Faculty of Science

The following scholarships, bursaries and awards are available to Faculty of Science students based on a recommendation from the Dean or the appropriate Director or Department Head.

4th Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference Bursary

This Bursary was established by a generous donation from the organizing committee of the 4th Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference. The conference, held in 2014, was formed to encourage the exchange of ideas about the evolution of the basins of the Atlantic margins. It brought a very large, diverse group of academia and industry from around the world to St. John’s. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student enrolled full-time in the Earth Sciences program in either geology and/or geophysics with a preference for students studying the province’s sedimentary basins to improve our knowledge of basin evolution, including but not limited to, both structural and sedimentary processes. The desired goal of the bursary is to advance our understanding of the petroleum systems of our basins. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a Bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland and have financial need. This Bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Dr. H.J. Anderson Departmental Awards in Chemistry

Four awards have been established through the Department of Chemistry to honour retired Faculty member and Professor Emeritus, Dr. H.J. Anderson. The recipients of these awards will have demonstrated academic excellence in Chemistry courses; Best Marks in Chemistry 2400 and 2401, Best Third Year Performance by a Chemistry Major, Second Best Third Year Performance by a Chemistry Major, and Best Fourth Year Performance by a Chemistry Major (not receiving a convocation award). These awards will be presented in May and June of each year based on the most recent year's academic performance. They will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Hugh J. Anderson Junior and Senior Scholarships in Physics and Physical Oceanography

This scholarship was established through a bequest from the Estate of Dr. Hugh J. Anderson, a long-standing member of the Department of Chemistry of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this scholarship will be awarded annually to students enrolled as majors, or joint majors in the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography at Memorial University of Newfoundland. These students must be beyond their first year, have attained scholarship standing and show academic excellence. The number and value of the scholarships awarded will be determined on a year-by-year basis at the discretion of the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards based on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography.

Dr. Hugh J. Anderson Memorial Endowment Scholarships in Chemistry

This scholarship was established through a bequest from the Estate of Dr. Hugh J. Anderson, who was a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry for thirty-eight years and Professor Emeritus. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this scholarship will be awarded annually to students enrolled as majors in the Department of Chemistry who are beyond their first year. The number, value and focus of the scholarships awarded will be determined on a year-by-year basis at the discretion of the Head, Department of Chemistry. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Hugh J. Anderson Memorial Term Scholarship in Chemistry

This scholarship was established through a bequest from the Estate of Dr. Hugh J. Anderson, who was a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry for thirty-eight years and Professor Emeritus. This scholarship will be awarded annually to students enrolled as majors in the Department of Chemistry who are beyond their first year. The number, value and focus of the scholarships awarded will be determined on a year-by-year basis at the discretion of the Head, Department of Chemistry. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Au Family Scholarship in Biochemistry

This scholarship is valued at the interest accruing annually on an endowment given to Memorial University of Newfoundland by the Au family. It is open to students entering their final year of study in the Biochemistry program who, during their studies, combined a record of high academic achievement and scholarship standing with active involvement in extracurricular activities within the University, including athletic prowess at the varsity level. The award is made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Donald and Evelyn Barton Chemistry Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of an endowment to Memorial University of Newfoundland in memory of Dr. Donald Barton who was a faculty member with the Department of Chemistry from 1962 to 1992. This scholarship, valued at a portion of the annual income, will be awarded to a student majoring in Chemistry who is beyond their first year of study and who has demonstrated scholarship standing. It will be awarded by the Senate committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards, upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry in consultation with the Chemistry Department Scholarships Committee.

Bennett/Khan Bursary in Biology

This bursary is made possible through a fund established by an anonymous donor in honour of Dr's Gordon Bennett and Rasul Khan. Valued at the interest on the initial endowment, it will be awarded annually to a full time student beyond second year who is majoring in Biology with particular reference to parasitology or another branch of invertebrate zoology. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biology.

E.A. Bishop (1889-1953) Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, established to honour the memory of E.A. Bishop, a teacher in Newfoundland and Labrador, is the result of a generous donation to Memorial University of Newfoundland by his son, John. Interest on the fund will provide a scholarship to full-time undergraduate students after completion of their first year at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are dependants of teachers in the public school system of Newfoundland and Labrador. Applicants must be students in the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences or Science and be of scholarship standing. The scholarship is valued at approximately two semesters tuition for five courses. If, in any year, there is no eligible candidate, the scholarship will not be awarded; however, a student may be awarded the scholarship more than once. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.

W.J. Blundon Scholarship

The W.J. Blundon Scholarship, in memory of Professor W.J. Blundon, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from 1948 to 1976, will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students majoring in Mathematics and/or Statistics. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

BP Canada Energy Company Scholarships in Earth Sciences

These Scholarships, the gift of BP Canada Energy Company, are valued at $2,500.00 each annually and are awarded to two students in the Earth Sciences program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. One scholarship will be awarded to a student in Geology and one to a student in Geophysics. Normally students must be registered full-time in the semester for which these scholarships are granted, however, in the case of a student who has met all academic requirements for their Honours degree, except the Honours dissertation, part-time registration will be accepted. Candidates must have demonstrated high academic achievement, and expressed an interest in oil and gas exploration and development through their choice of courses and/or dissertation subjects. The scholarships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Dr. S.W. Breckon Scholarship in Physics

This scholarship, valued at $1000.00, is the gift of former students and colleagues of Dr. Breckon and is awarded to the full-time honours Physics student who has the best overall academic performance upon completion of the third or fourth year honours Physics program and subsequent enrollment in the following year. The award is made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Physics. Applications should be directed to the Head of the Department of Physics.

Murray H. Brooker Scholarship for Excellence in Chemistry

This scholarship was established by generous donations from family and friends of the late Dr. Murray H. Brooker. Dr. Brooker was a professor in the Department of Chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland when he passed away in 2000. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will be awarded annually to a student beyond first year majoring in Chemistry. Recipients must meet the minimum academic requirement for a scholarship as defined by the University. Preference will be given to students who have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Werner D. Bruckner Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $500.00, honours the memory of Werner D. Bruckner, Head of the Department of Geology at this University from 1959 to 1968, J. P. Howley Research Professor from 1968 to 1977 and Professor Emeritus, 1978. It is awarded annually to an undergraduate student majoring in Earth Sciences. The award will be based upon scholarship standing but, in recognition of other concerns held as particularly important by Dr. Bruckner, financial need and qualities of character will also be considered. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Bruton Scholarship Fund

Dr. F.A. Bruton, friend and colleague of J.L. Paton, taught Nature Study to teachers in three successive Memorial University College summer schools, from 1926-28, at Paton's request. At his death in 1930, Dr. Bruton made a bequest to the College from which two Bruton Scholarships are awarded. These scholarships, valued at $500.00 each, are awarded annually to students who have demonstrated interest in Plant Biology. One award will be available to a student majoring in Biology whose special interest is in the field of Plant Biology. The second award will be available to an Education student whose main area of interest is in the teaching of science, in particular, plant biology. In the absence of a suitable candidate from the one department, two awards may be made by the other department in accordance with the above conditions. Academic ability and financial need will be taken into consideration in making these awards. They will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards acting on the advice of the department concerned.

Buchans Scholarship Fund of ASARCO Incorporated

ASARCO Incorporated has established a scholarship fund, the annual interest on which will provide for students enrolled in the Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, either a scholarship for post-graduate study and research, valued at $5000.00; or two scholarships for undergraduate study, valued at $500.00 each. The latter scholarships will be available only when no suitable candidate can be found for the former. In order to qualify for these awards, students must be native-born Newfoundlanders or graduates of Newfoundland high schools. In the case of the graduate scholarship, the award will be made by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences; in the case of the undergraduate scholarships, by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences. Should no candidates be available in any year, the awards may be held over.

