The Conference Centre offers not only stunning physical space, but also the latest in digital technologies, from classic plug & play AV-setups to live-streaming and video-conferencing.
All our venues feature the following components:
- Presentation or digital media content from house PC or laptop
- WiFi (public & Memorial network)
- Wireless collaboration and sharing with
Mersive Solstice TM
- Sound system
The following additional features are available in selected rooms:
- Videoconferencing - Polycom or standard PC-based solutions (Conference Hall and select meeting rooms)
- Telephone audioconferencing (Conference Hall and select meeting rooms)
- Wireless Assistive Listening (Conference Hall)
- Live streaming (Conference Hall)
- Stereo sound reinforcement with multiple (wireless) microphone options (Conference Hall)
- Streaming music services (Conference Hall, Atrium)
- Ready for simultaneous translation and interpretation technologies (Conference Hall)
- Number of screens per space: Conference Hall (5) | Atrium (2 + Video wall) | Small/ Medium Meeting Rooms (1 each) | Large Meeting Rooms (2 each) |Dining (1)