New interim dean appointed

Jul 6th, 2021

School of Social Work

New interim dean appointed

Dr. Paul Banahene Adjei has been appointed interim dean of the School of Social Work effective July 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2021, or upon completion of a successful search for a permanent dean, whichever occurs first.

Following collegial consultation with faculty members in the School of Social Work, the provost and vice-president (academic) recommended the appointment which was approved by the president.

Dr. Adjei, currently interim associate dean of graduate programs at the School of Social Work, joined Memorial University in 2013 after working at the University of Toronto and Centennial College. He is a public speaker, educator and researcher in the areas of social justice, anti-black racism, critical race, critical whiteness studies and anti-colonial theory.

The school thanks Dr. Heather Hair for her hard work and dedication during her time as interim dean.

Details on the search for the permanent dean will be shared when they become available.