Dr. John Burry Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established through gifts from family, friends and colleagues to honour the memory of Dr. John Burry and to recognize excellence in mathematics. Dr. Burry served the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of Newfoundland for 42 years, including two terms as Head. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student beyond their second year of study majoring in Mathematics. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Honours degree program in Pure or Applied Mathematics. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

C-CORE Board of Directors Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from C-CORE to recognize the significant contribution of its Board of Directors to C-CORE, and to Memorial University of Newfoundland. Since its inception in 1975, C-CORE has been very fortunate to have many talented individuals serve on its Board of Directors. These individuals have given freely of their time, experience and expertise to help build C-CORE into a leading Canadian innovator in developing client-focused technology solutions to address complex challenges in our oceans, on land and in space. This scholarship also commemorates the retirement of David Oake from C-CORE’s Board in 2020. David was C-CORE’s longest serving Board member, having been an avid champion of the organization for 18 years, from 1995 to 2001, and from 2008 to 2020. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will be awarded annually on a rotating basis as follows: the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and the Faculty of Science. Students may be in any year of study in any undergraduate program in the respective faculty. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of the respective faculty. 

CFUW St. John’s Dr. Audrey Lee Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from the family and friends of Dr. Audrey Lee. Dr. Lee was one of the first to receive an MSc in Chemistry from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Following her graduation in 1956, she accepted a position at the provincial Department of Mines and Energy as an analytical chemist. After receiving her PhD from the University of Toronto in 1967, she returned to Mines and Energy as Director of the Assay Lab. In 1981 she accepted a position in Memorial’s Department of Biochemistry, where she worked until her retirement in 1989. Dr. Audrey Lee died in 2021 at the age of 99.  Valued at $1,000, the scholarship will be awarded annually to a female student in her second year of study who is majoring in Chemistry. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland.  This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Canadian Federation of University Women St. John's Undergraduate Scholarship

This Scholarship was established by the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) St. John’s, an organization committed to promoting equality for women and girls. It will be awarded to women who are enrolled beyond their second year of full-time undergraduate studies and have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The number and value of the Scholarships, as well as the faculty, department or school of the recipients, are determined on a year by year basis by the CFUW Scholarship Committee. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for the Scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the respective Dean or Department Head of the faculty, department or school receiving the allocation in a given year.

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (Newfoundland Branch) Silver Jubilee Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, is available to students in the final or penultimate year in Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Scholarship standing is the principal requirement governing the scholarship but preference will be given to a student who displays outstanding character and has demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards acting on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Earth Sciences.

Canadian Society for Chemistry 1996 Conference and Exhibition Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at the annual interest on the initial endowment, was established in recognition of the efforts of the Organizing Committee and the over 100 volunteers for the 1996 Canadian Society of Chemistry Conference which was hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a student in Chemistry based on the results of the National CIC Chemistry examinations or its successors. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Cheng Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics

Established by their children, this scholarship was created to honour the life and memory of Mr. Wan Choi Cheng and Mrs. Yen Bo Cheng who were firm believers in the value of education and encouraged their children to pursue a university degree. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time student majoring in mathematics who meets the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Chevron Canada Ltd. Endowed Scholarships in Business, Earth Sciences, Economics and Engineering

These scholarships, valued at a portion of the income from the endowment, will be awarded starting in 2011 to full-time students enrolled in at least their second year of Engineering and Applied Science, Earth Sciences, Business or Economics; in a given year, it is anticipated that students from all four faculties will be represented. Selection will be based on scholarship standing as well as expression of interest in potential employment in the oil and gas industry, and signaling of career location mobility. Level of service to community, or leadership will also be considered. Students may receive the scholarship in more than one year. They will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the: Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science; Head, Department of Earth Sciences; Dean, Faculty of Business Administration; and Head, Department of Economics.

Chevron Canada Resources Scholarship in Geology and Geophysics

This scholarship, valued at a portion of the annual income on an endowment created at Memorial University of Newfoundland by Chevron Canada Resources, will be awarded annually to an undergraduate 3rd or 4th year student studying Geology or Geophysics in the Department of Earth Sciences. It will be awarded on the basis of scholastic standing and financial need to a student who graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited Science Scholarship

These scholarships valued at approximately $2,500.00 each annually, are the result of an endowment to The Opportunity Fund by the Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited. They will be awarded to second year students or beyond entering the Faculty of Science. The scholarships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Dean, Faculty of Science. All else being equal, preference will be given to students from Labrador.

Herbert M. Clarke Scholarship in Mathematics

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from H. Fraser Clarke to honour his father. Herbert M. Clarke grew up and graduated from high school in Norris Point, NL. He went on to attend Memorial University of Newfoundland and in 1965, was awarded a B.Ed. and B.Sc. (Honours Mathematics, ‘Maxima Cum Laude’). Utilizing the discipline and analytical skills gained from the study and application of mathematics was a key part of Mr. Clarke’s long and diverse career of positive contribution and commitment. His work included public administration and policy, resource development and public engagement. He worked primarily in Newfoundland and Labrador, in both the public and private sectors at senior executive and board levels. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student, in any year of study, who has declared a major in Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. The recipient must have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador with preference given to a student who is not in receipt of another scholarship. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Collip Prize 

This prize was established by Dr. Martin Mulligan, and is named for James Bertram Collip, the Canadian Biochemist whose experimental expertise was key to obtaining pancreatic extracts pure enough for clinical trials on diabetic humans in 1922. Valued at $500 annually, the prize will be awarded in May, or as soon as possible after the end of the winter semester, to a full-time undergraduate student who obtains the best four out of five required third year lecture program courses combined with their best laboratory course, offered by the Department of Biochemistry. All 3000 level courses are to be completed in the same academic year, as determined by the Head, Department of Biochemistry. In the case where any one of these courses are not offered in the academic year, the Head, Department of Biochemistry will choose the recipient based on the remaining courses offered. Only students who are declared majors in a program offered by the Biochemistry Department at the conclusion of the winter semester are eligible for the prize.  The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a prize as defined by the University. The prize will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Captain James Cook Memorial Scholarship

A fund was established in 1979 by members of the Department of Geography to honour the memory of Captain James Cook (1728-79), explorer, navigator and cartographer, whose years of painstaking mapping of the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador laid the basis for a comprehensive and scientific knowledge of the geography of the province. One or more scholarships, valued at not less than $600.00, will be awarded annually by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Department of Geography to a student or students demonstrating particular merit in Geography.

Dr. Douglas L. Cooper Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship fund has been established in honour of Dr. Cooper who was the first department head of Chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The fund will provide several scholarships valued at a minimum of $1,500.00 each annually. They will be awarded to Chemistry students entering their third year of a Bachelor of Chemistry program (General or Honours). If there are not enough eligible third year students in a given year, it will be open to those in their fourth year. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Earth Sciences Field Gear Award

This award was established to provide support for purchasing any personal field gear that may be required for undergraduate Earth Sciences field courses and/or undergraduate thesis projects relying on field work. Valued at $500 annually, the award will be granted to an undergraduate student in any year of study in the Earth Sciences program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. Preference will be given to students from underrepresented groups in the field of Earth Sciences. Students need to apply for this award by writing a letter to the Head, Earth Sciences Department, describing the impact the award would have on them as related to the award’s purpose. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Ernst R. Deutsch Memorial Scholarship in Geophysics

This scholarship is named in honour of Dr. Deutsch, a long-time faculty member at Memorial University of Newfoundland who passed away in 2000. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment the scholarship will be awarded annually to a senior undergraduate student in the Earth Sciences (or related field of Physics) whose concentration is Geophysics. If there is no qualified undergraduate student, the scholarship will be awarded to a full-time graduate student in Earth Sciences who has received an undergraduate degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland and whose area of concentration is Geophysics. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Head, Department of Earth Sciences in the case of an undergraduate student; in the case of a Graduate Student it will be awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Eastern Newfoundland Science and Technology Fair Scholarship

