Student Publications

The School of Social Work proudly announces the following recent publications (2018–present) from students, whose names are marked in bold text. Hyperlinks have been added to article, chapter, and/or book titles.



Abekah-Carter, K. (2024). Surviving on the periphery of society: Experiences of street children in Accra, GhanaChildren & Society.

Abekah-Carter, K., Boateng, A., & Dako-Gyeke, M. (2024). Pushed and pulled onto the streets: Perspectives of street children in Accra, GhanaChildren and Youth Services Review, 159.

Abekah-Carter, K., Ayim, M., Cudjoe, E., Abdullah, A., & Chiu, M.Y.L. (2024). Perspectives of mental health professionals on kinship care for persons with mental illness in Ghana. International Journal of Mental Health.

Awuviry-Newton, K., Abekah-Carter, K., Nkansah, J. O., Asamoah, B., & Rashid Umar, A. (2024). Exploring care experiences and satisfaction: a descriptive qualitative study of hospitalised older adultsInternational Journal of Care and Caring.

Oti-Boadi, M., Andoh-Arthur, J., Abekah-Carter, K., & Abukuri, D.N. (2024) Internalized stigma: Social support, coping, psychological distress, and mental well-being among older adults in GhanaInternational Journal of Social Psychiatry, 70(4), 739–749.

Awuviry-Newton, K., Kukah, S.A., & Abekah-Carter, K. (2024). Exploring the Unmet Needs of Primary Caregivers of Autistic Children and Its Implications for Social Work Practice in GhanaHealth & Social Care in the Community.

Awuah, L., Awuviry-Newton, K., Armah, D., Abekah-Carter, K., & Nkansah, J.O. (2024). Enlightening Stakeholders on the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts and Preparation for Minimizing Future Pandemics’ Negative Effects on Occupational TherapistsHealth & Social Care in the Community.

Ongoh, M., Afranie, S., Ohemeng, F.N.A., Abekah-Carter, K., & Godi, A.H. (2024). Planning for retirement during active service in Ghana: Insights from pensioners in the Greater Accra RegionJournal of Aging & Social Policy.

Ellenbogen, S., Power, K.B., Hair, H.J., Kirkland Smith, J., & Hynes Brothers, K. (2024). Contrasting the treatment-related perceptions of parents and their children: Using data from child and adolescent brief mental health services recipients in CanadaEuropean Journal of Mental Health, 19, e0020, 1–14.

Moyo, S., Pacheco, L., & Aunos, M. (2024). The Depiction of Mothers with Intellectual Disability: Critical Discourse Analysis of Parenting Capacity AssessmentsJournal of Progressive Human Services.

Pacheco, L., Mercerat, C., Aunos, M., Cousineau, M.M., Goulden, A., Swab, M., Brenton, B., & Moyo, S. (2024). Uncovering Reproductive Injustice Toward Women With DisabilitiesInternational Perspectives in Psychology.

Singh, R.C.B., & Ferguson, R.N. (2024). Creating community in online critical social work coursesSocial Work Education.

Singh, R.C.B., Yakas, L. Wernick, L.J., Kattari, S.K., Slayter, E., & Taylor, S. (2024) Anti-Ableist and Disability Justice Pedagogies in Social Work Education. The Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 51(1), 330–357.

Wernick, L.J., Singh, R.C.B., Lee-Johnson, N.M., Kattari, S.K., & Holloway, B.T. (2024). Action Steps Toward Dismantling Ableism in Social Work EducationJournal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 51(1), 370-402

MacDonald, J., Singh, R.C.B., Norris, S., & Goulden, A. (2024). Trauma, (dis)Ability, and Chronic Pain: Taking Up Sufferer-Informed Practices. In C. Brown (Ed.), Reframing Trauma through Social Justice: Resisting the Politics of Mainstream Trauma Discourse (pp. 128–144). Routledge.

Issahaku, P.A., Adam, A., & Sulemana, A. (2024). Youth Risky and Antisocial Behaviors in Newfoundland and Labrador: The Perspectives of Young PeopleSage Open14(2).



