and elementary probability.
3 credit hours in Mathematics courses, or a combination of placement test and high school mathematics scores acceptable to the department or the former MATH 103F
At most 9 credit hours will be given for the successful completion of Mathematics courses at the 1000 level, excluding MATH 1001. Students who have already obtained 6 or more credit hours in Mathematics or Statistics courses numbered 2000 or above should not register for this course, and cannot receive credit for it.
MATH 1051 Finite Mathematics II
covers topics which include elementary number theory, numeration systems, voting systems, and geometry.
MATH 1053
3 credit hours in Mathematics courses, or a combination of placement test and high school mathematics scores acceptable to the department or the former MATH 103F
At most 9 credit hours will be given for the successful completion of Mathematics courses at the 1000 level, excluding MATH 1001. Students who have already obtained 6 or more credit hours in Mathematics or Statistics courses numbered 2000 or above should not register for this course, and cannot receive credit for it.
MATH 1090 Algebra and Trigonometry
provides students with the essential prerequisite elements for the study of an introductory course in calculus. Topics include algebra, functions and their graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, polynomials, and rational functions.
a combination of placement test and high school Mathematics scores acceptable to the Department, or the former MATH 103F
At most 9 credit hours will be given for the successful completion of Mathematics courses at the 1000 level, excluding MATH 1001.
MATH 109A and 109B Introductory Algebra and Trigonometry
is a two-semester course which provides students with the essential prerequisite elements for the study of an introductory course in calculus, at a slower pace than MATH 1090. Topics include algebra, functions and their graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, polynomials, and rational functions.
a combination of placement test and high school Mathematics scores acceptable to the Department
At most 9 credit hours will be given for the successful completion of Mathematics courses at the 1000 level, excluding MATH 1001.
MATH 2000 Calculus III
is an introduction to infinite sequences and series, and to the differential and integral calculus of multivariate functions. Topics include symbolic and numerical computations in calculus using a computer algebra system, convergence of infinite series, power and Taylor series, complex numbers including Euler’s formula and radius of convergence in the complex plane, partial derivatives, optimization and Taylor series for multivariable functions, and double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
MATH 1001
MATH 2030 Mathematical Inquiry I
is a course in which students engage in mathematical investigation, and communicate the results of their work in the form of written technical reports and oral presentations. Students will study problems using both analytical methods and computational tools, such as traditional programming languages, computer algebra systems, and other forms of mathematical software.
the former MATH 2130
MATH 2050 Linear Algebra I
includes the topics: Euclidean n-space, vector operations in 2- and 3-space, complex numbers, linear transformations on n-space, matrices, determinants, and systems of linear equations.
MATH 2051 Linear Algebra II
includes the topics: real and complex vector spaces, basis, dimension, change of basis, eigenvectors, inner products, and diagonalization of Hermitian matrices.
MATH 2090 Mathematics of Finance
covers the topics: simple and compound interest and discount, forces of interest and discount, equations of value, annuities and perpetuities, amortization schedules and sinking funds, bonds and other securities, contingent payments.
MATH 2260 Ordinary Differential Equations I
introduces first and second order differential equations, systems of first order differential equations and Laplace transforms. These will be studied with both analytic techniques as well as using a computer algebra system to generate symbolic and numerical solutions. Applications include oscillatory motion and population and epidemic models.
the former MATH 3260
MATH 2000
MATH 2320 Discrete Mathematics
covers basic concepts of mathematical reasoning: logic and quantifiers, methods of proof, sets and set operations, functions and relations, equivalence relations and partial orders, countable and uncountable sets. These concepts will be illustrated through the congruence and divisibility of integers, induction and recursion, principles of counting, permutations and combinations, the Binomial Theorem, and elementary probability.
MATH 3000 Real Analysis I
covers the structure of the real numbers, sequences and limits, compactness, continuity, uniform continuity, differentiation, and the Mean Value Theorem.
MATH 3001 Real Analysis II
examines Infinite series of constants, sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence and its consequences, power series, Taylor series, Weierstrass Approximation Theorem.
MATH 3030 Mathematical Inquiry II
is a continuation of MATH 2030. It builds on, and further refines, the skills developed in that course by exposing students to more complex mathematical investigations which require advanced techniques and more sophisticated approaches.