This scholarship was established through combined gifts from alumni and friends of the Faculty of Science. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be offered annually to a senior winner of the Eastern Newfoundland Science and Technology Fair and will be awarded upon registration at Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will provide the recipient with full-time tuition for two semesters in an academic program in the Faculty of Science. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the university. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Faculty of Science Opportunity Fund Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of an endowment created from several general donations to the Opportunity Fund by various alumni and friends of the University and in particular of the Faculty of Science. Valued at the annual interest on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student beyond first year in the Faculty of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland on the basis of scholarship standing. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Dr. Richard Douglas Fagan Memorial Scholarship in Biochemistry

The Dr. Richard Douglas Fagan Memorial Scholarship in Biochemistry was established by Dr. Andrew Fagan in memory of his brother, Dr. Richard Douglas Fagan, both of whom graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a degree in Biochemistry (Honours) prior to going on to complete their medical studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Richard was a compassionate, caring, and courageous young man who had an enormous capacity for learning and a deep passion for adventure and living life to the fullest. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this scholarship will be awarded annually to a Biochemistry major in the final year of undergraduate studies. To be eligible, candidates must have scholarship standing as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland, with preference given to students at or near the top of their class in academic performance, and who demonstrate innovative or creative thinking in the judgment of the Department of Biochemistry. Preference may also be given to students who graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Dr. L.A.W. Feltham Scholarship

This scholarship began with fundraising within the Biochemistry Department during the 1996 Opportunity Fund Campaign. It is named for Dr. Feltham, the founding head of the department. The interest on the endowment will provide a scholarship for a student in the B.Sc. Program in Biochemistry. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards to a student beyond second year on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Victoria Finney Scholarship in Mathematics

This scholarship, established in honour of Ms. Victoria Finney, was created by her brother, Mr. Steve Finney. Throughout high school, Vicki participated in quarterly math competitions and was a member of her school’s Math Club. A natural organizer, Vicki strives for accuracy and efficiency, traits for which she is very well known and that have contributed to her successful career. Valued at $1,000.00, the Scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time student enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Daniel Freeman Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established from the contributions of many family members, friends, and fellow students in memory of Danny Freeman, a former Engineering student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The scholarship, valued at a portion of the accrued interest, will be awarded annually, on a rotating basis, to students enrolled in either Engineering or Mathematics. Preference will be given to candidates with disabilities with consideration given to quality of character and overall perseverance. If a successful candidate is not recommended by the discipline on rotation in a given year an eligible student from the other discipline may be awarded the scholarship for that year. If no candidates are available from the first group any student enrolled in either Engineering or Mathematics (discipline to be determined by the rotation schedule in a given year) will be considered. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering or the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Fry Family Foundation Dr. Hugh J. Anderson Chemistry Scholarship

The Fry Family Foundation Dr. Hugh J. Anderson Chemistry Scholarship is part of the Fry Family Foundation Awards program. The scholarship was created to recognize and encourage tomorrow’s great leaders. The Fry Family Foundation was founded by Darryl and Marlene (nee Sellars) Fry, who were born, raised and educated in Newfoundland and Labrador. They are alumni of Memorial University and have a passion for both the university and the province. The Foundation helps to build stronger communities by investing in the development of young talent, as well as supporting health, social causes, nature and the arts. This scholarship is named in honour of Darryl Fry’s primary Chemistry Professor, Dr. Hugh Anderson. Dr. Anderson was a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at Memorial University for thirty-eight years and was made Professor Emeritus. He showed students the practical benefits of chemistry and inspired Dr. Fry to pursue a career in chemical engineering. Valued at $5,000, this scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador who have completed first year chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland and are declared majors in Chemistry. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards based on a recommendation from the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Kathleen Gagnon Memorial Award in Behavioural Neuroscience

This Award was established by Yellow Martin in memory of her friend Kathleen Gagnon who came to Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2014 to pursue a bachelor's degree with a focus in behavioural neuroscience. Kathleen immediately excelled academically and was widely loved by her peers. She had an incredibly bright future, but due to illness Kathleen was forced to put her academic pursuits on hold to return to her hometown of Saint John, New Brunswick where she could be cared for by her parents and medical team. Kathleen remained focused on her education and pursued courses in psychology until she could no longer study due to her illness. For the remainder of her time, Kathleen became a strong voice in her community, advocating for equality for those with disabilities and for more patient-focused and empathetic health care. In August of 2022, Kathleen found peace and left a legacy of empowerment, compassion, and encouragement to pursue one’s dreams and make them a reality. Valued at $250 annually, the Award will be granted to a psychology student majoring in Behavioural Neuroscience in the Faculty of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland.  Preference will be given to the student with the highest grade in Psychology 2521 (Intro to Neuroscience for Behavioural Neuroscience Majors). The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Dr. Grant Gardner Scholarship in Biology

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Dr. Grant Gardner and Mrs. Beverly Gardner. Valued at $1,000 annually, it will be awarded to a student in any year of study in the Marine Biology Joint Honours program in the Faculty of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to a student who has shown a demonstrated interest in environmental sustainability and/or international studies. The recipient must have first class and scholarship standing as defined by the University. If there is no eligible Marine Biology Joint Honours student in any given year, students in other honours or joint honours programs, in the Faculty of Science, may be considered. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science acting in consultation with the Heads of the Departments of Biology and Ocean Sciences.

Dr. Patricia Giovannetti Memorial Bursary

The Newfoundland and Labrador College of Dietitians sponsors this Bursary of $600.00 awarded annually to a student completing the second year of the Dietetics program in the Department of Biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who is attending Acadia University the following year. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholastic standing and financial need, to a student who is planning to enter a dietetic internship program upon graduation. The award is made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head of the Biochemistry Department.

Gerry Goobie Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mr. Gerry Goobie, B.Sc. ’76 (Chemistry). Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will be awarded annually, on a rotating basis, to a full-time undergraduate student in any year majoring in Chemistry or Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry or the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, as appropriate.

Eva and Herschel Gora Bursary

This renewable bursary, valued at $4,000 annually, was established in honour of Eva and Herschel (Harry) Gora. Eva and Harry were World War II Holocaust survivors who held a deep belief in the value of higher education. The bursary will be awarded to a full time student of Indigenous heritage who is enrolled in either the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, or School of Social Work at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students can demonstrate their Indigenous heritage through provision of a membership card or demonstrate that they are part of their Indigenous community by providing a letter from a community leader or Elder in their Indigenous community. Eligible students must meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. This bursary is renewable for an additional three years, four years in total, provided the successful candidate continues to maintain the academic requirements for a bursary. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.

Samuel, Millicent and Thomas Grandy Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, established in 1998 by the Grandy Family to honour the memory of their parents, will be valued at a portion of the annual accrued interest on the initial endowment. It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing and demonstrated aptitude and potential in the science of computing to an undergraduate student beyond first year in full time study of the Computer Science program (declared major for B.Sc.) at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Computer Science.

Ellen Grant Bursary for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

This bursary was established by a generous donation to Memorial University of Newfoundland from Ms. Constance Howlett B.Sc. ’89 to encourage and support women in leadership in science, technology, engineering and math. Ms. Howlett attributes much of her success to her grandmother, Ellen Grant, who was orphaned at a young age and in whose name the bursary is established. Ellen raised her daughters to be smart and independent women, a culture supported by both Constance’s mother and father, who both believed strongly in gender equality. Constance was a product of that lineage and family culture, where generosity and giving back were also expected, and education was considered the foundation of independence. The establishment of this bursary was also influenced by the belief that the critical thinking skills learned in studying STEM subjects can be applied to any business situation, and that leadership development is essential for long-term economic success. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the Bursary will be awarded annually on a rotating basis between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science to an undergraduate female student. In each case, preference will be given to a student who demonstrates leadership potential as determined by the faculty. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science or the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, as appropriate based on the rotation.

