Dr. Ami Goulden

Ami Goulden

Assistant Professor

School of Social Work
St. John's College
Room: J-4004
Memorial University 
St. John's, NL

Phone: (709) 864-8147
Email: agoulden@mun.ca 
Website: www.CARESLab.ca
Curricum Vitae

Dr. Ami Goulden (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Memorial University and a registered social worker. She has completed a PhD (University of Toronto), a Master of Social Work (University of Toronto), a Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study (Mount Saint Vincent University), a Bachelor of Social Work (Dalhousie), and a Bachelor of Arts (Mount Saint Vincent University).

Dr. Goulden’s direct practice experience informs her program of research, which prioritizes projects centered on disability justice, critical social work praxis, and universal design. She embraces qualitative and quantitative approaches in her research agenda, often adopting phenomenological methodologies to center the lived experiences of individuals. She has been awarded multiple grants as a Principal Investigator, including the Public Engagement Accelerator Fund (2023), the Teaching Enhancement through Scholarly Inquiry (TESI) Grant (2022-2025), the SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant (2022), the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2020-2022), and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2018, 2019).

Prior to joining Memorial University, Dr. Goulden taught at Renison University College (University of Waterloo) and King’s University College (Western University). She has extensive teaching experience in both on-campus and online formats, facilitating courses related to social work practice, research methods, and program planning.

Dr. Goulden is the founder and director of the Collaborative Anti-Ableism Research and Education in Social Work (CARES) Lab. The CARES Lab is committed to advancing the field of social work through a multi-faceted approach that emphasizes disability justice, mixed-methods research, community needs, and transformative practice. Learn more about the lab’s ongoing projects, publications, and team members at www.CARESLab.ca.