Memorial University's Research Strategy 2023-2028 sets the vision, mission and core principles for research at Memorial and identifies the goals and objectives necessary to achieve success. Its development marks a significant step in Memorial's continued growth and evolution as a research-focused institution. As an aspirational document, it pushes us to pursue, support and celebrate research excellence in all its forms at Memorial.
The School of Social Work has been working toward this goal and proudly announces the following recent publications (2018–present) from faculty and staff, whose names are marked in bold text. Hyperlinks have been added to article, chapter, and/or book titles.
For earlier publications, additional information, or to correspond with the authors, please visit the Faculty & Staff pages.
Adjei, P.B., & Dei, G. (2025). Indigenous African Elders Critical Teachings (ElderCrits) As A Methodology. Journal of Critical Research Methodologies, 1(1), 6–28.
Goulden, A. (2025). “I’m worthy of having experiences just like everybody else”: Exploring sexual well-being among young disabled people. Disability & Society.
Adjei, P.B. (2024). Psychopathology and Structural Dehumanization of Blackness: The “Silent” Scandal of Science. In D. Nyaga & R.A. Torres (Eds.), Reimagining Mental Health and Addiction Under the Covid-19 Pandemic, Volume 2: The Covid-19 Pandemic, Mental Health, and Black/Afro Identity. Springer.
Adjei, P.B. (2024). The Price of the Ticket: The Melodramatic Life of Living Black in a White Space. In G.J.S. Dei, & R. Mohamed (Eds.), Mapping the Contours: African Perspectives on Anti-Blackness and Anti-Black Racism (pp. 49–76). DIO Press.
Dei, G.J.S., & Adjei, P.B. (2024). ElderCrits as a Building Framework for Black‑Indigenous Peoples’ Decolonizing Solidarities. Canadian Social Work Review/Revue canadienne de service social, Special Allyship Issue, 39–66.
Richards, D., & Adjei, P.B. (2024). Racial Trauma Unfolds: The Spectacle of Witnessing George Floyd’s Murder. INYI Journal.
de Boer, C., Kirkland-Smith, J., & O'Quinn, J. (2024). Preparing social work students for the realities of Practice: A content analysis of occupational stress injury in social work curricula in Canada. Transformative Social Work, 2(2).
Ellenbogen, S., Power, K.B., Hair, H.J., Kirkland Smith, J., & Hynes Brothers, K. (2024). Contrasting the Treatment-related Perceptions of Parents and their Children: Using Data from Child and Adolescent Brief Mental Health Services Recipients in Canada. European Journal of Mental Health, 19, e0020, 1–14.
Habermacher, A., & Giwa, S. (2024) Learning in Lockdown: Assessing the Impact of Online Legal Education on the Development of Professional Competencies and Identity. Dalhousie Law Journal, 47(2).
Hunter, K., Giwa, S., & Broll, R. (2024). Black and blue: Deconstructing Defund the Police. Journal of Crime and Justice, 47(3), 324–341.
Karki, K.K., Giwa, S., Mullings, D.V., Gyan, C., & Dhungel, R. (2024). Uncanny and Displacement: Forcibly Displaced People Living in the State of Uncanny Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Contemporary Research: An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal, 7(1), 15–38.
Beckstead, A.L., Cheng, J., Giwa, S., Yarhouse, M.A., & Žegura, I. (Eds.). (2024). Feel Secure in Yourself: A Guidebook for LGBTQIA+ People and Those with a Different Label or No Label. Rowman & Littlefield.
Beckstead, A.L., Cheng, J., Giwa, S., Yarhouse, M.A., & Žegura, I. (Eds.). (2024). Relate to Others with Confidence: A Guidebook for LGBTQIA+ People and Those with a Different Label or No Label. Rowman & Littlefield.
Colvin, R., Dwyer, A., Giwa, S. (Eds.). (2024). Q Policing: LGBTQ+ Experiences, Perspectives, and Passions. Southern University Illinois University Press.
