The Core Science Facility

Apr 12th, 2021

CSF building
The Core Science Facility

The Core Science Facility, currently under construction, will provide modern research and laboratory teaching spaces primarily for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.

Total gross floor area is 480,000 square feet; 156,000 square feet for research labs and 98,000 square feet for teaching labs. A further 148,000 square feet of shell space is available for research partnerships with private industry and 78,000 square feet for other teaching and support spaces, including faculty and student collaboration space.

The research and teaching space will be occupied primarily by the Departments of Biochemistry, Biology and Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and labs from the Core Research Equipment and Instrument Training (CREAIT) Network.

The building will also contain Technical Services’ Cryogenics Facility, the Faculty of Science’s Central Stores Facility and an Aquatics Facility that is part of Memorial University’s Animal Care Facilities.

The Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI) has been announced to occupy part of the Core Science Facility shell space. Learn more about the OFI here

Visit the Core Science Facility website to learn more about it, find answers to frequently asked questions, see video and photos from the work site, read the latest news and more.