MATH 3100 Introduction to Dynamical Systems
examines flows, stability, phase plane analysis, limit cycles, bifurcations, chaos, attractors, maps, fractals. Applications throughout.
MATH 3111 Applied Complex Analysis
examines mapping by elementary functions, conformal mapping, applications of conformal mapping, Schwartz-Christoffel transformation, Poisson integral formula, poles and zeros, Laplace transforms and stability of systems, analytic continuation.
MATH 3132 Numerical Analysis I
includes a discussion of round-off error, the solution of linear systems, iterative methods for nonlinear equations, interpolation and polynomial approximation, least squares approximation, fast Fourier transform, numerical differentiation and integration, and numerical methods for initial value problems.
MATH 3161 Ordinary Differential Equations II
examines power series solutions and the method of Frobenius, along with Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials and other special functions from mathematical physics. It also presents the existence and uniqueness theorems for initial and boundary value problems, representation of solutions of linear boundary value problems, Sturm-Liouville theory, and an introduction to the calculus of variations.
MATH 3202 Vector Calculus
deals with functions of several variables, Lagrange multipliers, vector valued functions, directional derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl, transformations, Jacobians, inverse and implicit function theorems, multiple integration including change of variables using polar, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates, Green's theorem, Stokes' theorem, divergence theorem, line integrals, arc length.
MATH 3210 Introduction to Complex Analysis
examines complex numbers, analytic functions of a complex variable, differentiation of complex functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations, complex integration, Cauchy's theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, residue theory and applications.
MATH 3240 Applied Graph Theory
examines algorithms and complexity, definitions and basic properties of graphs, Eulerian and Hamiltonian chains, shortest path problems, graph colouring, planarity, trees, network flows, with emphasis on applications including scheduling problems, tournaments, and facilities design.
MATH 3300 Set Theory
is an introduction to Mathematical Logic, functions, equivalence relations, equipotence of sets, finite and infinite sets, countable and uncountable sets, Cantor's Theorem, Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem, ordered sets, introduction to cardinal and ordinal numbers, logical paradoxes, the axiom of choice.
MATH 3303 Introductory Geometric Topology
covers graphs and the four colour problem, orientable and non-orientable surfaces, triangulation, Euler characteristic, classification and colouring of compact surfaces, basic point-set topology, the fundamental group, including the fundamental groups of surfaces, knots, and the Wirtinger presentation of the knot group.
MATH 3320 Abstract Algebra
is an introduction to groups and group homomorphisms including cyclic groups, cosets, Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups and quotient groups, introduction to rings and ring homomorphisms including ideals, prime and maximal ideals, quotient rings, integral domains and fields.
MATH 3331 Projective Geometry
includes course topics: projective space, the principle of duality, mappings in projective space, conics and quadrics.
MATH 3340 Introductory Combinatorics
includes topics: distributions, the binomial and multinomial theorems, Stirling numbers, recurrence relations, generating functions and the inclusion-exclusion principle. Emphasis will be on applications.
MATH 3370 Introductory Number Theory
examines perfect numbers and primes, divisibility, Euclidean algorithm, greatest common divisors, primes and the unique factorization theorem, congruences, cryptography (secrecy systems), Euler-Fermat theorems, power residues, primitive roots, arithmetic functions, Diophantine equations, topics above in the setting of the Gaussian integers.
MATH 4000 Lebesgue Integration
includes a review of the Riemann integral, functions of bounded variation, null sets and Lebesgue measure, the Cantor set, measurable sets and functions, the Lebesgue integral in R1 and R2, Fatou's lemma, Monotone and Dominated Convergence Theorems, Fubini's Theorem, an introduction to Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure and integration.
MATH 4001 Functional Analysis
includes metric and normed spaces, completeness, examples of Banach spaces and complete metric spaces, bounded linear operators and their spectra, bounded linear functionals and conjugate spaces, the fundamental theorems for Banach spaces including the Hahn–Banach Theorem, topology including weak and weak* topologies, introduction to Hilbert spaces.