Greystone Managed Investments Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, is made possible by a generous contribution from Greystone Managed Investments. This scholarship will be awarded, to an undergraduate student beyond first year, on a rotating basis between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Based on scholarship standing it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty on rotation.

Dr. Imran Hack Bursary in Biochemistry

This bursary was established by a generous donation from Memorial University of Newfoundland alumnus Dr. Imran Hack (B.Sc. (Biochemistry) ’74, MD’79). Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any year of study in any degree program in the Department of Biochemistry. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Douglas and Beatrice Hall Biochemistry Bursary

This bursary was established by the employees in the Department of Biochemistry in memory of two dedicated past members of the Department. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student who is enrolled in the third year (that is, normally enrolled in majors’ courses at the 3000 level) of any Biochemistry undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Science. The recipient must meet the minimum academic and financial requirements for a bursary as defined by the university and not be in receipt of any other scholarships or bursaries. The Bursary will be administered by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Head’s Award in Mathematics and Statistics

This award was established by a generous donation from Dr. Edgar Goodaire. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student with at least one year of study remaining in any undergraduate program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Faculty of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. In addition, other factors may be considered including, but not limited to, service in the community, extracurricular activities and leadership potential. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Hebron Diversity Award

This award was created from a generous contribution from the Hebron Project. The Hebron Project co-venturers are ExxonMobil Canada Properties (operator), Chevron Canada, Suncor Energy, Statoil Canada and Nalcor Energy. Awards will be available to full-time or part-time students, enrolled at any Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland, who have indigenous status, a disability, or who represent a visible minority. Students with a disability should provide supporting documentation (from a medical doctor, psychologist, audiologist, rehabilitation counselor, or other professional who has specific training, expertise, and experience in the diagnosis of this condition). Students will claim indigenous and visible minority status through self-identification. Of those eligible students, further preference will be given to students who are majoring in engineering, the geosciences, environmental science or chemistry. Normally, at least one award will be granted in each designated area and where possible, at least one award will be granted to a student in his/her first year of study. For students at the St. John’s or Grenfell Campus the awards will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the appropriate Department Head. For students at Marine Institute, the awards will be granted by the Marine Institute Scholarship Committee on the recommendation of the appropriate Department Head.

Hebron Women in Science and Engineering Scholarship

This scholarship program was created by a generous contribution from the Hebron Project. The Hebron Project co-venturers are ExxonMobil Canada Properties (operator), Chevron Canada, Suncor Energy, Statoil Canada and Nalcor Energy. Scholarships will be awarded to female students who are enrolled in full-time or part-time studies at any Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland who are majoring in engineering, the geosciences, environmental science or chemistry. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Where possible at least one scholarship will be awarded to a student in her first year of study. For students at the St. John’s or Grenfell Campus the awards will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the appropriate Dean or Department Head. For students at the Marine institute the awards will be granted by the Marine Institute Scholarship Committee on recommendation of the appropriate Department Head.

General Rick Hillier Scholarship in Science and Leadership

This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, was established through donations and the proceeds of the inaugural Halifax Affinity Dinner, at which General Rick Hillier gave the keynote address. The scholarship is intended to recognize one of Memorial University of Newfoundland’s most celebrated alumni. General Hillier is one of Canada’s most respected and successful military leaders in generations; a leader who has had a profound impact on Canada’s men and women in the military, and an advocate for peace internationally. Upon his retirement in October of 2008, General Hillier took on the position of Chancellor of Memorial University of Newfoundland. To be eligible for this scholarship students must be enrolled full-time in any year of any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Science. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership in their activities, either on or off- campus, and students who have graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. When possible, preference will also be given to students who are members of military families, or who are past or present members of the military. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarship, Bursaries and Awards based on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Bob Hooper Scholarship

This scholarship was established to honour the student-centric contributions of Dr. Bob Hooper, whose field-based teaching and research in Bonne Bay spans a period of nearly 50 years and deeply affected the lives of many generations of students. Valued at a minimum of $1,500 annually, the scholarship will be awarded to a student in any year of study in the Faculty of Science (St. John’s Campus) or School of the Environment (Grenfell Campus) who is registered in an academic course in Biology at Bonne Bay Marine Station that is offered by the Faculty of Science. Preference will be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Dr. Richard Huntsman Family Bursary

This bursary was established by a generous donation from Mrs. Elaine Huntsman. Dr. Richard Huntsman and his wife, Elaine, came to Newfoundland and Labrador in 1975 with their eight (8) children, all of whom graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Dr. Huntsman always enjoyed the time that his various occupations afforded him in rural Newfoundland and Labrador.  He spoke highly of the people that he met on these trips, whether they be in destinations such as Ramea, Grey River, the Labrador Coast, or St. Anthony. The family of Dr. Huntsman believes that he would be delighted with the support and assistance that is available to the students that will receive these bursaries. Two bursaries, valued at $2,500 each will be awarded annually to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science. One bursary will be awarded to an individual who self-identifies as a woman or as gender-diverse who has graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The second bursary will be awarded to any undergraduate student who has graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The recipients must demonstrate financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. These bursaries will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Dr. Richard Huntsman Family Bursary

This bursary was established by a generous donation from Mrs. Elaine Huntsman. Dr. Richard Huntsman and his wife, Elaine, came to Newfoundland and Labrador in 1975 with their eight (8) children, all of whom graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Dr. Huntsman always enjoyed the time that his various occupations afforded him in rural Newfoundland and Labrador.  He spoke highly of the people that he met on these trips, whether they be in destinations such as Ramea, Grey River, the Labrador Coast, or St. Anthony. The family of Dr. Huntsman believes that he would be delighted with the support and assistance that is available to the students that will receive these bursaries. Two bursaries, valued at an equal portion of the income on the endowment, will be awarded annually to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science. One bursary will be awarded to an individual who self-identifies as a woman or as gender-diverse who has graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The second bursary will be awarded to any undergraduate student who has graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

White Rose Extension Project Diversity Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Husky Energy, now a part of the Cenovus group of companies, to recognize the importance of a skilled and diverse workforce. The Donor strongly supports economic development in Newfoundland and Labrador and believes that education is important in developing and sustaining a successful community. The Donor is seeking to develop the pool of qualified diversity group members interested in pursuing careers in operational aspects of the oil and gas industry. Two scholarships, valued at $2,500 each will be awarded annually to undergraduate students from the Department of Earth Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and/or the Faculty of Business Administration. The scholarships will be awarded on a rotating basis, and each year the two recipients must be from different faculties. The recipients will identify as one or more of the following: female, Indigenous, person with a disability and/or member of a visible minority. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of the recipient faculty.

Harold Johnson Scholarship in Mathematics

This scholarship was established by a donation from Mrs. Betty Johnson to honour the life of her late husband, Mr. Harold Johnson. Harold had a lengthy career teaching math before assuming the role of Undergraduate Officer in the Department of Mathematics at Memorial University of Newfoundland. In this last capacity, he took great pride in supporting the efforts of the Department Head, faculty and staff and, as a direct result, the students. He often spoke of and to these young people and their ability to influence the world for the greater good through their mathematical education. This scholarship is dedicated to those past endeavours of Harold Johnson and to those future endeavours that math majors from Memorial University will make in the years to come. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any year of study who is a declared major in Mathematics. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated financial need. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Marie T. Kennedy Bursary

In her will, Ms. Marie Theresa Kennedy left a bequest to Memorial University of Newfoundland to allow one or more bursaries of at least $5,000.00 to be awarded annually. To be considered, a candidate must be a full-time undergraduate student, in any year of study, majoring in Science or Medicine - it will be awarded on a rotating basis. Students receiving scholarships or bursaries from other individuals or institutions, for the same scholarship year, will not be eligible. The bursary will be awarded on the basis of need and academic effort by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation from the appropriate Dean.