Ongoh, M., Abekah-Carter, K., & Godi, A.H. (2023). Life After Retirement: Exploring the Survival Strategies of SSNIT Pensioners in the Greater Accra Region of GhanaJournal of Cross-Cultural Gerontol, 38, 327–342.

Elkassem, S., & El-Saadi, L. (2023). A House with many rooms: A snapshot of substance use across Muslim populations. In R. Csiernik, W. Rowe, & G. Novotna (Eds.), Responding to the Oppression of Addiction: Canadian Social Work Perspectives (pp. 295–312). Canadian Scholars Press.

Goulden, A., Singh, R.C.B., & Smith Carrier, T. (2023). Teaching Note – Incorporating Universal Instructional Design in Social Work Education: A Practical ApplicationJournal of Social Work Education.

Singh, R.C.B. (2023). Addressing the Absence of Disability Justice Through an Online Social Work CourseFeminist Pedagogy, 4(1).

Klein, L.B., Singh, R.C.B., Kynn, J., & McLean, K.J. (2023). Disabled and/or Chronically Ill Survivors of Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence. In S.K. Kattari (Ed.), Exploring Sexuality and Disability: A Guide for Academics and Health and Human Service Professionals. Routledge.

Slayter, E., Kattari, S., Yakas, L., Singh, R.C.B., Goulden, A., Taylor, S., Wernick, L., Simmons, L., & Prince, D. (2023). Beyond Ramps, Curb Cuts, and Captions: A Call for Disability Justice in Social WorkSocial Work68(1), 89–92.

Mort, K.S-T., Sulemana, A., & Kodom, R.B. (2023). Financial Capability and Asset Building Training in Ghana Through Project-Based LearningGlobal Social Welfare, 10, 39–47.

Dako-Gyeke, M., Kodom, R.B., & Sulemana, A. (2023). Experiences of Unaccompanied Child Migrant Workers from West African Countries Living in GhanaJournal of International Migration & Integration, 24, 527–546.



Elkassem, S., & Murray-Lichtman, A. (2022). Mapping an integrative critical race and anti-colonial theoretical framework in social work practiceAdvances in Social Work22(2), 628–646.

Fairbairn, M. (2022). Queer and Trans Approaches Revisited. In Shaikh, S.S, LeFrançois, B.A., & Macías, T. (Eds.). Critical Social Work PraxisFernwood Publishing.

Wark, J., Boynton, H., & Vis, J-A. (2022). Spirituality and Child Welfare Practice with Indigenous Families: Fostering a “Culture of Strengths”. In H.M. Boynton, & J-A. Vis (Eds.), Trauma, Spirituality, and Posttraumatic Growth in Clinical Social Work Practice (pp. 33–51). University of Toronto Press.



Elkassem, S., Csiernik, R., Mantulak, A., Kayssi, G., Hussain, Y., Lambert, K., Bailey, P., & Choudhary, A. (2021). Listening to Innocence: Effects of Islamaphobia on Muslim Children. In B. Sethi, S. Guruge, & R. Csiernik (Eds.), Understanding the Refugee Experience in the Canadian Context, pp. 70–85. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Murray-Lichtman, A. & Elkassem, S. (2021). Academic Voyeurism: The White Gaze in Social WorkCanadian Social Work Review/Revue canadienne de service social, 38(2), 179–205.

Smith-Carrier, T.A., Goulden, A., & Singh, R.C.B. (2021). Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Social Work Education: A Strengths Perspective. In F. Fovet (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Applying Universal Design for Learning Across Disciplines: Concepts, Case Studies, and Practical Implementation (pp. 149-171). IGI Global.

Wark, J. (2021). Land acknowledgements in the academy: Refusing the settler mythCurriculum Inquiry51(2), 191–209.



Elkassem, S., & Csiernik, R. (2020). Gatekeeper Perspectives on Substance Misuse Among a Muslim Community in Southwestern Ontario, CanadaJournal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions20(4), 255–271.



Fairbairn, M., Strega, S. & Walmsley, C. (2018). Child and Youth Policy: Building Equality or Buttressing Inequities. In R. Harding, & D. Jeyapal (Eds.), Canadian Social Policy for Social Workers. Oxford University Press.