MATH 409A/B Mathematics Honours Project
is a two-semester linked course (six credit hours) that requires the student, with supervision by a member of the department, to prepare a dissertation in an area of Mathematics. In addition to a written project, a presentation will be given by the student at the end of the second semester.
Registration in an honours or joint honours program in mathematics. MATH 3030 is recommended.
MATH 4130 Introduction to General Relativity
studies both the mathematical structure and physical content of Einstein’s theory of gravity. Topics include the geometric formulation of special relativity, curved spacetimes, metrics, geodesics, causal structure, gravity as spacetime curvature, the weak-field limit, geometry outside a spherical star, Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, Robertson-Walker cosmologies, gravitational waves, an instruction to tensor calculus, Einstein’s equations, and the stress-energy tensor.
MATH 4133 Numerical Optimization
is numerical methods for functions of one variable, for functions of several variables including unrestricted search, sequential uniform search, irregular search, non-gradient methods, gradient methods with and without constraints, geometric programming, selection of other topics from dynamic programming, integer programming, etc., solution of applied problems by numerical optimization.
MATH 3132
MATH 4160 Partial Differential Equations I
covers first-order partial differential equations, classification of second-order linear partial differential equations, separation of variables, Fourier series, Laplace’s equation, the heat equation, wave equation, the method of characteristics, transform methods for the solution of initial/boundary value problems, Green’s functions and the maximum principle.
MATH 3161
MATH 4162 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
covers numerical solution of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations by single and multi-step methods, Runge-Kutta, and predictor-corrector; numerical solution of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations by shooting methods, finite differences and spectral methods; numerical solution of partial differential equations by the method of lines, finite differences, finite volumes and finite elements.
MATH 4170 Partial Differential Equations II
covers first order equations, Cauchy problems, Cauchy-Kowalewska theorem, second order equations, canonical forms, wave equations in higher dimensions, method of spherical means, Duhamel's principle, potential equation, Dirichlet and Neuman problem, Green's function and fundamental solution, potential theory, heat equation, Riemann's method of integration, method of plane and Riemann waves for systems of PDEs of the first order.
MATH 4180 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
covers basic observations, mass conservation, vorticity, stress, hydrostatics, rate of strain, momentum conservation (Navier-Stokes equation), simple viscous and inviscid flows, Reynolds number, boundary layers, Bernoulli's and Kelvin's theorems, potential flows, water waves, thermodynamics.
MATH 4190 Mathematical Modelling
is intended to develop students' skills in mathematical modelling and competence in oral and written presentations. Case studies in modelling will be analysed. Students will develop a mathematical model and present it in both oral and report form.
MATH 4191
MATH 419A and 419B Applied Mathematics Honours Project
is a two-semester course that requires the student, with supervision by a member of the Department, to prepare a dissertation in an area of Applied Mathematics. In addition to a written project, a one hour presentation will be given by the student at the end of the second semester.
MATH 4230 Differential Geometry
covers both classical and modern differential geometry. It begins with the classical theory of curves and surfaces, including the Frenet-Serret relations, the fundamental theorem of space curves, curves on surfaces, the metric, the extrinsic curvature operator and Gaussian curvature. The modern section studies differentiable manifolds, tangent vectors as directional derivatives, one-forms and other tensors, the metric tensor, geodesics, connections and parallel transport, Riemann curvature and the Gauss-Codazzi equations.
MATH 4250 Reinforcement Learning
considers a mathematical framework in which an agent (such as a person or a robot) learns which actions to take in an environment in order to maximize a specific reward signal. The course provides an introduction to reinforcement learning, including tabular solution methods, dynamic programming, Monte Carlo methods, temporal-difference learning, planning methods and approximate solution methods.
MATH 4252 Quantum Information and Computing
covers postulates of quantum mechanics, matrix theory, density matrices, qubits, qubit registers, entanglement, quantum gates, superdense coding, quantum teleportation, quantum algorithms, open systems, decoherence, physical realization of quantum computers.
MATH 4280-4289 Special Topics in Pure and Applied Mathematics
will have the topics to be studied announced by the Department. Consult the Department for a list of titles and information regarding availability.
