Application based scholarships/awards

These scholarships, bursaries and awards are available for students currently attending Memorial University. Once you have been accepted as an undergraduate student you can apply for these recognitions. Requested documentation must be provided with your application. Successful applicants will be contacted at their email.

Applications for the 2023-24 academic year are now closed. Applications for the 2024-25 academic year will be available online in the fall 2024 semester (normally by the end of September).


Duley Award

This award was established by Dr. Margot I. Duley in memory of her parents. Cyril C. Duley, MBE, was a Captain of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment during World War I, a President of Rotary, and Director of Tourist Development, pre-Confederation. He encouraged geological exploration in Labrador, and Duley Lake, near Labrador City, is named after him. Florence Duley’s charitable involvements included child welfare and education. Margot Duley was born in St. John’s and received a BA from Memorial University of Newfoundland, an MA from Duke University and a PhD in history from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She is author of “The Cross-Cultural Study of Women” (1986). The terms of the Duley Award reflect her support of Indigenous people, their traditions and communities. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the award will be granted annually to an Indigenous undergraduate student in any year of study who has graduated from a high school in Labrador. Students can demonstrate their Indigenous heritage through provision of a membership card or demonstrate that they are claimed by their Indigenous community by providing a letter from a leader in their Indigenous community (for example, an elder or local leader). Students must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. In cases where there are equally deserving candidates, preference will be given to academic achievement. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards.

Every Child Matters Award

Established by Dr. Valerie Legge, this renewable Award honours the memory of Indigenous children who were not able to pursue a higher education and acknowledges the historical loss of life of students at residential schools across Canada, made known more publicly in 2021. Valued at $2,500 each, two awards will be granted annually to students who have completed their first year of studies who identify as Indigenous and are enrolled in any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University. Students can demonstrate their Indigenous heritage according to guidelines in place at the time of application. The recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The Award will be renewable for an additional two (2) years or three (3) years where the program requires five (5) years to complete, provided the recipients continue in an undergraduate program at the University and maintain the minimum academic requirements for an award. A new recipient will be selected when the previous student completes their eligibility. In cases where there are equally deserving candidates, preference will be given to academic achievement. This Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Moving Forward Together Campaign Award

This Award was established by two generous donations as a part of the Moving Forward Together Campaign by the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland and the Presentation Sisters of Newfoundland and Labrador. Moving Forward Together is a Canada-wide campaign to bring fundamental and lasting change to Indigenous communities in Canada by supporting healing and educational programs. Valued at $1,800, it will be awarded to an undergraduate Indigenous student beyond their first year of studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. There will be one Award annually at each of the St. John’s and Grenfell Campuses. The Award is renewable for an additional two years. The student must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Dr. Evan Simpson Indigenous Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship

The University will award up to four entrance scholarships valued at $1,000 each to Indigenous residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. Eligible students must be in scholarship standing, have not received another University-administered entrance scholarship of equal or greater value, be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland and provide confirmation of their Indigenous status. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

SLB Canada Indigenous Student Award

This Award was established by a generous donation from SLB Canada as part of its commitment to social, political, and economic inclusion and making a marked and positive impact wherever the company works. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it is available to full time undergraduate students who identify as Indigenous and are enrolled in any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The Award will be renewable for up to four additional years (five years total), provided the recipient maintains the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University and continues in an undergraduate degree program. A new recipient will be selected when the previous student has completed their eligibility.  Preference will be given to students who are majoring in a program from the following faculties: Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Business Administration, and Faculty of Science. Students can demonstrate their Indigenous identity according to University guidelines in place at the time of application. This Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.  An application is required.

Anna Maly Memorial Bursary

This Bursary was established through a generous gift from Dr. Michael Gora. Anna Maly immigrated to Canada in the 1920s and spent her formative years in rural Ontario, developing a deep attachment to the land which was traditional territory of several different First Nations.  Out of respect for this bond, the Anna Maly Memorial Bursary was created. Valued at $6,000, it will be awarded to a full time Indigenous student who is enrolled in either the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science or School of Social Work at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students can demonstrate their Indigenous identity according to university guidelines in place at the time of application. The recipient must demonstrate financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Indigenous, visible minority or physically disabled

General Motors Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship was established by General Motors of Canada Limited with contributions to the University’s Opportunity Fund Campaign. Interest from the fund will provide one or more scholarships to support individuals who qualify as Indigenous or members of a visible minority and/or have a physical disability. It will be awarded to students in any year or faculty or school at Memorial University of Newfoundland.  It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing.

Brain injury

Newfoundland and Labrador Neurotrauma Initiative Award

This award, valued at a portion of the income on the investment, is made possible by a generous endowment from the Newfoundland and Labrador Neurotrauma Initiative Program, a partnership between the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation, the Canadian Paraplegic Association, the Brain Injury Association and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The award will be available on an annually rotating basis between undergraduate and graduate students, with first preference given to a student who has been identified with a brain or spinal cord injury.

