Dr. Delores V. Mullings

School of Social Work
St. John's College
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Email: dmullings@mun.ca
Dr. Mullings is a Full Professor and Vice-Provost (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion). Dr. Mullings has served as Interim Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, and as Chair in Teaching and Learning at the School of Social Work, Memorial University. Her scholarly interests fall under the umbrella of Anti-Black racism and Critical Race theory. Dr. Mullings' research informs her teaching and learning pedagogy as well as a strong history of community engaged scholarship including community collaboration, supporting students in community service-learning projects, and partnering with interdisciplinary scholars nationally and internationally. She has an innate love for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) which is exemplified in the decolonized learner-centred, community-engaged approach that she employs by integrating a variety of teaching pedagogy to challenge and engage learners in ways that respect their knowledge, life experiences, agency, and differing social locations.
Research Interests
- Decolonizing post-secondary education
- Mothering and parenting
- Mental health and wellness in the Black church
- Racialized LGBTQ+
- Black and racialized elders
- Settlement and integration in small urban centres, rural and remote areas
- Employment discrimination
- Human rights policy
Delores V. Mullings, Olasumbo Adelakun, & Jennifer Clarke, J. (2023). African, Caribbean and Black people’s resilience during COVID19. Demeter.
Delores V. Mullings, Jennifer Clarke, Wanda Thomas Bernard, David Este, & Sulaimon Giwa. (2021). Africentric Social Work. Fernwood Publishing.
- Brooks De Gier. (March 2021). Confronting anti-Black racism. Connections. Nova Scotia College of Social Work
- Edmonton Journal. (February 26, 2021). Opinion: Treat anti-Black racism as a public health emergency.
- Mullings, D. V., Gooden, A., Brown-Spencer, E. (Accepted). Catch me when I fall! The significance of Black sisterhood in the academy. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry.
- Mullings, D. V., Giwa, S., Karki, K. K., Gooden, A., Shaikh, S., Spencer, E. B., & Anderson, W. (Accepted). Getting connected: The experience of former and current temporary foreign workers in the service industry living in an isolated community in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of International Migration and Integration.
- Giwa, S., Mullings, D. V., & Karki, K. K., (2020). Virtual social work care with older Black adults: A culturally relevant technology-based intervention to reduce social isolation and loneliness in a time of pandemic. DOI: 10.1080/016343722020.180885.
- Giwa, S., Alessi, E. J., Mullings, D.V., & **Carlson-Strain, M. D. (2020). Are the needs of racialized LGBTQ newcomers in Newfoundland and Labrador being met? Preliminary findings from a focus group discussion with Canadian stakeholders. International Journal of Social Welfare. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ijsw.12451.
- Giwa, S., Mullings, D.V., Adjei, P. B., & Karki, K. K. (2020). Racial erasure: The silence of Social work on police racial profiling in Canada. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41134-020-00136-y
- Mullings, D. V. (2016). Caring for older Black LGBTQ people: A new challenge for the social work profession. In Susan Hillock and Nick Mulé (eds.), Queering social work education (pp. 205-226). Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
- Mullings, D. V., Morgan, A & **Kere Quelleng, H. (2016). Canada the great white north where anti-black racism thrives: Kicking down the doors and exposing the realities. Phylon: The Clark Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture, 53(1), 20-41.
- Mullings, D.V. & Anderson, W.J. (2015). Vulnerable, but Resilient: Sharing the Stories of Newcomers in Labrador [video].
- Mullings, D. V. (2015). Bridging the learning gap: Cross-cultural learning and teaching through distance. World Journal of Education, 5(2), 1-9.
- Mullings, D. V. (2014). The racial institutionalization of whiteness in contemporary Canadian public policy. In Veronica Watson, Deirdre Howard-Wagner and Lisa Spanierman (eds.), Unveiling Whiteness in the 21st Century: Global Manifestations (115-140). New York, NY: Lexington Books. ISBN978-0739192962 (25 pages)
- Mullings, D. V. (2013). Community service learning: A teaching tool to help students acknowledge their own racism. Race Equality and Teaching, 32(1), 15-21.