Baidoobonso, S., Etowa, E., Nnadi, J., Mba, S., Tharao, W., Dabone, C., Giwa, S., Ogunleye, A., Ndongmo, L.A., & Etowa, J. (2024). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) People in Canada. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health.
Demeke, J., Djiadeu, P., Yusuf, A., Darren, L.W., Lightfoot, D., Worku, F., Abu-Ba'are, G.R., Mbuagbaw, L., Giwa, S., & Nelson, L.E. (2024). HIV Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in Canada: Scoping Systematic Review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 10, e40493.
Goulden, A. (2024). “A lot of social workers don’t seem to understand or realize the harm that they cause”: Disabled young people’s experiences with sexual well-being in social work practice. The British Journal of Social Work.
Goulden, A. (2024). “Everybody has a Body, so we Need to Talk About Sexual Well-Being”: Young Disabled People’s Suggestions for Sex-Positive Social Work Practice. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
Baird, S., & Goulden, A. (2024). Re-imagining neoliberal ideologies in social work education using critical feminist and disability theories: A phenomenological autoethnographic account. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, LI(1/2), 358–369.
Ho, C., Goulden, A., Hubley, D., Adamson, K., Hammond, J., & Zarem, A. (2024). Teaching and Facilitation Course for Family as Faculty: Preparing Families to be Faculty Partners in Healthcare Education. Clinical Social Work Journal, 52, 23–36.
Adamson, K., Goulden, A., Logan, J., & Hammond, J. (2024). Service user involvement in social work education: A scoping review. Journal of Social Work Education, 43(2), 374–392.
MacDonald, J., Singh, R.C.B., Norris, S., & Goulden, A. (2024). Trauma, (dis)Ability, and Chronic Pain: Taking Up Sufferer-Informed Practices. In C. Brown (Ed.), Reframing Trauma through Social Justice: Resisting the Politics of Mainstream Trauma Discourse (pp. 128–144). Routledge.
Issahaku, P.A. (2024). Emergent Themes with Implications from a Qualitative Thematic Analysis of Psychological Well-Being Among 23 Older Ghanaians. Ageing International, 49, 467–497.
Issahaku, P.A., & Adam, A. (2024). Young People’s Perspectives on Safety and Safety Promotion in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. Sage Open, 14(2).
Issahaku, P.A., Adam, A., & Sulemana, A. (2024). Youth Risky and Antisocial Behaviors in Newfoundland and Labrador: The Perspectives of Young People. Sage Open, 14(2).
Boateng, J.D., Tenkorang, E.Y., & Issahaku, P.A. (2024). Economic Abuse of Women in Intimate Relationships in Ghana: Consequences and Coping Strategies. Violence Against Women, 30(8), 2032–2052.
Janes, J.E., Baker, S.C.L., Bankovic, T., Abundo, J., Smith, A., & Ellenbogen, S. (2024). Cannabis harm reduction: Perspectives of women who use and allied social and health-care providers. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.
Mills, C., & LeFrançois, B.A. (2024). Child as metaphor: Colonialism, psy-governance, and epistemicide. In L. Bradley, A. Ali, & J. Russell (Eds.). Mad Studies Reader: Interdisciplinary Innovations in Mental Health (pp. 263–283). Routledge.
Oluwasina, F., Henderson, J., McKenzie, K., Mullings, D.V., Renzaho, A.M.N., Sajobi, T., Rosseau, C., Senthilselvan, A., Hamilton, H., & Salami, B. (2024). Correlates of low resilience and physical and mental well-being among black youths in Canada. BMC Public Health, 24(1).
Olanlesi-Aliu, A., Kemei, J., Alaazi, D., Tunde-Byass, M., Renzaho, A., Sekyi-Out, A., Mullings, D.V., Osei-Tutu, K., & Salami, B. (2024). Evidence Synthesis – COVID-19 among Black people in Canada: a scoping review. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 44(3), 112–125. [French/Français]
Salami, B., Maduforo, A.N., Aiello, O., Osman, S., Omobhude, O.F., Price, K., Henderson, J., Hamilton, H.A., Kemei, J., & Mullings, D.V. (2024). Factors That Contribute to the Mental Health of Black Youth during COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare 12(12).
