Eating Dis/Order Research
Poetry performance and workshops
Dr. Nicole Schott, Banting postdoctoral research fellow with Memorial University’s School of Social Work, has collaborated with local dramaturg and director Santiago Guzmán to produce a multi-media performance inspired by the research-informed poem “Under the Psychiatric Treatment Regime: The Impossibility Paradoxes of Eating Dis/Order Recovery.”
Dr. Schott is inviting anyone with eating dis/order experience (whether personal experience or as a support person for someone experiencing eating dis/orders) to attend one of six live performances; each 30 minute-performance will be followed by a 60-minute workshop with 8-12 other research participants. Performances will take place 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM on April 25, 27 and 29. Participants will receive a $30 cash honorarium as a thank you for contributing to this project.
The purpose of this performance and participatory research workshop is to learn from and gather stories of treatment, recovery, resistance, and survival of “eating disorders” and “eating orders” from those with lived expertise/experience as well as other stakeholders, such as professionals, family and friends, policy makers and educators.
An official eating disorder diagnosis is NOT required to participate. For more information see the audience participation recruitment letter or contact Dr. Nicole Schott
Please note: Pre-registration with Dr. Nicole Schott ( is required to attend; each performance and workshop will be able to accommodate a maximum of 12 participants.