Joan Keough Awards in Chemistry

The awards were established by a generous donation from Joan Keough. Valued at $400 each, the Physical Chemistry Award will be granted to a student majoring in Chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland who has received the highest grade in Chemistry 2301 (or its successor); the Analytical Chemistry Award will be granted to a student majoring in Chemistry who has received the highest grade in Chemistry 2100 (or its successor). The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The awards will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the head, department of Chemistry.   

Dr. Kevin Keough Scholarship in Biochemistry

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Dr. Kevin and Mrs. Joan Keough. Valued at $1000 annually, it will be awarded to a student who is a declared biochemistry major entering their 3rd year of study at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must have first class and scholarship standing as defined by the University. Preference will be given to the student with the highest average from the previous scholarship year. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Dr. Kevin Keough Scholarship in Human Biosciences

This Scholarship was established by a generous donation from Dr. Kevin Keough and Mrs. Joan Keough.  Valued at $1,000, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student entering the third year of study, who is a declared Human Biosciences major and has received the highest average in the previous scholarship year at Memorial University of Newfoundland.  The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for scholarship standing as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland.  This Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Department Head, Biochemistry. 

Harry Kiefte Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from the employees of the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography in memory of their colleague, Dr. Harry Kiefte (1942-1997). Harry Kiefte inspired many with his wisdom, warm heart, integrity, and spirit of possibility. He was a respected and accomplished physicist, passionate naturalist, teacher, and family cornerstone. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student who is enrolled in any year of any Physics and Physical Oceanography undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Science. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography.

Dr. B.K. Kim Scholarship in Statistics

This scholarship will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student whose major subject of study is Statistics. The award honours the memory of the late Dr. B.K. Kim who taught in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics from 1976-84. The scholarship, with a value of at least $500.00, will normally be based on academic achievement in third year and/or fourth year courses and will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

John Kingston Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $600.00, was established in memory of John F. Kingston, a former member of the faculty of the Department of Chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It will be awarded annually to a student majoring in Chemistry, who has completed at least 18 credit hours in Chemistry courses, on the basis of academic merit and financial need. The scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

LGL Limited Scholarship in Marine Science

This scholarship, valued at $3,000.00, was established by LGL Limited. It will be awarded annually to a student in the Faculty of Science who is following a program of studies related to Marine Science. The successful candidate will be either a fourth year undergraduate student doing an honours program or a graduate student. Wherever possible, preference will be given to a student from a fishing family, but other students will be considered. In the case of undergraduate students the scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing. In the case of graduate students the scholarship will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. In both cases it will be based upon a recommendation from the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Dr. Chu-in Charles Lee Scholarship

This scholarship is established through generous contributions by family, friends, students, professors and the academic community in memory of Dr. Chu-in Charles Lee, who served as Deputy Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for many years. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to senior full- time undergraduate students in their 3rd or 4th year majoring in Mathematics and/or Statistics. To be considered, candidates must take a minimum of four (4) senior Mathematics and /or Statistics courses in a given year with preference given to the student who achieves the highest average on these courses. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards based on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Julius and Bella Levkovitz Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded out of income derived from a bequest to Memorial University of Newfoundland by the late Mrs. Bella Levkovitz. From this income a scholarship of not less than $700.00 is to be awarded as often as possible to an outstanding student in second, third or fourth year, or graduate studies in Pure or Applied Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of a recommendation from the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Hugh Lilly Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, presently valued at a minimum of $3000.00 per annum, will be awarded to the most promising graduate in the Geosciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is continuing studies at the post-graduate level, here or elsewhere. The award honours the memory of the late Hugh Lilly, an instructor in the Earth Sciences Department. Selection of the winning candidate will rest with the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards in consultation with the Earth Sciences Department.

Hugh Lilly Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $300.00 per annum, will be awarded to an undergraduate student entering the third year of studies in a Geology major program. The award honours the memory of the late Hugh Lilly, an instructor in the Earth Sciences Department. In making the award, academic achievement, character and financial need may be taken into consideration. The scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Earth Sciences Department.

Loughney-Brosnan Scholarship in Biochemistry

This scholarship is valued at the interest accruing on an endowment given to Memorial University of Newfoundland by the Loughney family. It is open to an undergraduate student studying the honours program in Biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland and will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing. Preference will be given to a student entering the final year of the Biochemistry (Honours) Program. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

William Kenneth MacLeod Scholarship

This Scholarship was established by a generous donation from Mrs. Helen MacLeod to Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2002, in memory of Mr. William Kenneth MacLeod. Mr. MacLeod was a recipient of the Provincial Government Senior Jubilee Scholarship in the early 1930s. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student from Newfoundland and Labrador enrolled in the Faculty of Science. Where possible, preference will be given to a student with financial need as determined by the University. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a Scholarship as defined by the University. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of Science.

Ed and Mary Lou Martin Award

This award was established by a generous donation from Ed and Mary Lou Martin who are proud supporters of Memorial University of Newfoundland and place a great emphasis on education. Ed and Mary Lou grew up in Grand Falls-Windsor and, at the age of 17, moved to St. John’s to continue their education. Ed and their four sons are graduates of Memorial University and Mary Lou is a registered nurse having graduated from St. Clare’s School of Nursing. Ed and Mary Lou recognize that leaving home to study brings additional financial strain to a student and they hope that this award will help to alleviate some of that pressure. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the award will be granted annually to a student from rural Newfoundland and Labrador who has relocated to study at the St. John’s Campus of Memorial University and who meets the minimum academic requirements for an award. The award will be distributed annually to a student in the School of Social Work or the Faculty of Science, on a rotating basis. Preference will be given first to students who have demonstrated financial need and within that pool of candidates, to mature students or student parents where possible. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of the appropriate discipline.

Mrs. E.D. Matthews Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics

This scholarship honours the memory of the late Mrs. Evelyn Matthews who taught in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, from 1959-78. It has a value of at least $500.00, and will be awarded on an annual basis to an undergraduate student whose major subject of study is Mathematics or Statistics. The scholarship will be based on academic merit and will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Robert G. McLachlan Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by friends of Robert (Bob) McLachlan and members of the Alexander Murray Student Club, to honour his memory. Born and raised on a farm in southern Alberta, Bob chose Memorial University of Newfoundland to pursue his dream of becoming a geologist in the late 1970’s. Sadly, he passed away tragically before he could complete his undergraduate science degree, however, he left an impact on all who knew him, teaching by example the importance of enjoying whatever we do. A free spirited, fun-loving and charismatic photographer and motorcyclist, he fell in love with Newfoundland and Labrador, its beauty and its people. While studying geology, he honed his photography and exploration skills, particularly during field trips and travels including the Codroy Valley, Labrador and many areas in between. His large circle of friends wants to ensure the example he set will never be forgotten. Valued at $500 annually, the scholarship will be awarded to a student entering any undergraduate program in the Department of Earth Sciences. The recipient will be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. Preference may be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

McKay Family Award in Mathematics  

This award was established by a generous donation from Donald W. and Kathleen W. McKay. The McKay’s believe that hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of one’s full potential can transcend individual achievement, and when a student’s brilliance is nurtured and celebrated, it moves us all forward. A mathematician’s awe-inspiring solutions are innovations that propel society to explore and expand the human experience. The McKay’s recognize that it is not always possible for many deserving students to complete a full-time course load and that many exceptional students may be challenged by specific courses. This award was established to benefit and encourage this group of students and to acknowledge their hard work at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this award will be granted to a full-time or part-time undergraduate student who is pursuing their first bachelor’s degree with a major in any program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and has the highest mark in Math 2130 – Technical Writing in Mathematics or its successor.  The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University . In the case of a tie, the award will be split evenly. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics & Statistics. 

