Employee Assistance Fund
To assist our members with expenses that are occurred during our fiscal year (from 01 September to 31 August), TAUMUN is accepting applications for the Employee Assistance Fund (EAF) consisting of,
• Health Care Program
• Child / Family Care Program
The EAF will cover up to CAD 125.00 per semester, and up to a maximum of CAD $250 per fiscal year.
This support will be applicable to those claims whose expenses are incurred since 01 September of the current fiscal year.
Each member can claim a maximum of CAD 250.00 per fiscal year from the EAF.
These limits are applicable to the EAF as a whole. The total can be split between the various programs and items, but cannot in part or in whole exceed the above limts.
Applications will be accepted and processed throughout the year, until 31 August or until funds are depleted, whichever comes first. Applications for costs incurred before 31 August but submitted afterwards might be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on how much of the fund remains from the previous fiscal year.
The Health Care Program is intended to assist TAUMUN members with personal health-related expenses that are not generally covered by a health care plan.
The following categories of items shall be covered by the EAF:
A. Child and family care costs in order to perform their duties; and/or
B. Eye-care costs where the Employee does not have access to vision care under a health insurance plan, or where the costs exceed the coverage; and/or
C. Dental costs where the Employee does not have access to coverage under an existing dental plan, or where the costs exceed the coverage; and/or
D. Physiotherapy costs where the Employee does not have access to coverage under an existing health plan, or where the costs exceed the coverage; and/or
E. Chiropractic costs where the Employee does not have access to coverage under an existing plan, or where the costs exceed the coverage
F. Prescription drug costs
• The member must be a current member in good standing of TAUMUN at the time when the cost was incurred.
• Member has not already received health or dental care up to 125.00 CAD during the semester of application or $250 throughout the fiscal year.
• An official receipt from the health care provider/pharmacy. The receipt must include the name of the patient (TAUMUN member) and the nature of the healthcare service.
• Receipt from a pharmacy for prescription medicine must indicate the cost and include indication of what portion was paid by the member and what was covered by the insurance. The receipt must indicate that the medication was prescription medication.
• In the case of child or family care costs, an official receipt from a licenced care giver, stating the name of the TAUMUN member, the person cared for, and the date and times that the family care services took place. Something that indicates that the child or family care took place while the member was working.
• If this is your first semester as a graduate assistant (TA, RA, etc.) you might not yet be in the system. In this case, please send us a copy of you letter of appointment (or ask your department to send us a copy)
• We accept scanned copies and photographs of documents. Make sure that all documents are relatively flat, clear to read, and not overlapping each other.
The Child and Family Care Program is intended to assist dependants of TAUMUN members with the same health-related expenses listed in the health care program (points B to F) and which are not covered by any insurance program. The benefit is per member, not per child/dependent adult/dependent spouse.
Eligibility: Members must meet the following criteria to be eligible:
• The member must be a current member in good standing of TAUMUN at the time when the cost was incurred.
• Member has childcare responsibilities, defined as guardianship or parenting.
• For childcare, the member has a child or children under the age of 13 years old or a child or children with exceptionalities up to the age of 18.
• For family care, the member is currently the sole caregiver for an adult (for example, a spouse or parent) who is dependent and requires care.
• Member has not already received a disbursement of CAD 125.00 from the Child/Family Care Fund during the semester of application.
• Child’s identity document, such as birth certificate or passport, indicating the member as a parent or guardian
• For both Child (if applicable) and Family care program, an official receipt of the expenses which must include the name of the patient /care receiver (TAUMUN member’s dependant) and the nature of the cost.
• Other documents listed above for the member health care program
General application procedure:
1. Complete the application form (available on our website or by email request)
Be sure to indicate which of the item categories your expenses are within (see points A to F above)
2. Compile the application package, including all required documentation [see individual program descriptions for details]
3. Submit the application package
a. by email (taumun@mun.ca) with the application form & other required documents sent as attachments (highly encouraged); or
b. in person at the TAUMUN office (ER-4053) during posted office hours;
c. via external mail to
Room ER 4053, Alexander Murray Building
c/o Department of Earth Sciences
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John’s, NL
A1B 3X5
Important Notes
• Members can get a maximum of $250 in a fiscal year and a maximum of $125 in a single semester. If someone claims more than $125, he/she will be given up to $125 in that semester. The remainder can be claimed in subsequent semesters after giving priority to the new claimants of that semester.
• All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Assistance will be provided until funds are depleted.
• The TAUMUN Director of Members’ Welfare will review and process all application and present them to the president and treasurer for final review.
• Any applications without the required documents will not be considered.
• There will be no advance payments nor any payments without eligible receipts.
• If some funds allocated for the year are not dispersed, the remaining funds will be carried over to the next year’s program.
• Expenses can be incurred anywhere in Canada.