Pacheco, L. (2024). The Intersection of Mothering, Intellectual Disabilities, and Culture. In A. Bianchi & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (pp. 295–307). Springer.
Pacheco, L., More, R., & Aunos, M. (2024). Unfit and cast aside: Portrayals of Mothering with Intellectual Disability in Québec court reports. Critical Discourse, 21(3), 322–340.
Pacheco, L., Mercerat, C., Aunos, M., Cousineau, M.M., Goulden, A., Swab, M., Brenton, B., & Moyo, S. (2024). Uncovering Reproductive Injustice Toward Women With Disabilities. International Perspectives in Psychology.
Moyo, S., Pacheco, L., & Aunos, M. (2024). The Depiction of Mothers with Intellectual Disability: Critical Discourse Analysis of Parenting Capacity Assessments. Journal of Progressive Human Services.
Aunos, M., Feldman, M., & Pacheco, L. (2024). Capacity-Based Competency Assessment and Its Impact on Child Custody Cases Amongst Parents with Intellectual Disabilities. In A. Bianchi & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (pp. 79–91). Springer.
Aunos, M., Spencer, M., Pacheco, L., & Pitich, E. (2024). This Changes Everything: A Critical Reflection on the Impact of Internalised Ableist Constructs Had on Becoming a Disabled Mother. Disability & Society, 39(5), 1079–1101.
Schott, N., & Langan, D. (2024). Moving Beyond “Recovery”: Exposing and Disrupting the Eating Dis/Order Industrial Complex. International Mad Studies Journal, 2(1), e1–21.
Ellenbogen, S., Tobin, C., Giwa, S., Manning, J., & Andersen, F. (2023). Student perceptions on learning from participating in low-cost service-learning course assignments. Social Work Education.
Blundell, L., Walker, S.K.L., Ellenbogen, S., Giwa, S., & Hatfield, K. (2023). Factors that influence families’ decision to send their children to a week-long pediatric oncology camp and thoughts about attending camp. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 67, 102429.
Giwa, S., Ryan, AJ, Thompson, S., & Craig, A. (Eds.). (2023). A Toast to Hope: Stories at the Centre of Us. Engen books.
Russell, H.C., & Giwa, S. (Eds.). (2023). Transforming Community Policing: Mobilization, Engagement, and Collaboration, 2nd ed. Emond publishing.
Semigina, T., Kwok, K.D., Giwa, S., Ganesh, S., Charles, C., & Henrickson, M. (Eds.). (2023). HIV, Sex and Sexuality in Later Life. Bristol University Press.
Karki, K.K., KC, H., Giwa, S., Mullings, D.V., & Raible, C. D. (2023). Making live and letting die: Nepali migrant workers returning from India encounter the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 7(3), 272–295.
Karki, K.K., Moasun, F., Freymond, N., Giwa, S., & Zoltek, A.M. (2023). MSW Students’ Perception of the Professional Identity of the Social Work Practitioner and the Social Work Researcher: Considerations for Educators. Journal of Social Work Education, 59(1), 197–210.
Goulden, A. (2023). Sexual Well-Being Among Young Disabled People. In S.K. Kattari (Ed.), Exploring sexuality and disability: A guide for academics and health and human service professionals (pp. 318–334). Routledge.
Goulden, A., Mann, L., Norris, D., & Rossiter, M. (2023). Working Mothers’ Infant Feeding Experiences During Their Children’s Transition to Childcare: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32, 2214–2228.
Goulden, A., Baird, S., Romme, K., Pacheco, L., Norris, S., Norris, D., Faye, L., MacNeil, S., & Pittman, J. (2023). Experiences of Gender-Based Violence Among Disabled Women: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis Protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22.