Maud Menten Prize 

This prize was established by Dr. Martin Mulligan and is named for Maud Menten, the Canadian Biochemist whose work on enzyme-catalyzed reactions led to the formulation of the Michaelis-Menten equation, a key concept taught to every beginning biochemistry student. She was one of the first women in Canada to earn a medical doctorate in 1911, and during her career she also made important contributions to clinical biochemistry and enzyme histochemistry.  Valued at $500 annually the prize will be awarded in May, or as soon as possible after the winter semester, to a full-time undergraduate student who obtains the best combined marks in three 2000 level required program courses (one course in the discipline of biochemistry, one in the discipline of molecular biology, and one in a laboratory course offered by the Department of Biochemistry).  All three courses must be completed in the same academic year, as determined by the Head, Department of Biochemistry. In the case where any one of these courses are not offered in the academic year, the Head, Department of Biochemistry will choose the recipient based on the remaining courses offered. Only students who are declared majors in a program offered by the Biochemistry program at the conclusion of the winter semester are eligible for this prize. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a prize as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The prize will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Carmen and Olive Mews Chemistry Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of an endowment to Memorial University of Newfoundland from the estates of Carmen and Olive Mews. Carmen Mews enjoyed a long career with the Department of Chemistry. He and his wife Olive, both of whom were keenly interested in the welfare of undergraduate students, wished to endow a scholarship to support a student majoring in Chemistry. This scholarship, valued at a portion of the annual interest, will be awarded to a student beyond their first year of study who has demonstrated scholarship standing. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards, upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Grace Morgan Scholarship in Nutrition

This scholarship is valued at the interest accruing on an endowment given to Memorial University of Newfoundland by Mrs. Grace Morgan. It is open to an undergraduate student studying nutrition at Memorial University of Newfoundland and will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing. Preference will be given to a student entering the final year of the nutrition program. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Dr. George Moskovits Award

This award is made possible through a fund established by former students and colleagues of Dr. George Moskovits to honour his retirement from the Department of Biology in 1984. The award is valued at $200.00 and will be made annually to a full-time senior student who has shown outstanding performance in the field of cell biology/microbiology. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biology.

Charles and Margaret Mulligan Biochemistry Bursary

This bursary was established by a generous donation from Dr. Martin Mulligan, a faculty member in the Department of Biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and is named for his parents. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student who is enrolled in the fourth year (that is, normally enrolled in majors’ courses at the 4000 level) in any Biochemistry undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Science. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University, and not be in receipt of any other scholarship or bursaries. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Dr. Martin E. Mulligan International Travel Award

This Award was established to honour the memory of Dr. Martin Mulligan (1955-2024), a highly regarded professor of Biochemistry.  He was born in the United Kingdom and was an avid traveler who considered international travel a valuable educational and immersive experience.  Given his background and his exceptional commitment to undergraduate programming and the student experience, his colleagues, family and friends felt this Award would be a fitting legacy.  Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be granted annually to a full-time student majoring in Human Biosciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is enrolled in a post secondary institution outside of Canada as part of Memorial’s Human Biosciences program.  If the Award cannot be granted in any given year, it may be granted to an international student in the Department of Biochemistry’s Human Biosciences program.  The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland.  This Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.  An application is required and can be obtained from the Department of Biochemistry. 

E.R.W. Neale Undergraduate Scholarship of the G.A.C. (Newfoundland Section)

The E.R.W. Neale Undergraduate Scholarship is offered annually by the Newfoundland Section of the Geological Association of Canada. The scholarship is open to declared majors in Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. One scholarship valued at $1000 will be offered annually, on the basis of academic achievement, financial need and character. The scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Newfoundland and Labrador Neurotrauma Initiative Award

This award, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, is made possible by a generous endowment from the Newfoundland and Labrador Neurotrauma Initiative Program, a partnership between the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation, the Canadian Paraplegic Association, the Brain Injury Association and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The award will be available on an annually rotating basis between undergraduate and graduate students, with first preference given to a student who has been identified with a brain or spinal cord injury. For undergraduate students, an application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website. Graduate Students are required to apply specifically to the School of Graduate Studies, Room IIC 2021, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, (709) 864-2600.

If no candidate is available with a brain or spinal cord injury, preference will be given to a student who is studying in any field related to neurotrauma. If it is not awarded at the level of study (i.e. graduate/undergraduate) on rotation in a given year, it may be awarded to a student studying at the other level for that year. In the case of undergraduates, the award will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduates it will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Awards and Medals Committee. This award is open to part-time or full-time students with clear academic standing.

Newfoundland Gardening Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of proceeds from the sale of a book by Dr. Peter J. Scott entitled Newfoundland Gardening. It will be awarded annually to a Biology student who is graduating and intends to pursue a career in plant biology. In the event that such a candidate is not available, it will be awarded to a second year Biology student from Memorial University of Newfoundland going on to study horticulture. The scholarship will be valued at the interest accruing on the initial endowment and will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Biology.

Newfoundland Home Economics Association Scholarship

This Scholarship was established by generous donations from the Newfoundland Home Economics Association. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a second year student enrolled in the Dietetics Program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a Scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of Science.

Newfoundland Margarine - Unilever Canada Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at the annual interest on an initial endowment, will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Nutrition major in the Department of Biochemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will normally be given to an honours student in his/her final year. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Dr. Châu Nguyên Bursary in Infectious Diseases

This bursary was established through donations from family, friends, colleagues and the widow of Dr. Châu Nguyên. Dr. Nguyên practiced as a clinical infectious disease specialist in St. John’s for 10 years and was known for his commitment to his patients and to teaching. He was born in Huê, Central Vietnam, became one of “the Vietnamese boat people” and arrived in Canada in 1975. While studying internal medicine at the University of Toronto, Dr. Nguyên developed a lifelong passion for clinical infectious diseases and tropical medicine. He was an assistant professor with the Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland and an adult infectious disease specialist at the Health Sciences Centre. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the bursary will be awarded annually to either a student in the undergraduate medical education program or a resident in the postgraduate residency program who is taking a national or an international elective in infectious diseases. The elective must satisfy the Faculty of Medicine requirements in order to be eligible. Applicants must show interest in and a passion for a career in infectious diseases. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need. Undergraduate student recipients must also meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean of Medicine’s Advisory Committee on Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards or by the Office of Postgraduate Medical Education on the basis of a recommendation from the Chair of Medicine and with the approval of the Dean of Medicine.

NLOA Angus Wentzell Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $500.00, will be awarded annually to a student majoring in Biology at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is registered in at least his or her third year of studies. The scholarship recipient must plan to pursue an undergraduate academic program leading to a career in Inland Fisheries, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Biology, or a related field of study. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biology.

Thomas Corbin Noel Scholarship Fund

This scholarship, in memory of Thomas Corbin Noel Senior and Junior, was established through a bequest by Ella Noel as a tribute to her late husband and son. Corbin Noel Senior was a retired professor of Physics and former assistant vice-president (administration/ physical operations) at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Tommy Noel was a student at Memorial University of Newfoundland when a tragic accident took his life. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, the scholarship will be given to a student majoring in Physics on the basis of scholarship standing. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Physics.

Noranda Scholarship

This scholarship valued at the annual interest, has been established by the Noranda Foundation as part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. It will be awarded on an annually rotating basis between students in Earth Sciences and Engineering and Applied Science. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Dean/Department Head of the appropriate discipline.

Dr. V. Stephen Papezik Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at a minimum of $1000.00, honours the memory of Dr. V. Stephen Papezik, Professor of Geology at Memorial University of Newfoundland from 1961 to 1984. It is awarded annually to an undergraduate student majoring in Earth Sciences whose specialization is closest to mineralogy. The award will be based upon scholarship standing but in deciding on candidates of equal scholastic attainment, need may be the deciding factor. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Bruce Pardy Family Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at the annual interest on an endowment, has been established by the Pardy Family. It will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Dean, Faculty of Science.

