Nicole Power

Professor (PhD, University of Essex, UK)
Research Interests
Work, health and safety and mobility, Fisheries, rurality and place, Youth and gender, Critical animal studiesContact Information
Ph: 709-864-6914Em:
Office: A-4049B
Personal Profile
Dr. Nicole Power is a feminist sociologist. Much of her research has focused on the gender impacts of fisheries restructuring on work and workers in fisheries communities, and young people’s experiences and understandings of work, life and outmigration in fisheries communities. Her research has also focused on health and safety in diverse work contexts including fisheries, corrections, skilled trades, high-risk work, and most recently, academia.
Currently, she is co-investigator with the Ocean Frontier Institute examining issues related to recruitment, training and retention in fisheries; equity and diversity in fisheries; and the intersection of systems of oppression and fish ontologies. She is also co-investigator with the SSHRC-CIHR Partnership Healthy Professional/Knowledge Workers, co-leading a case study on gender and mental health in the academy. In her spare time, she is carrying out a pilot project on students’ and researchers’ experiences of working with animals in research, and teaching and learning contexts.
Power, Nicole and Moss Norman. 2019. Re-Inscribing Gender Relations through Employment-Related Geographical Mobility: The case of Newfoundland Youth in Resource Extraction Special issue of Canadian Journal of Sociology: Examining the intersections of place and space with childhood and youth, guest editors Rachel Berman, Fiona Nelson, and Michael Adorjan. Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 44(3) 2019, pp. 283-308.
Ricciardelli, Rose, Nicole Power, & Daniella Medeiros . 2018. Correctional Officers in Canada: Interpreting Workplace Violence. Criminal Justice Review, Volume: 43 issue: 4, page(s): 458-476.
Power, Nicole. 2017. (Re)constructing rurality through skilled trades training, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38:3, 445-458, DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2017.1306987. [Reprint: Power, Nicole. 2018. (Re)constructing rurality through skilled trades training, in Rurality and Education, edited by Barbara Pini, Robyn Mayes, Laura Rodriguez Castro, Rurality and Education, 1st Edition, Routledge.]
Stergiou-Kita, Mary, Marc. LaFrance, Cheryl. Pritlove, Nicole. Power. 2017. Examining Theoretical Approaches to Men and Masculinity in the Context of High-Risk Work: Applications, Understandings and Challenges, Safety Science 96 150–160. [also published in French: Marc Lafrance, Mary Stergiou-Kita, Cheryl Pritlove et Nicole Power. 2019 Survol critique des approches des hommes et des masculinités dans le contexte du travail à risques élevés; Réalités Masculines Oubliées, sous la direction de Jean-Martin Deslauriers, Marc Lafrance et Gilles Tremblay, pp. 67-102, Presses de l’Université Laval.
Power, Nicole. 2015. “Reflections on a Feminist Care Approach to Rural Fisheries,” in Feminisms and Ruralities, edited by Barbara Pini, Berit Brandth and Jo Little, Lanham: Lexington Books.