Goulden, A., Singh, R.C.B., & Smith Carrier, T. (2023). Teaching Note – Incorporating Universal Instructional Design in Social Work Education: A Practical Application. Journal of Social Work Education.
Goulden, A., Kattari, S., Slayter, E., & Norris, S. (2023). “Disability Is an Art. It’s an Ingenious Way to Live.’: Integrating Disability Justice Principles and Critical Feminisms in Social Work to Promote Inclusion and Anti-Ableism in Professional Praxis. Affilia, 38(4), 732–741.
King, B., Goulden, A., Appiah, J., Wong, F., & Chowdhury, R. (2023). “Because I’m Young”: Experiences of Young Mothers with Child Welfare Involvement. Clinical Social Work Journal, 52, 150–168.
Slayter, E., Kattari, S., Yakas, L., Singh, R.C.B., Goulden, A., Taylor, S., Wernick, L., Simmons, L., & Prince, D. (2023). Beyond Ramps, Curb Cuts, and Captions: A Call for Disability Justice in Social Work. Social Work, 68(1), 89–92.
Bobele, M., Slive, A., Hair, H.J., & Cornish, P. (2023). Reimagining the “Gold Standard”. In P. Cornish & G. Berry (Eds.), Stepped Care 2.0: The Power of Conundrums (pp. 209–227). Springer International Publishing.
Janes, J.E. (2023). Affective Attachments: How "Doing and Being Good" Undermine the Liberatory Possibilities of Participatory Action Research. Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice, 11(1), 49–63.
Au, C., Drolet, J.L., Kaushik, V., Charles, G., Franco, M., Henton, J., Hirning, M., McConnell, S.M., Nicholas, D., Nickerson, A., Ossais, J., Shenton, H., Sussman, T., Verdicchio, G., Walsh, C.A., & Wickman, J. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on social work field education: Perspectives of Canadian social work students. Journal of Social Work, 23(3), 522–547.
Mullings, D.V., Clarke, J., & Adelakun, O. (Eds.). (2023) African, Caribbean, and Black People's Resilience During Covid-19. Demeter Press.
Karki, K.K., Mullings, D.V., & Giwa, S. (2023). Socioeconomic Disparities Among Racialized Immigrants in Canada. In A. Deshpande (Ed.), Handbook on Economics of Discrimination and Affirmative Action. Springer Nature Singapore.
Schott, N., Stadnyk, F., & Shanouda, F. (2023). Coalizing against fatmisic and sanist targeted ads of oppression. Excessive Bodies: A Journal of Artistic and Critical Fat Praxis and Worldmaking, 1(1), 184–223.
Schott, N. (Autumn 2024). Madly Resisting Eating Orders. Asylum Magazine, 12–13.
Shaikh, S.S., & Selby, J.A. (2023). Wait, what?! Islamophobia exists in Newfoundland and Labrador?’: Theorising polite dismissal of anti-Islamophobia public engagement. In L. D’Haenens & A. Mekki-Berrada (Eds.), Islamophobia as a Form of Radicalisation: Perspectives on Media, Academia and Socio-political Scapes from Europe and Canada (pp. 211–228). Leuven University Press.
Smith, C.B.R. (2023). Social work and substance use: Notes on the conspicuous underrepresentation of harm reduction & substance use education in Canadian social work curricula. Connection, 5(2), 20–25.
Adjei, P.B. (2022). Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and social work: A conversation we are yet to have. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis (pp. 346–360). Fernwood Publishing.
Adjei, P.B., Mullings, D.V., & Giwa, S. (2022). Using Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Theories to Reframe the Conversation on Youth Violence in Toronto. In R. Bromwich, A. Bailey, & T. Harrison (Eds.), Gun Violence and Gun Control: Critical engagements (pp. 43–85). Demeter Press.
de Boer, C., Small, S., Sitter, K., Ricciardelli, R., & Hall, A.. (2022). Child Welfare Workers with Occupational Stress Injuries: A Content Analysis of Workers’ Compensation Legislation in Canada. Canadian Public Policy, 48(4), 503–517.