MATH 4300 General Topology
is an introduction to point-set topology, centering on the notions of the topological space and the continuous function. Topological properties such as Hausdorff, compactness, connectedness, normality, regularity and path-connectedness are examined, as are Urysohn’s metrization theorem and the Tychonoff theorem.
MATH 4310 Complex Function Theory
examines topology of C, analytic functions, Cauchy's theorem with proof, Cauchy integral formula, singularities, argument principle, Rouche's theorem, maximum modulus principle, Schwarz's lemma, harmonic functions, Poisson integral formula, analytic continuation, entire functions, gamma function, Riemann-Zeta function, conformal mapping.
MATH 4320 Ring Theory
examines factorization in integral domains, structure of finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain with application to Abelian groups, nilpotent ideals and idempotents, chain conditions, the Wedderburn-Artin theorem.
MATH 4321 Group Theory
examines permutation groups, Sylow theorems, normal series, solvable groups, solvability of polynomials by radicals, introduction to group representations.
MATH 4331 Galois Theory
covers irreducible polynomials, field extensions, Galois groups, and the solution of equations by radicals.
MATH 4340 Combinatorial Analysis
continues most of the topics started in 3340 with further work on distributions, recurrence relations and generating functions. Generating functions are used to solve recurrence relations in two variables. Also included is a study of Polya's theorem with applications.
MATH 4341 Combinatorial Designs
includes the study of finite fields, Latin squares, finite projective planes and balanced incomplete block designs.
MATH 4370 Number Theory
is continued fractions, an introduction to Diophantine approximations, selected Diophantine equations, the Dirichlet product of arithmetic functions, the quadratic reciprocity law, and factorization in quadratic domains.
MATH 439A and 439B Pure Mathematics Honours Project
is a two-semester course that requires the student, with supervision by a member of the Department, to prepare a dissertation in an area of Pure Mathematics. Although original research by the student will not normally be expected, the student must show an ability and interest to learn and organize material independently. A one-hour presentation will be given by the student at the end of the second semester.
13.9.2 Statistics Courses
In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.
Statistics courses are designated by STAT. Where the 4 digit course number is the same, students can receive credit for only one course with subject names MATH, AMAT, PMAT, STAT.
STAT 1500 Introduction to Data Science
aims to teach fundamentals of data science. Emphasis will be placed on data visualization, data wrangling and summarizing data, statistical estimation and testing, regression modeling, supervised and unsupervised statistical learning. Standard data science software will be used to demonstrate the techniques.
3 credit hours in Mathematics or Statistics courses, or a combination of placement test and high school Mathematics scores acceptable to the Department
STAT 1510 Statistical Thinking and Concepts
examines the basic statistical issues encountered in everyday life, such as data collection (both primary and secondary), ethical issues, planning and conducting statistically-designed experiments, understanding the measurement process, data summarization, measures of central tendency and dispersion, basic concepts of probability, discrete probability models, understanding sampling distributions, the central limit theorem based on simulations (without proof), linear regression, concepts of confidence intervals and testing of hypotheses. Statistical software will be used to demonstrate each technique.
Mathematics 1000
STAT 2410 Introduction to Probability Theory
covers combinatorial analysis, axioms of probability, conditional probability, independence, random variables, distribution function, mathematical expectation, Chebyshev’s inequality, joint distribution of two random variables, binomial and related distributions, Poisson, gamma, beta, normal, student t and F distributions, functions of random variables, convergence in probability, convergence in distribution, central limit theorem.
STAT 2485 R for Data Science
provides a basic introduction to the programming language R. This course focuses on the foundations of coding, and development of basic programming skills for the effective handling of data structures and processes oriented towards the analysis of data.
STAT 2500 Statistics for Business and Arts Students
covers descriptive statistics (including histograms, stem-and-leaf plots and box plots), elementary probability, random variables, the binomial distribution, the normal distribution, sampling distribution, estimation and hypothesis testing including both one and two sample tests, paired comparisons, correlation and regression, related applications.
one 90 minute lab per week. Statistical computer package will be used in the laboratory, but no prior computing experience is assumed
3 credit hours in Mathematics or Statistics courses, or a combination of placement test and high school Mathematics scores acceptable to the Department
STAT 2501 Further Statistics for Business and Arts Students
covers power calculation and sample size determination, analysis of variance, multiple regression, nonparametric statistics, time series analysis, introduction to sampling techniques.
one 90 minute lab per week. Statistical computer package will be used in the laboratory.