PEGNL Connections East Award in Earth Sciences

This award was established through a generous donation from the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL) Connections East. Connections East is responsible for organizing technical and social activities with the Eastern District of the PEGNL membership. Valued at $500 each, two awards will be granted annually to a student beyond their first year in the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the university. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Dr. Charles and J. Yvonne (Butt) Pelley Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Dr. Charles and J. Yvonne (Butt) Pelley in memory of their parents, Chesley and Mona Pelley, and Cecil and Nellie V. Butt, who understood the importance of education for their children. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student beyond first year of study who is enrolled in a degree program related to ocean sciences or marine biology in the Faculty of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to a student who has graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Maureen Penney Memorial Scholarship

This $400.00 scholarship, donated by the Geological Association of Canada, honours the memory of Maureen Penney, B.Comm.(MUN), who was Associate Secretary-Treasurer of the Geological Association of Canada from 1983 to 1989. It is awarded annually to a second- or third-year undergraduate student majoring in Earth Sciences. In making the award, academic achievement will be the primary consideration, but other factors, such as involvement in student activities, will be taken into account. The scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Dennis R. Prince Memorial Scholarship

The Dennis R. Prince Memorial Scholarship has been made available by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Falconbridge Ltd., the Porcupine Prospectors and Developers Association, the mining community, colleagues, friends and family of the late Dennis Prince. Dennis graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1970 with a B.Sc. Honours degree. He led a distinguished career as a geologist with twenty-nine years at Falconbridge Ltd. The annual scholarship, valued at $2,000.00 and an engraved Brunton compass, will be awarded to a final year student specializing in mineral exploration and development in the honours program of the undergraduate degree in Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. If there is no qualified undergraduate student a graduate student who has been accepted for post-graduate studies in mineral exploration and development at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who intends to pursue a career in the mineral industry, will be considered. The qualifying student must demonstrate scholarship standing, strong personal values including a strong work ethic and high personal integrity. Active participation and leadership in geological associations and activities such as The Alexander Murray Geology Club and the Geological Association of Canada may be taken into consideration as well as financial need. In the case of undergraduates the scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduates it will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. In both cases it will be based on a recommendation from the Head, Department of Earth Sciences in consultation with the PDAC and the Prince family.

Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador Past Presidents' Geoscience Scholarship

This scholarship valued at a minimum of $1,000.00 was established by the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador. It is awarded annually on the basis of scholarship standing to a Geoscience student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is open to either graduate or undergraduate students in any given year and will be allocated as such at the discretion of the Department Head. In the case of undergraduates, the scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences in consultation with PEGNL. In the case of graduates it is awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences, in consultation with PEGNL.

Psychology Society Award

The Psychology Society Award has been established by the students of the Psychology Society to encourage and support their fellow students. This award will be given to an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology or Behavioural Neuroscience who is beyond their second year of study and meets the minimum academic requirements for an award. It will be based on academic achievement in Psychology or Behavioral Neuroscience courses as well as involvement in the internal and external Psychology or Behavioral Neuroscience community. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the head, Department of Psychology.

Dr. & Mrs. Satti Paddi & Pavarti Reddy Memorial Scholarship in Physics

This scholarship was established by generous donations from Drs. Sethu, Bharati and Suresh Reddy, the children of the late Dr. & Mrs. Satti Paddi & Parvati Reddy. Dr. S.P. Reddy was a faculty member and former Department Head of the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography and Professor Emeritus. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student who is a declared major in the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography and who is beyond their first year. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography.

Rees Scholarship in Earth Sciences

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Memorial University of Newfoundland alumnus Michael Rees (B. Sc. ’99). Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a Newfoundland and Labrador high school graduate entering their second year of full-time undergraduate studies majoring in Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Earth Sciences.

Dr. Wallace Rendell Award

This award was conceived by Chuck Rendell and established through generous donations from Dr. Rendell’s wife Shirley and their seven children in honour of Dr. Rendell’s life and achievements. With this award they share his passion for science, the arts, medicine, nature and all things Newfoundland.  Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student in their first or second year of study who has a declared major in the Faculty of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland and has graduated from a high school in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Restoration of Labrador Exploration Sites Inc. (ROLES) Science Bursary

This bursary was established by a generous donation from The Restoration of Labrador Exploration Sites Inc. (ROLES), which existed from 2012-2019 as a not-for-profit consortium dedicated to cleaning and remediating historical abandoned mineral exploration sites in Labrador. Valued at $4,000, it will be awarded annually to students enrolled in Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Faculty of Science who have graduated from a high school in Labrador. If there are no qualified students from Labrador in a given year the bursary will not be awarded for that year. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University. The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

Charlie Riggs and Cathy Macdonald Riggs Memorial Award

This award has been established in memory of Charlie Riggs (Bachelor of Engineering- Mechanical, 1988) and Cathy Macdonald Riggs (Bachelor of Science – Psychology, 1984) by AMEC Earth & Environmental (a division of AMEC Americas Limited). The award will be valued at a portion of the income on the endowment and will be awarded annually on a rotating basis between the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and the Department of Psychology. Recipients from Engineering can be enrolled in any year of the undergraduate program. Preference will be given to students involved in environmental organizations such as the Newfoundland Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) or environmental initiatives supported by the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL). Recipients from Psychology must be undergraduate students majoring in Behavioural Neuroscience and beyond their second year of study. They may demonstrate an interest in the psychology or physiology of communication. The students must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be administered by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and the Head of Psychology, Faculty of Science, respectively.

Tracy Ronayne Scholarship

This scholarship has been established by the Department of Information Technology Services (formerly Computing and Communications) at Memorial University of Newfoundland, to honour the life and contribution of a former employee, Tracy Ronayne. To be eligible, the recipient must have scholarship standing, be a full-time undergraduate student and be a dependant of a current, retired, deceased or former (having worked in the unit for a minimum of 5 years) employee of Information Technology Services or be a student employed by Information Technology Services during the Fall semester of the academic year for which the scholarship will be awarded. One or more scholarships may be awarded in any given year. In the absence of a candidate meeting the above criteria, the scholarship will be awarded to a student beyond first year majoring in computer science in the Faculty of Science or a student in the Faculty of Business Administration. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.

Frank J. Ryan Earth Sciences Award

This award was established by Frank Ryan, a graduate from the Department of Earth Sciences, class of 2011. Valued at $1,000 annually, it will be granted to a student in any year of study in the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. Preference will be given to students who have acted as volunteers within the department or the community, have been involved with sports or have demonstrated an interest in pursuing a career in the oil and gas industry. The Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Department Head, Earth Sciences.

Roberta H. Sellars Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of an endowment by the Rev. Walter C. Sellars in recognition of his wife Roberta for her loyal and loving support, particularly while he was struggling through university. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time student in any year in either the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences or Science on a rotating basis. It will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards based on scholarship standing and financial need and upon the recommendation of the appropriate Dean.

Rick Sheppard Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $500.00 has been established by the friends and colleagues of Rick Sheppard, a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland (Geology-Class of '81), who died in the Ocean Ranger Disaster. The award is open to undergraduate students majoring in Geology. Academic standing, financial need and active participation in the Alexander Murray Geological Club will be taken into consideration in selecting candidates. The award will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards, acting on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Dr. S.P. Singh Memorial Award in Mathematics

This award was established by a generous donation from the family of the late Dr. S.P. Singh. Dr. Singh was born in Varanasi, India and completed his PhD from Banaras Hindu University. He retired from Memorial University of Newfoundland as Professor of Mathematics in 2001, after over thirty years of dedicated service. He was an exceptional teacher and widely respected researcher in Mathematical Analysis. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a declared Mathematics and Statistics major. Preference will be given to a student with the best academic results in the Mathematical Analysis stream. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation from the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Jack and Gladys Smith of Bishop’s Cove Memorial Bursary in Biochemistry

This bursary was established by a generous donation from Memorial University of Newfoundland alumnus Dr. Imran Hack (B.Sc. (Biochemistry) ’74, MD’79) to express his gratitude to Jack and Gladys Smith of Bishop’s Cove who were kind to him as a student. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any year of study in any degree program in the Department of Biochemistry. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. This bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

James (Jay) Stackhouse Memorial Scholarship

From a sum of money donated to the University by the friends of the late James (Jay) Stackhouse, a geologist who graduated from this University in 1976, a scholarship has been established for students majoring in the Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Undergraduate students in their penultimate year of the program may apply. The value of the award will be determined by the annual interest earned on the fund. The scholarship will be awarded at the end of the fall semester by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards acting on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Stantec Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, was established originally by Jacques Whitford Environment Limited and Newfoundland Geosciences Limited as a contribution to the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The companies acquired by Stantec in 2008. The scholarship will be awarded on an annually rotating basis to students in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (particularly Civil Engineering), the Faculty of Science (particularly Biological Sciences) and the Department of Archaeology. Successful candidates are to be of scholarship standing and preferably show an interest in environmental issues. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation from the Dean or Department Head of the appropriate discipline.