Small, S.P., de Boer, C., & Swab, M. (2022). Barriers to and facilitators of labor market engagement for individuals with chronic physical illnesses in their experiences with work disability policy: A qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(2), 348–536.
Giwa, S. (2022). Racism and Gay Men of Color: Living and Coping with Discrimination. Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
Giwa, S., Colvin, R.A., Ricciardelli, R., & Warren, A.P. (2022). Workplace Experiences of Lesbian and Bisexual Female Police Officers in the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary. Women & Criminal Justice, 32(1–2), 93–110.
Goulden, A., & Kattari, S.K. (2022). Sexual Orientation, Sexuality, and the Disability Community. In E. Slayter, & L. Johnson (Eds.), Social Work Practice and Disability Communities: An Intersectional and Anti-Oppresive Approach. Pressbooks.
Issahaku, P.A. (2022). A discourse on aging in contemporary Ghana. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1).
Issahaku, P.A. (2022). Living at the Margins or Elevated Citizenship? Challenges and Opportunities for Social Participation Experienced by Older Adults in Ghana. Ageing International, 47, 630–652.
Issahaku, P.A. (2022). The Good Old Days: how Older Adults in Present-Day Ghana Compare themselves to Older Adults in Past Generations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontololy, 37, 89–114.
Issahaku, P.A., & Adam, A. (2022). Young People in Newfoundland and Labrador: Community Connectedness and Opportunities for Social Inclusion. SAGE Open, 12(3).
Janes, J.E. (2022). Less Dangerous Collaborations? Governance through Community-Based Participatory Research. In T. Macías (Ed.), Unravelling research: The ethics and politics of research in the social sciences (pp. 131–153). Fernwood publishing.
Janes, J.E. (2022). A Post-Structural Praxis: Contesting the Subordinating Practices of Community Engagement. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis (pp. 231–247) . Fernwood Publishing.
LeFrançois, B.A. (2022). Social anarchist social work. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis (pp. 497–514). Fernwood Publishing.
LeFrançois, B.A., & Peddle, C.R. (2022). Mad studies, mad theory. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis (pp. 463–476). Fernwood Publishing.
LeFrançois, B.A., & Voronka, J. (2022). Mad Epistemologies and Maddening the Ethics of Knowledge Production. In T. Macías (Ed.), Unravelling research: The ethics and politics of research in the social sciences (pp. 105–130). Fernwood publishing.
Cranford, J.M., & LeFrançois, B.A. (2022). Mad Studies is Maddening Social Work. Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, 3, 69–84.
McConnell, S.M., Noble, M., Hanley, J., Finley-Roy, V., & Drolet, J. (2022). Integrating practice research into social work field education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 43(1).
Drolet, J.L., Charles, G., McConnell, S.M., & Bogo, M. (Eds.) (2022). Transforming Social Work Field Education: New Insights from Practice Research and Scholarship. University of Calgary Press.
Cadell, S., Ashcroft, R., Furtado, J., Adamson, K., McConnell, S.M., & Teichman, S. (2022). COVID-19 and social work in health care in Canada: What are the impacts? Social Work in Health Care, 61(4), 218–242.
Walsh, J.J., Drolet, J.L., Alemi, M.I., Collins, T., Kaushik, V., McConnell, S.M., McKee, E., Mi, E., Sussman, T., & Walsh, C.A. (2022). Transforming the Field Education Landscape: national survey on the state of field education in Canada. Social Work Education, 42(5), 646–662.
Mullings, D.V. (2022). Community Service Learning and Anti-Blackness: The Cost of Playing with Fire on the Black Female Body. In A. Ibrahim, T. Kitossa, M. Smith, & H. Wright (Eds.), Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy: Teaching, Learning, and Researching while Black (pp. 345–371). University of Toronto Press.