STAT 2500 or the former 2510
STAT 2530 Statistical Data Analytics
builds up from the basic techniques of analysis and visualization of data presented in any of our introductory courses. It uses the programming language R as the basic computational device. Mainstream techniques of predictive analytics and statistical learning are presented in a hands-on approach.
STAT 2550 Statistics for Science Students
is an introduction to basic statistics methods with an emphasis on applications to the sciences. Material includes descriptive statistics, elementary probability, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, sampling distribution, estimation and hypothesis testing (both one and two sample cases), chi-square test, one way analysis of variance, correlation and simple linear regression.
one 90 minute lab per week. Statistical computer package will be used in the laboratory, but no prior computing experience is assumed.
STAT 2560 Further Statistics for Science Students
covers estimation and hypothesis testing in the two-sample and paired sample cases, one way and two way analysis of variance, simple and multiple linear regression, chi-square tests, non-parametric tests including sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test and Wilcoxon rank test.
the former STAT 2511
one 90 minute lab per week. Statistical computer packages will be used in the laboratory, but no prior computing experienced is assumed.
STAT 3411 Statistical Inference I
examines sampling distributions, order statistics, confidence interval, hypotheses testing, chi-square tests, maximum likelihood estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, Rao-Cramér inequality and efficiency, maximum likelihood tests, sufficiency, completeness and uniqueness, exponential class of distributions, likelihood ratio test and Neyman-Pearson lemma.
STAT 3486 Statistical Learning
introduces statistical learning, including a brief overview of linear regression, and other important topics in data science, such as classification, resampling and cross validation, linear model selection, nonlinear models, tree-based models and unsupervised learning.
STAT 3520 Experimental Design I
is an introduction to basic concepts in experimental design, including principles of experimentation; single factor designs such as completely randomized designs; randomized block designs; Latin square designs; Graeco Latin square designs; multiple comparison tests; analysis of covariance; balanced incomplete block designs; factorial designs; fixed, random and mixed effects models.
STAT 3521 Regression
covers inferences in linear regression analysis including estimation, confidence and prediction intervals, hypotheses testing and simultaneous inference; matrix approach to regression analysis, multiple linear regression, multicollinearity, model building and selection, polynomial regression, qualitative predictor variables.
STAT 3530 Analysis of Observational Data
introduces sampling concepts, probability sampling designs including simple random sampling and stratified random sampling, study designs, and methods for analysis of observational data including measures of risk and association, inference for measures of association, confounding and logistic regression modeling.
STAT 3540 Time Series I
is an introduction to basic concepts of time series analysis such as stationarity and nonstationarity, components of time series, transformation of nonstationary series using regression, decomposition methods and differencing, autocovariance and autocorrelation functions, moving average (MA), autoregressive (AR), and ARMA representation of stationary time series including stationarity and invertibility conditions; partial autocorrelation function; properties of MA(q), AR(p) and ARMA(p, q) models, model identification, parameter estimation, model diagnostics and selection, forecasting, integrated ARMA process. Applications to real time series.
STAT 3570 Reliability and Quality Control
covers an introduction to reliability, parallel and series systems, standard parametric models, estimation of reliability, quality management systems, introduction to statistical process control, simple quality control tools, process control charts for variables and attributes, process capability, cumulative sum chart, exponentially weighted moving average chart, acceptance sampling plans, measurement system analysis, continuous improvement and six sigma methodology.
STAT 3585 Computational Statistics
is an introduction to modern computational statistics, using a programming language which implements S. Emphasis will be placed on the development of algorithms and programs for generating random numbers, numerical techniques and programs for graphical exploratory data analysis, implementing specialized statistical procedures, Monte Carlo simulation and resampling.
STAT 4402 Stochastic Processes
covers the Poisson process, renewal theory, Markov chains, and some continuous state models including Brownian motion. Applications are considered in queuing, reliability, and inventory theory. Emphasis is on model building and probabilistic reasoning.
