Completed Theses
MSW Theses 1978–Present
Kamira Fujiwara
“How Do You Run Away from Racism?”: A Critical Race Analysis of Accessing Mental Health Counselling in St John’s, NL
Meghan A. Calder
Self-care patterns and burnout in a sample of social workers in eastern Newfoundland with an organizational context.
Kelly A. Sheppard
Sibling Placement in foster Care: Exploring the context and Possibility of Sibling Separation.
Lynsey Soper-Thistle
Effectiveness of admission criteria in predicting student academic performance in a bachelor of social work program.
Corrine L. Younis
Solution-focused practices in child welfare supervision.
Jaspen J. Barker
Exploring individuals’ experiences of time-sensitive practice in rural Newfoundland and Labrador: a qualitative study.
Rhonda J. Legge
A qualitative evaluation of the home share St. John’s pilot program.
Lorna Griffin-Fillier
The storied self: the effects of spinal cord injury on identity narratives.
BriAnna Justine Simons
Is ignorance really bliss?: Child welfare workers speak out about their understanding of best practice when working with children exposed to domestic violence.
Melinda Mary Duggan
Vision rehabilitation services in Newfoundland and Labrador: Identifying the needs, barriers, and pathways.
Henry Gerard Kielley
The impact of admission and transfer policies on long term care clients and their families.
Michelle Lynn Melendy
The victims’-survivors’ perception of participating in the Hughes Inquiry.
Bronson Wayne Smith
Impaired driving programs – a review of the Canadian experience: what makes for an effective intervention?
Dorothy B. Robbins
Babies and work: a study of employed parents of infants.
Doris M. Hancock
The procedural analysis of child custody assessment models in cases of marital dissolution.
Carol Patricia Fagan
Issues of elderly caregiving: an exploratory study of the caregivers.
Elizabeth A. Crawford
Children in care: victims of the system.
Donna M. Bolger
Female and male voices in social work revisited: a systematic critique of Liane Davis.
Beverley J. Antle
Guilt, food and control: three women’s experience with eating disorders.
Mary A. Smyth
Psychiatrists’ and social workers’ disclosure practices with regards to the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
George William Newman Skinner
Public perceptions of alcohol problems, treatment policies and treatment services: a Newfoundland perspective.
Roy E. Barbour
A study of client perceptions of the St. John’s Work Activity Project and the perceived benefits of program participation.
Dianne Griffin
Adolescent pregnancy and changes in family functioning: the views of pregnant adolescents living at home and their mothers.
Catherine Walsh Foster
The design of an evaluation model for an outpatient alcohol and drug abuse treatment program.
Richard Joseph Morris
Confidentiality in social work, the professional secret or the profession’s secret? A study of social workers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward confidentiality.
Sheila M. Richler
Unmarried adolescent motherhood in St. John’s, Newfoundland - an assessment profile.
George Robert Savoury
A study of the appeal process for social assistance recipients in Newfoundland.
Geraldine French
Rural social work in Canada and the United States: concerns and curricula.
Audrey Land Hurley
The use of an extended axial model for examining social work core knowledge about early attachment.
Carmen Cameron
Social work periodical literature on battered women, 1970-1984: a content analysis.
Marilyn Howell McCormack
A study of the effectiveness of group counselling as a treatment modality for adolescent female incest victims.
Caroline Cadwalader Leland
Program evaluation of two residential care group homes in the province of Newfoundland.
Madonna Dean Simms
An investigation of the school social worker’s role as perceived by high school principals in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Susan Manning McConnell
The problem of autonomy: informed consent in social work.
Connie E. Fulcher
Social service organization policies on confidentiality in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Terry Maxwell Carlson
An assessment of factors related to recidivism among adult ex-offenders residing in a community-based residential centre in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Frances O’Neil O’Flaherty
A follow-up of Bachelor of Social Work graduates at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Beverley A. Vincent
Study of outcome in a parent training group in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Roxanne Power Nugent
A study of victimized daughters’ perceptions of mother-daughter dyads in incestuous families.
Denise E. Lawlor
Yalom’s 60 item Q-sort of curative factors in group therapy applied to parent training groups.
Connie Ma
Content analysis of periodical literature on social work supervision, 1970-1979.
Maureen Elizabeth Browne
Application of an empirical model of social work practice in a family service agency.
George Mancel Sheppard
A study of the generational factor in child abuse.
Hardevi Harsha Chanrakant Pujara
An examination of familial correlates of child psychiatric disorders.
Ruth Jerrett Johnson
A study of the need for social workers in the schools of Newfoundland.
Bonita Ann Tucker
Enhancing interviewing skills: a structural approach to the initial field placement in social work.
Wayne Howard Payne
A study of some selected family variables and their relationship to the satisfaction of parenthood.
Devaki Krishnamoni
An investigation into the motives of women seeking therapeutic abortion in Newfoundland.
Bryan E. Purcell
A study of social adjustment among children of one parent families.
Elizabeth Anne Newlands
A study of self-concept in women as heads of one-parent families.
Helen Marie Handrigan
The effects of parenthood status on kinship relations.
Reginald Gabriel
An examination of authoritarianism in child-rearing attitudes as manifested by foster parents
Irene Mary Eddy
An assessment of foster care parents with respect to their adequacy and satisfaction.
Clarinda Mary Sharpe Dawe
A comparison of the use and support and control in the child-rearing practices of foster parents.