Current Students

Welcome, new and returning BSW students! Please see the policies, guidelines and forms below for information that you may find helpful as you embark or continue on your journey as a BSW Student at Memorial University.
BSW Orientation Site
All incoming BSW students will have access to a brightspace welcome site in mid-august. This site will provide you with important information as you begin your BSW journey.
BSW Glossary of Terms
The BSW Glossary of Terms was created to help students become more familiar and comfortable with words that they will see frequently in required readings and hear often in lectures and class discussion. We welcome new and returning students to explore these terms in preparation for courses.
Guidelines, Policies and Forms:
Get Involved - Student Leadership Oppourtunities
Student involvement is important at the School of Social Work! The student executive is formed for the purpose of representing each graduating class; it is elected by all voting members of the class.
Positions and responsibilities are distributed during the Fall BSW orientation. Elections for incoming BSW cohorts occur early in the Fall semester. The election process for incoming BSW students is coordinated by the 4th year BSW Students. The various positions require commitment from the individual(s) to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of each role, including regular attendance at respective meetings.
The Dean and Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) meet monthly in the Fall and Winter semesters with representatives from the executive groups. Attendance is required by the President and Vice-President of each executive as well as a representative from each second degree cohort. These meetings are an important way for students to communicate information with the School’s administration.