International students
Entrance scholarships
Upon admission, Memorial University offers international students opportunities to receive scholarships and awards, as funding allows. If you meet the eligibility criteria you will automatically be considered (not a guarantee to receive) for an entrance scholarship. That means, no additional application is necessary.
International entrance scholarships are awarded for a students' first year of study and are non-renewable. International transfer students will only be considered for an entrance scholarship if fewer than 31 credit hours are transferred.
Students will be notified if they are successful in receiving a scholarship.
Entrance scholarships include:
- Memorial University of Newfoundland International Entrance Scholarship
- IUGS Entrance Scholarship for Undergraduate Students
- Fortis Inc. – H. Stanley Marshall Scholarship
- Killam American Undergraduate Scholarship
- Don and Mona Dooley (OLOF) Thailand Scholarship
- Shona Perry-Maidment Entrance Award
- Convera Scholarship (formerly Western Union Scholarship)