President's Message

Welcome everyone to TAUMUN.

I’m happy to have a chance to take part in managing the union. I’m currently doing a PhD at the Archaeology Department and I’ve had a few research assistant jobs at MUN so far.

We have a few big issues that we’re pushing to improve this year - in particular we would like to increase hours without decreasing hourly pay. It’s also important to get more people registered with the union. As usual, there is also a lot of ongoing work to make sure that the union functions smoothly, member benefits are allocated, and potential grievances are heard and resolved.

If anyone has things to discuss with us, please feel free to reach out to me or the union in general. Together we can not only make sure that graduate assistants have favourable working conditions, but also push for improvements.

Best regards,
Otis Crandell
Teaching Assistants’ Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland