Awards administered by other authorities

The following scholarships are not specific to, and are not administered by, Memorial University. Therefore, students are responsible for researching eligibility criteria and deadlines. 

Fessenden-Trott Scholarship

This scholarship is available to undergraduate students attending a university in the Atlantic provinces, who have completed their FIRST YEAR of their first bachelor degree program on a full-time basis, as defined by the nominating educational institution, and have attained high academic standing in their postsecondary education to date. There are four scholarships valued at $9,000 CAD each. As this scholarship is awarded every 4 years in the Atlantic region, it will be awarded again in 2024 as it was awarded in 2020.

2024 Guidelines Fessenden-Trott

Loran Scholars Foundation

The Loran Scholars Foundation looks beyond grades to identify values-driven youth who demonstrate strength of character, a deep commitment to service, and exceptional leadership potential.

Offered in partnership with 25 Canadian universities, the Loran Award and renewable for up to four years of undergraduate studies. But it’s not just about financial support: It's about personal growth. Loran Scholars benefit from a four-year leadership-enrichment program, financial support for undergraduate studies in the form of a tuition waiver and living stipend, diverse opportunities for experiential learning, one-on-one mentorship from a business or community leader, scholar gatherings, and a long-term community of peers, alumni, and supporters from coast to coast to coast.

Financial support includes:

  • An annual living stipend of $12,000
  • A tuition waiver of up to $12,000 annually, tenable at one of our partner universities
  • Up to $14,000 for the summer experiential learning program

 a one-time entrance award of $6,000 for Loran Finalists or $2,000 for Loran Provincial and Territorial Awards.

To determine your eligibility for this award and to begin the application process, visit

Eligibility Criteria

High school Students 

  • Be entering university for the first time in September 2025.
  • Present a minimum cumulative average of 85%.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Be born between January 1, 2003 and September 1, 2009.

CEGEP Students

  • Be in your last year of CEGEP before entering university studies.
  • Be entering university for the first time in September 2025.
  • Present an R score equal to or higher than 29.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Be born between January 1, 2003 and September 1, 2009.

Ocean Ranger Memorial Award

On February 15, 1982, the Ocean Ranger Exploratory Drilling Platform sank, resulting in the tragic loss of the 84 crew members on board. As a memorial to this loss, an award program was established by the Ocean Ranger Disaster Fund. These awards, valued at $500.00 per year, are tenable by students who are entering or pursuing a post-secondary programme of studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Fisheries and Marine Institute, and the College of the North Atlantic. Inelecting candidates, preference will be given to widows and lineal descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren etc.) of victims of the disaster. In the absence of  eligible candidates from this group, the award maybe given to other full-time students at the discretion of the Ocean Ranger Award Selection Committee. Information and application forms may be obtained from the Scholarships & Awards Offices at any of the institutions noted above. Applications must include documentation to clearly verify applicant’s eligibility. 

Completed applications must be returned by the 3rd Friday in January.  Please contact for an application.

The Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarship is a fully funded, full-time, postgraduate award which enables talented, young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. Applying for the Scholarship is a challenge, but it is an experience, which has helped generations of young people to succeed. We encourage applications from talented students everywhere. Rhodes Scholars come to the UK for two or more years and can apply to study most full-time postgraduate courses offered by Oxford University. Inquiries may be directed in writing to the Secretary of the Selection Committee for Newfoundland to Dr. Maureen Hogan, by telephone to (709) 749-0723, or email to See website for more details.

3M National Student Fellowship Program

The 3M National Student Fellowship honours up to ten full-time diploma and undergraduate students at Canadian post-secondary schools who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their lives and at their institution. These students embrace a vision of education that enhances their academic experience and beyond. The 3M National Student Fellowship is the first in Canada to build a community among visionary student leaders who demonstrate outstanding leadership and innovation by seeing current needs in higher education or society and implementing change.

Completed application packages are due via email to by Friday, Jan. 24, 2025. More information about the application process is available online.

Where else can you search for opportunities?

Many organizations and clubs oftentimes support members with educational funding opportunities.  You should follow up with any organizations or clubs that you and/or your family members are involved with, including:

  • Your employer
  • Your parent(s) employer
  • Foundations
  • Community Organizations
  • Churches/Religious groups

External Scholarship Payment

Payment of the scholarship is dependent upon the Donor's preference. The donor may send a cheque directly to Memorial University so that it can be deposited into your student account. Atlernatively, the donor may send a cheque directly to you. If the cheque is made payable Memorial University, then you should bring it to the Scholarships Office located in the Arts and Administration Building - A 1002.