Mullings, D.V. (2022). Situating Anti-Black Racism and Racism Through a Critical Race Theory Lens: Commentary on Social Work Theory and Practice. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis. Fernwood Publishing.
Mullings, D.V., Karki, K.K., Giwa, S., Garland, S., Brushett, L., & Thomas, J. (2022). Using Critical Race Theory to Analyse Community Engagement Practice in a Graduate Social Work Course. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 7(1).
Mullings, D.V., Power, E., Giwa, S., Karki, K.K., Burt, M., Caines, C., English-Lillos, P., McLean, A., & Ricketts, J. (2022). Using Community Service Learning as a Conduit to Decolonise Bachelor of Social Work Education. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 7(1).
Pacheco, L., Aunos, M., Feldman, M., & McConnell, D. (2022). Improving services for parents with intellectual disability and theirfamilies: Views of Canadian social service workers. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e5570–e5578.
Shaikh, S.S. (2022). Social Work and the environment: Social Work’s Wicked Problem. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis. Fernwood Publishing.
Shaikh, S.S., LeFrançois, B.A., & Macías, T. (Eds.). (2022). Critical Social Work Praxis. Fernwood Publishing.
Elkassem, S., & Shaikh, S.S. (2022). Re-storying “hardship” and “ease”: Towards a spiritual social work praxis. In S. Shaikh, B. LeFrancois, & T. Macías (Eds.), Critical Social Work Praxis. Fernwood Publishing.
Macías, T., & Shaikh, S.S. (Eds.). (2021). Special Issue: Pandemic Social Work: Practice, Education, and Activism in the Time of COVID, Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice, 9(1).
Adjei, P.B. (2021). Social justice and global citizenship education in social work context: A case of caveat emptor. In E. Aboagye, & N. Dlamini (Eds.), Global citizenship education: Challenges and successes (pp. 221–252). University of Toronto Press.
Adjei, P.B., Darko, I., Fuseini, S., & Mills, A.A. (2021). Spirituality and self-care among Ghanaian social workers: Lessons for Africanizing social work education. In A. Afful-Broni, J. Anamuah-Mensah, K. Raheem & G. J.S. Dei (Eds.), Africanizing the school curriculum: Promoting an inclusive decolonial education in African contexts (pp. 136–156). Myers Education Press.
Darko, I.N., Adjei, P.B., & Weir, C. (2021). Indigenous African philosophies as a critical thinking pedagogical tools for schooling and education. In A. Afful-Broni, J. Anamuah-Mensah, K. Raheem, & G.J.S. Dei (Eds.), Africanizing the school curriculum: Promoting an inclusive decolonial education in African contexts (pp. 115–135). Myers Education Press.
Giwa, S., Colvin, R.A., Karki, K.K., Mullings, D.V., & Bagg, L. (2021). Analysis of “yes” responses to uniformed police marching in Pride: Perspectives from LGBTQ+ communities in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. SAGE Open, 11(2).
Giwa, S., Alessi, E.J., Mullings, D.V., & Carlson-Strain, M.D. (2021). Are the needs of racialized lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer newcomers in Newfoundland and Labrador being met? Preliminary findings from a focus group discussion with Canadian stakeholders. International Journal of Social Welfare, 30(3), 342–352.
Djiadeu, P., Nur, J., Mbuagbaw, L., Giwa, S., Whitfield, D., & Nelson, L.E. (2021). HIV prevention and treatment interventions for Black men who have sex with men in Canada: A protocol for a scoping systematic review. BMJ Open, 11(3).
Alessi, E.J., Greenfield, B., Yu, M., Cheung, S., Giwa, S., & Kahn, S. (2021). Family, friendship, and strength among LGBTQ+ migrants in Cape Town, South Africa: A qualitative understanding. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(7), 1941–1960.