Dr. Allan R. Stein Scholarship in Science

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Dr. Allan R. Stein. Dr. Stein was born and educated in Alberta (BSc. Honours), attained a PhD at the University of Illinois in 1964, and came to Memorial University of Newfoundland as a professor of Organic Chemistry in 1965. He taught for 38 years until his retirement in 2003, and served at various times as the head and acting head of the Department of Chemistry. In 2015, Dr. Stein received a MUNPA Tribute Award which recognizes the contributions of retirees to the university. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Science who is beyond the first year of their program. Preference may be given to a student with a declared major in Organic Chemistry. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.

David Strong Scholarship in Geology

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from Dr. David and Ms. Lynda Marshall Strong. Both Dr. and Ms. Strong are graduates of Memorial University of Newfoundland. From 1970 to 1990 Dr. Strong held professorial and administrative positions at Memorial University, including Vice-President (Academic), Special Advisor to the President, and University Research Professor. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student beyond their second year of study in geology. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Sun Life Financial Scholarship in Applications of Technology

The Sun Life Financial Scholarship in Applications of Technology is consistent with the company’s belief that education is key to the future well-being of individuals, business and society. The scholarship, valued at the annual interest on the endowment, will be designated on an annually rotating basis to a student on the Corner Brook campus and the St. John’s campus. It will be awarded to a student within the faculties of Science, Engineering and Applied Science and Business Administration who is focusing his/her studies on the application of technology and has demonstrated scholarship standing. In addition, the student will have actively participated in extra-curricular activities and have been active in student life. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards on the recommendation of the appropriate Dean and /or the Vice-President of Grenfell Campus.

Edith (Edie) Sutton Memorial Scholarship in Botany

This Scholarship was established by Mrs. Cecilia Sutton-Finney in memory of her mother, Mrs. Edith (Edie) Sutton, who grew up in the rural Newfoundland and Labrador community of St. Bernard’s on the Burin Peninsula. After graduation she moved to Trepassey for work and there she met her husband Harry and they raised three children. Edie was an avid gardener for all of her life and during the growing season she could be found in her garden tending to her vegetables, flowers, shrubs and trees. Friends and family were always welcomed with a cup of tea, a chat, a snip of their favorite plant and some advice on its care. Valued at $2,500 annually, the Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is majoring in Biology. The student must demonstrate special interest in plant biology/botany through taking courses in plant biology, a MUCEP or volunteering in this area (such as the Botanical Garden, Agriculture and Agrifood Canada), or involved with the digitization of Memorial’s Ayre Herbarium. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for scholarship standing as defined by the University. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Department Head, Biology. An application is required and is available at the Department of Biology.

Eric A. Swanson Scholarship in Earth Sciences

This scholarship, valued at $3,000.00, is established by Eleanor Swanson in honour of her father, Eric. It will be awarded annually to a student in the Faculty of Science, who is following a program of studies in Earth Sciences. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing and a recommendation from the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Dr. Siegfried Thomeier Memorial Prize in Pure Mathematics

The prize, the interest from a donation by an anonymous donor, is awarded to a fourth or fifth year student majoring in Mathematics with a concentration in Pure Mathematics. The award is made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Eugene Vincent Memorial Scholarship

This undergraduate scholarship has been established by the Baie Verte-Springdale Branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, in memory of the late Eugene Vincent, a former President and active member of the Branch. The award, which has a value of at least $300.00, will be restricted to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador who are enrolled beyond the first-year level of the Earth Sciences program at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who are intending to pursue careers in the mining field. Selection of a candidate will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

Robert Westcott Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mrs. Mary Westcott in memory of her late husband, Mr. Robert Westcott. It is valued at a portion of the annual interest on an endowment and will be awarded on a rotating basis to students beyond first year who have a strong commitment to post-secondary education and who are majoring in Business Administration and/or Economics. It will be based on scholarship standing and financial need and will be awarded to a student who was born in Newfoundland and Labrador. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Dean/Department Head of the appropriate discipline.

Dr. Howard Louis White Memorial Award in Chemistry

This award is the result of a donation to Memorial University of Newfoundland from family members of the late Dr. White, class of 1941. It is awarded to a student majoring in Chemistry who is in 2nd year or beyond. Valued at the annual accrued interest on an initial endowment and based on academic standing, it is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards acting upon a recommendation from the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Elsie Widdowson Prize 

This prize was established by Dr. Martin Mulligan and is named for Elsie Widdowson (1906-2000), an icon in nutrition science, who refined the concept of minimal nutrient requirements during extreme food rationing in WWII, and was one of the first to describe the long-term consequences of early (infant) malnutrition. Valued at $500 annually, the prize will be awarded in May, or as soon as possible after the end of the winter semester, to a full-time undergraduate student who obtains the best  combined marks in the three 2000 level required program courses (one course in the discipline of metabolism, one in the discipline of nutrition, and one Laboratory course offered by the department), all completed in that academic year. In the case where any one of these courses are not available in the academic year, the Head, Department of Biochemistry will choose the recipient based on the remaining two of the three required courses. Only students who are declared majors in a program offered by the Biochemistry Department at the conclusion of the winter semester are eligible for the prize.  The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a prize as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The prize will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Biochemistry.

Williams Science Scholarships

These scholarships valued at $1,500.00 each are the result of an endowment started by Dr. Hank Williams. One scholarship from the fund shall be awarded to the most promising second year student entering the Earth Science Program and others, as the fund will allow, will be awarded to second year students entering the Faculty of Science. These scholarships shall be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards based on recommendations from the Head, Department of Earth Sciences and the Dean, Faculty of Science respectively. In the event that there is no acceptable candidate in Earth Sciences Department in a given year, all scholarships for that year will be awarded to students in the Faculty of Science upon recommendation of Dean.

Dr. June G. Winter Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship valued at the interest on the endowment, was established in memory of Dr. June G. Winter, a former faculty member in the Department of Chemistry. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a female student in her first year of chemistry studies. The scholarship is tenable only by students who attended school in Newfoundland and Labrador. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Chemistry.

Lee Wulff Scholarship

A fund was established in 1991 to honour the memory of Lee Wulff (1905-1991), a renowned American sportsman, author, conservationist and environmentalist, who spent a considerable amount of time exploring the waters, barrens and woodlands of Newfoundland, promoting its abundant wildlife resources and supporting conservation. A single scholarship, valued at no less than $1,500.00 will be awarded annually from this fund, to a third year Biology major wishing to pursue further studies in biological sciences, with emphasis on conservation and environment. The award will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Head of Biology and the Dean of Science and will be based on academic excellence in biological sciences and a demonstrated interest in conservation and the environment.

James and Mildred Youden Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from James W. and Mildred Youden, a retired couple from Conception Bay South whose children are all Memorial University of Newfoundland alumni. The Youden’s value the importance of a University education to transform lives and they feel privileged to be able to offer this scholarship as a way to advance their belief. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to a student in the 2nd or 3rd year of study in any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Science. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. In a case where there are multiple eligible candidates, demonstrated financial need may be used as the deciding factor. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Science.