Anthony Micucci

Associate Professor (Ph.D. York University)

Research Interests
Deviance and criminal justice, Public and private policing, Risk, Gambling
Contact Information
Ph: 709-864-7456
Office: A-4065
Personal Profile

Dr. Micucci has done fieldwork in Ontario on the changing division of labour between public and private policing forces in Canada and the social control implications this division has for society. His work has appeared in a variety of scholarly and mainstream publications, including: Journal of Criminal Justice, Prison Journal, Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Peace Review, Journal of Security Administration, RCMP Gazette, Canadian Security, and The Journal of Offender Monitoring. His current research and teaching interests are associated with the sociological dimensions of gambling (leisure, health, social inequality, work and industry, deviance and crime). Dr. Micucci is particularly interested in investigating the expanding legalized gambling sector in Canada whether it is in the form of lotteries, casinos, video lottery terminals, or slot machines.


“American police and subcultural support for the use of excessive force” (with Ian Gomme), Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 33.

“Meeting rehabilitative needs at a Canadian women's correctional centre” (with Miranda Monster), Prison Journal: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Incarceration and Alternative Sanctions, Vol. 85.

“It’s about time to hear their stories: Impediments to rehabilitation at a Canadian provincial correctional centre for women” (with Miranda Monster), Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 32.

“A typology of private policing operational styles”, Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 26.

“Loose connections: Crime and policing on the university campus” (with Ian Gomme), The Canadian Journal of Higher Education: A Publication of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Vol. XXVII.