General Questions

1. How do I book an appointment?

To book an appointment with a Physician or Nurse, you can either call the SWCC at (709) 864-8500, visit UC-5000 (5th floor, University Centre) or login to HealthMyself - Patient Portal.  To book an appointment with a Counsellor, please fill out the online form here

2. What if I am unable to attend an appointment?

We ask that you notify us at least 8 hours before your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule so that other students waiting to be seen can be accommodated. Appointments can be cancelled by emailing or via HealthMyself - Patient Portal. Both methods are time-stamped and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Failure to provide sufficient notice or you are late to an appointment will result in a charge to you. A fee of $30 will be charged to your student account which may result in transcripts and/or registration being withheld pending payment. Should your appointment be with a psychiatrist the missed appointment fee will be significantly higher.

Any questions about missed appointment charges should be directed to the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre at (709) 864-8500. Urgent and compelling extenuating circumstances affecting your ability to provide the required notice may be considered at the Centre’s discretion.

3. What if I need help when the Centre is closed?

Should you need to see a physician, walk in clinic MAY be available at: The Blackmarsh Road Family Care Centre, located in the Blackmarsh Road Dominion Supermarket. Call (709) 576-6555. In case of EMERGENCY, please call 911 or go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.

Students with urgent mental health concerns should avail of the following community based services:

  • 24-hour mental health crisis line: (709) 737-4668 (local) or 1-888-737-4668 (province-wide).
  • Mobile Crisis Response Team: 811 (Out of province telephone numbers please call 1-888-709-2929)
  • 24 hour Walk-in Psychiatric Assessment Unit at the Waterford Hospital Site on Waterford Bridge Road.
  • Health Sciences Emergency Department on Columbus Drive in St. John’s.