These are Frequently Asked Questions by students looking to learn more about graduate programs in Sociology.

What graduate programs does the Department of Sociology offer?

We offer 2 MA streams – one Master’s Research Paper (6 courses, a 40-60 page paper, 1 yr to complete all); a Master’s by thesis (5 courses, thesis, 2 years to complete); and a PhD (5 courses, 4 years to complete). See http://www.mun.ca/soc/home/.

What are the minimum requirements for the Department of Sociology?

**Sociology does not accept applicants with anything less that a Second Class Upper level degree.

• Above 75%+ average
• Undergraduate and/or graduate courses in sociology – especially social theory and research methods.
• MA – 1 and 2 year – a strong 2-4 page statement of research interest. This must include who, what, where, when, how and why
• PhD – a clear, detailed research proposal outlining your research project

How do I apply?

Apply online through the School of Graduate Studies website.

NOTE: Sociology requires an academic writing sample be included in the application.

What is the deadline for applications?

Sociology deadline is February 1 of the year you are applying. Applications must be complete by that date or they will not be reviewed.

What are the minimum requirements for entry to Graduate Studies?

• GPA of 2.68 (about 68%)
• Graduation from a recognized post-secondary institution

Do I need to have a research proposal to apply?

Yes. Consider carefully your research topic and the details of it, and write up a strong, detailed and clear research statement/proposal. Be sure your research goals are clearly stated.
What is the area you wish to study?
What are your research questions?
Where and with what groups or individuals as participants?
What methods are you anticipating you will use?
Where will your research take place?
What contribution do you think your work will make?

Do I need to have a supervisor to apply?

No. But you should have sought advice and applied that advice to your research statement/proposal. Review our department website for faculty whose research interests match your own. See http://www.mun.ca/soc/home/. Is there any full-time faculty there who might have research interests that would fit with your own? You may need to be flexible and adjust your research area somewhat. We do not admit students without confirmed supervision.

Once you have your statement of research interest/proposal written you may email the faculty member you wish to gain advice from regarding your research. Please email only one faculty member at a tme.

This advice does not guarantee the faculty member will offer to supervise you however, it is only advice at this stage.

How is my application evaluated?

The department’s 5-person Graduate Admission Committee carefully reviews each file: we consider GPA, reference letters, sociology background, a clear, developed research statement or full research proposal (at the PhD level) on your specific proposed research topic, alignment with department interests, academic writing sample and so on. These requirements are included in the application form. Note that Sociology requires an academic writing sample.

Does the department provide scholarships or fellowships?

The department normally provides each successful applicant (with an entry average of 75% or higher) with a fellowship. Currently this is about $6,680.00 for MAs and $11, 500 for PhDs.

This not sufficient to live on in Newfoundland and Labrador. Students must provide sufficient funds to support themselves while in the program, and in the case of international students, to get a Canadian visa as well.

See the School of Graduate Studies website for information on fees and fellowships. For international students, the options for scholarships are limited as many are for Canadian residents only, however see the international student advising centre site for further information.

How long will it take until I hear if my application is successful?

Normally by April of your application year.

Questions about the Sociology department? Graduate Officer: Dr. Daniel Kudla, socgradofficer@mun.ca
Questions about the online application? School of Graduate Studies: sgs@mun.ca