
Supporting international students affected by sexual violence.

The Sexual Harassment Office and the Internationalization Office at Memorial have developed a Guide for International students who have been affected by sexual violence.  This project was inspired by Possibility Seeds and Courage to Act who created a customizable toolkit which was used as a template in creating the Guide for international students.  

Community Resources


End Sexual Violence NL 

24 hour support and information line  @ 1 800 726 2743 

Mental Health Crisis Line @ 811


Warmline 10AM-12AM Daily (EN) 1-855-753-2560 (FR) 1-833-753-5460

Journey Project  

TEL 1-709-722-2805  or TOLL-FREE/VRS 1-833-722-2805

 St. John's 

 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner @ St. Clares Hospital

Emergency Department: 709–777–5502
SANE Program Office: 709–777–5865

Call or go to Emergency Department

NL Sexual Health Centre @ Planned Parenthood

Local: (709) 579-1009
Toll-free: 1-877-NO-MYTHS (666-9847)


Corner Brook 

SARA Sexual Assault Response and Advocacy 709 216 4357 (HELP)

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner @ Emergency: 709 784-5524


Happy Valley Goose Bay

Labrador Health Centre 709-897-2000

Mokami Womens Centre  (709) 896-3484 ext. 209





Please note that we follow the MUN Safe notifications during Winter semester. If MUN campus is closed due to inclement weather, our office is also closed. For regular office hour, please click here.