STAT 4410 Statistical Inference II
covers decision theory, uniformly minimum variance estimators, sufficiency and completeness, likelihood theory and maximum likelihood estimation, other estimation methods including best linear unbiased estimation, estimating equations and Bayesian estimation, hypothesis testing and interval estimation, and applications of statistical inference methods under regression models and analysis of variance models.
STAT 4411 Bayesian Data Analysis
is an introductory course to the Bayesian data analysis with applications. The topics include basic principles of Bayesian modeling and inference, methods and theoretical aspects of Bayesian analysis, Bayesian computation and applications, and special topics in Bayesian data analysis. Statistical computing software R will be used to explore data sets using the techniques.
STAT 3411
STAT 4486 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
presents the theoretical foundations of artificial neural networks. Topics include a mathematical derivation of basic architectures, regularization of neural networks, their stability, generalization abilities and their relation to various areas of mathematics and probability, including hidden Markov chains, stochastic dynamical systems, graph theory and numerical analysis.
STAT 4502 Applied Stochastic Processes
aims to provide students with a basic understanding of the probabilistic models and techniques underlying the most widely used classes of stochastic processes, such as Bernoulli processes, Poisson processes, renewal processes and Markov chains. The main focus is on modeling aspects, which are completed by a description of some popular algorithms for simulation using R.
STAT 3585
STAT 4504 Biostatistics
provides an overview of statistical principles and methods in epidemiology. Emphasis will be placed on study designs, measures of risk and disease-exposure association, inference for measures of association, confounding, causal inference, analysis of binary responses, count, and time-to-event.
STAT 4520 Experimental Design II
is an introduction to factorial experiments including mixed effects models, unbalanced data in factorial designs, two level and three level factorial experiments, blocking and confounding in factorial designs, fractional factorial experiments, unreplicated factorial experiments, response surface designs, robust parameter designs, nested and split plot designs.
STAT 3520
STAT 4530 Survey Sampling
covers basic concepts, simple random sampling, unequal probability sampling and the Horvitz-Thompson principle, sufficiency, design and modelling in sampling, ratio and regression estimators, stratified and cluster sampling, methods for elusive and/or hard- to-detect populations.
STAT 3411
STAT 4560 Continuous Multivariate Analysis
examines the multivariate normal distribution and its marginal and conditional distributions, distributions of non-singular and singular linear combinations, outline of the Wishart distribution and its application, in particular, to Hotelling’s T-squared statistic for the mean vector, connection between likelihood ratio and Hotelling’s T- squared statistics, a selection of techniques chosen from among MANOVA, multivariate regression, principal components, factor analysis, discrimination and classification, clustering.
STAT 4561 Categorical Data Analysis
is an analysis of cross-classified categorical data with or without explanatory variables, chi-square test, measures of association, multidimensional contingency tables, hypotheses of partial and conditional independence, log-linear models for Poisson, multinomial and product-multinomial sampling schemes, concept of ordinal categorical models, logit models, likelihood estimation, selection of suitable log-linear and logit models.
STAT 4590 Statistical Analysis of Data I
examines the statistical analysis of real life univariate data using computational and statistical methods including descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, non-parametric tests, analysis of variance, linear, logistic and log-linear regressions. Other statistical techniques such as integrated autoregressive moving average modelling and forecasting or quality control methods may be introduced depending on the nature of the data.
STAT 459A and 459B Statistics Honours Project
is a two-semester course that requires the student, with supervision by a member of the Department, to prepare a dissertation in an area of Statistics. In addition to a written project, a presentation will be given by the student at the end of the second semester.
the former STAT 4599
registration in an Honours or Joint Honours program in Statistics
AN = Additional notes. AR = Attendance requirement as noted. CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours. CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described. CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent. Credit is limited to one of these courses. Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination. Credit is limited to one of these courses. These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements. |
LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted. LH = Laboratory hours per week. OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars. PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described. UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted. |
The information on this site has been extracted from the Official 2024-2025 University Calendar. While every reasonable effort has been made to duplicate the information contained in the official University Calendar, if there are differences, the official Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar will be considered the final and accurate authority.
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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.