Funding Opportunities

Currently the Foundation offers funding under three grant categories: the Research Grant, the Conference Grant and the Publication Subvention Grant. The application deadline for all types of funding is November 25, 2024. There are three separate sets of instructions for Research Grants. Applicants should follow the instructions that fit their circumstances.
Please note the Publication Subvention Grant is only awarded if funds allow.
Applications are adjudicated by a multidisciplinary Awards Panel, which makes recommendations to the Foundation's Executive Committee. Applications may be submitted by any scholar from the humanities and social sciences conducting research on Newfoundland and Labrador. More specific information and application instructions for each Grant category are included in the above links.
Applicants applying for the Conference Grant or Publication Subvention Grant should email their applications directly to by the November 25, 2024 deadline. For internal applicants, Memorial Faculty/School sign-off and use of the Researcher Portal is not required for these categories.
For the Research Grant, all applicants who are members of Memorial University (faculty, students, staff) must submit their applications through the Memorial Researcher Portal by the internal deadline specified by their Faculty or School, in advance of the Foundation’s deadline. Memorial University will submit these applications on applicants’ behalf to the Foundation following for departmental and faculty review and approval. Memorial applicants should check with their Grant Facilitators or unit approvers about internal deadlines.
The Foundation may consider requests for funding other activities that do not meet the criteria of the three grant categories but are closely related to the Foundation's mandate. Funds for this purpose are quite limited and any requests should be made according to the deadlines for Grants to allow for the possibility of the Awards Panel's evaluation.
Enquiries should be addressed to