- Mullings, D.V. & Gien, L. (2013). Culturally competent (appropriate) health and long-term care services for older immigrants in small urban center of Newfoundland. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 2(9), 81-89.
- Mullings, D. V. & Mullings-Lewis, R. (2013). How Black mothers “successfully” raise children in the “hostile” Canadian climate. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative 4(2), 105-119.
- Matsuoka, A., Guruge, S., Koehn, s., Beaulieu, M., & Ploeg, J. with Lithwick, M., Manuel, L., Mullings, D., Roger, K., Spencer, C., tyyska, V., Walsh, C., & Gomes, F. (2013). Prevention of abuse of older women in the post-migration context in Canada. The Canadian Review of Social Policy.
- Mullings, D. V. (2012). Racism in Canadian social policy. In Anne Westhues (ed.), Canadian Social Policy 5th (95-113). Kitchener: On. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. ISBN 978-155458-409-3 (18 pages).
- Mullings, D. V. (May 2012). The racial institutionalization of whiteness in contemporary Canadian public policy. In Nicky Falkof & Oliver Cashman-Brown (eds.), Critical Issues /series 'Ethos' – On Whiteness, volume 190 (355-343). Oxford: UK, Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-105-1 (8 pages).
- Mullings, D. V. (2011). Culturally competent long-term care services for immigrant seniors in Newfoundland and Labrador: What does the future hold and what is the vision for care? Multicultural Women’s Organization of Newfoundland and Labrador with Seniors Bridging Cultures. St John’s: Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Mullings, D.V. (2010). Temporary mothering: Grieving the loss of foster children when they leave. Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 1(2), 165-176
- Mullings, D. (2007). Mothering White children: An African Canadian woman’s experience. The Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering (ARM). 9(7).
- Mullings, D.V. (2006). Policy needs of older Caribbean Canadian women: A long term care discussion. Caribbean Journal of Social Work, 5, 143-158.
- Mullings, D.V. (2004). Situating Older Caribbean Canadian Women in Feminist Research: A Reflection. Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme. 22 (2), 134-139.
- Globerman, J., White, J., Mullings, D., & MacKenzie-Davies, J. (2004). Thriving in program management environments: The case of social work in hospitals. Social Work In Health Care, 38 (1), 1-18.
Funded Research
- 2020 – 2025. Fostering collaboration of services for LGBTQ2S+ newcomers in Newfoundlandand and Labrador. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), $487,443.00. Co: Principal Investigator (with Wendolyn Schlamp YWCA of St. John’s and Dr. S. Giwa)
- 2019 – 2020. Is mental health the Black church’s business? Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), $75,000. Co: Investigator (Dr. E. Brown Spencer/Kaleo Production)
- 2019 – 2021. Challenges to newcomer settlement and integration in Atlantic Canada (SSHRC), $24,198. Principal Investigator
- 2018 – 2020. Creating opportunities for dialogue among newcomer racialized women and community stakeholder to strategize about inclusive and welcoming workplaces. (Memorial University, Public Engagement Accelerator Fund), $10,000. Principal Investigator
- 2018 – 2020. Exploring the success of community connectedness in integrating immigrants and refugees (newcomers) in both rural (Clarenville) and urban (St. John’s) communities within the province. (Memorial University, Public Engagement), $9,973. Principal Investigator
- 2018 – 2019. African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) Canadian older adults living with or vulnerable to HIV in Canada (Memorial University), $4,500. Co-Project Partner (with Realize)
- 2018 – 2019. Creating an inclusive and supportive work environment for newcomer racialized women in Newfoundland and Labrador: Facilitating dialogue among community members (Memorial University, Quick Start Fund), $1,000. Principal Investigator
- 2018 – 2019. Settlement experiences of racialized lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) immigrants and refugees in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador: How Do Settlement Agencies Measure Up? (Memorial University, Public Engagement), $10,000. Co-Investigator (PI Dr. Sulaimon Giwa)
- 2016 – 2018. Attraction and retention of professional workers in Labrador. Province of Newfoundland and Labrador (Harris Centre), $11,400. Principal Investigator
Selected Decolonizing Post-Secondary Education Content
Decolonizing post-secondary classrooms for rockstar learners
Decolonization of the classroom
Take action against anti-Black racism