Davis, E.B., Plante, T.G., Grey, M.J., Kim, C.L., Freeman-Coppadge, D., Lefevor, T., Paulez, J.A., Giwa, S., Lasser, J., Stratton, S.P., Deneke, E., & Glowiak, K.J. (2021). The role of civility and cultural humility in navigating controversial areas in psychology. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 8(2), 79–97.
Issahaku, P.A., & Sulemana, A. (2021). Older Adults’ Expectations and Experiences With Health care Professionals in Ghana. SAGE Open, 11(3).
Armstrong, V., & LeFrançois, B.A. (2021). Interrogating mad studies in the academy: Bridging the community/academy divide. In P. Beresford & J. Russo (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Mad Studies (pp. 315–326). Routledge.
Traber, D.K., Collins, T., Drolet, J.L., Adamo, D.J., Franco, M., Laban, K., McConnell, S.M., Mi, E., St. George, S., & Wulff, D. (2021). Integrating practice research into social work field education. Field Educator, 11(1).
Ossais, J., Drolet, J., Alemi , M.I., Collins, T., Au, C., Bogo, M., Charles, G., Franco, M., Henton, J., Huang, L.X., Kaushik, V., McConnell, S.M., Nicholas, D., Shenton, H., Sussman, T., Walsh, C., & Wickman, J. (2021). Canadian Social Work Field Education During a Global Pandemic: A Comparison of Student and Field Instructor Perspectives. Journal of Comparative Social Work, 16(2), 113–140.
Mullings, D.V., Gooden, A., & Brown-Spencer, E. (2021). Catch me when I fall! The significance of Black sisterhood in the academy. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 12(1), 91–104.
Mullings, D.V., Giwa, S., Gooden, A., Karki, K. K., Shaikh, S.S., Spencer, E. B., & Anderson, W. (2021). The settlement and integration experience of temporary foreign workers living in an isolated area of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22, 1085–1104.
Mullings, D.V., Clarke, J., Bernard, W.T., Este, D., & Giwa, S. (Eds.). (2021). Africentric social work. Fernwood Publishing.
Mullings, D.V., Clarke, J., Giwa, S., Thomas Bernard, W., & Este, D. (2021). A foundation for the social work profession. In D.V. Mullings, J. Clarke, W. Thomas Bernard, D. Este, & S. Giwa (Eds.), Africentric social work (pp. 1–19). Fernwood Publishing.
Mullings, D. V., Giwa, S., & Adams, A. (2021). Older Caribbean Canadian. In D.V. Mullings, J. Clarke, W. Thomas Bernard, D. Este, & S. Giwa (Eds.), Africentric social work (pp. 160–179). Fernwood Publishing.
Mullings, D.V., Clarke, J., Giwa, S., Thomas Bernard, W., Este, D., Kere Quelleng, H., Gyamfowa, A., & Hay, A-M. (2021). Epilogue: In Conversation – This Is not the End. In D.V. Mullings, J. Clarke, W. Thomas Bernard, D. Este, & S. Giwa (Eds.), Africentric social work (pp. 310–345). Fernwood Publishing.
Clarke, J., Mullings, D.V., & Giwa, S. (2021). COVID-19 under lockdown: The convergence of anti-Black racism. In D. V. Mullings, J. Clarke, W. Thomas Bernard, D. Este & S. Giwa (Eds.), Africentric social work (pp. 284–315). Fernwood Publishing.
Clarke, J., Mullings, D.V., Thomas Bernard, W., Este, D., & Giwa, S. (2021). In our own words. In D. V. Mullings, J. Clarke, W. Thomas Bernard, D. Este, & S. Giwa (Eds.), Africentric social work (pp. 28–42). Fernwood Publishing.
Ewan, R.A. , Mullings, D.V., & Clarke, J. (2021). Constructing problem baby mama. In D. V. Mullings, J. Clarke, W. Thomas Bernard, D. Este, & S. Giwa (Eds.), Africentric social work (pp. 124–151). Fernwood Publishing.
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