If no candidate is available with a brain or spinal cord injury, preference will be given to a student who is studying in any field related to neurotrauma. If it is not awarded at the level of study (i.e. graduate/undergraduate) on rotation in a given year, it may be awarded to a student studying at the other level for that year. In the case of undergraduates, the award will be made by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduates it will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Awards and Medals Committee. This award is open to part-time or full-time students with clear academic standing.

Graduate Students are required to apply specifically to the School of Graduate Studies, Room IIC 2021, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, (709) 864-2600.

Canadian Armed Forces
(active service, veteran or dependent)

Don Kenney Veterans Award

This award was established by Joan Bessey in honour of her husband, Don Kenney. After retiring from Transport Canada, Don returned to university to complete a degree in Military History, a subject area that meant so much to him. A voracious reader and prolific writer, Don always appreciated the importance and value of a university education and encouraged everyone to pursue higher education, especially those in the Canadian Forces. Recalling his years with the Royal Canadian Air Force with pride and respect, he and his wife Joan, a Memorial University of Newfoundland alumna herself, wanted to empower and motivate the next generation of serving and retired veteran students. Valued at $1,000 annually, it will be granted to an undergraduate student beyond the first year of study in any program at Memorial University who is in active service with, a veteran of, or the dependant of an active service member or veteran of, the Canadian Armed Forces. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Canadian Korea War veteran's child or grandchild

Korea Veterans' Association Scholarship

Twenty-six thousand, seven hundred and ninety-one (26,791) Canadians served in the Korean Theatre between the beginning of hostilities in 1950 and the signing of the cease-fire in 1953. Another 7,000 served between the cease-fire and the end of 1955. This scholarship was established to honour the men and women of the various Canadian Military Units that served in the United Nations Forces during that period of time. One scholarship of $500 is awarded annually to a student who meets the following criteria: A full-time first year student at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is the child or grandchild of a Canadian Korea War Veteran and who has scholarship standing. In a year when there is no eligible child or grandchild in first year, the scholarship may be awarded to a child or grandchild beyond first year studies. If there is still no eligible student, the scholarship may be awarded to any first year student at Memorial University of Newfoundland who has scholarship standing. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Award.

Canadian refugee

Ahmed Award

This award is to honour the memory of a young boy from Darfur, Sudan, who came to Newfoundland alone as a refugee. He was blessed with an indomitable spirit, a warm heart and an incredible desire for higher education. He died tragically by drowning in August of 2008. The award is to help others with similar backgrounds and desires to pursue their dream of a higher education. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, it will be awarded annually to a full-time or part-time student who has refugee status and is attending any campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. Students must show proof of Canadian Refugee Status. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Karl Misik Award

This award was established by the generosity of Dr. Karl Misik’s friends and family to honour and celebrate his retirement in 2021. Dr. Karl Misik immigrated to Canada with his family following WWII, at the age of 12. His father worked as a family physician in outport Newfoundland. Like his father, Karl wanted to serve his community through medicine, so he pursued an undergraduate degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland with the goal of becoming a doctor. As a non-English speaker at the time, undergraduate studies were challenging for him, but despite the adversity he faced, he obtained his undergraduate degree at Memorial in 1965 and later graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 1970. In 1972, he began practicing medicine in St. John’s and, since then, Dr. K – as he is affectionately known – has delivered over 2,500 children, provided care for thousands of Newfoundland families, and contributed to medical research. Valued at $250 annually, the award will be granted to a student who came to Canada as a refugee, resides in Newfoundland and Labrador, and is enrolled in any year of any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University’s St. John’s and Grenfell Campus. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards.

Tonya Bassler Memorial Award for New Canadians

This award was established by a generous donation from Dr. Gerhard Bassler in memory of his wife, Tonya Bassler. She devoted her professional career to teaching and helping refugees and immigrants in Newfoundland and Labrador start successful new lives in Canada. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this award will be granted annually to a student who came to Canada as a refugee, resides in Newfoundland and Labrador and is enrolled in any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland’s St. John’s or Grenfell campus. This award is renewable for up to 3 additional years, 4 years in total, if the student continues in an undergraduate program at the university and maintains clear academic standing. Recipients must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. This award will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Chinese heritage

Charlie (Moo Sic) Fong Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at the annual interest (approximately $600.00 - $700.00 annually), is the result of an endowment by the Fong family in memory of their great-grandfather, Mr. Charlie (Moo Sic) Fong. It was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first Chinese settler in Newfoundland and to promote an awareness of the Chinese Cultural and Historical background in the province. It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing and financial need to an undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Chinese heritage. The scholarship will be given early in Winter semester and presented to the student at a local function held to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Country Ribbon employee's dependents

Country Ribbon Scholarship

This scholarship is available to dependents (sons, daughters or wards) of employees of Country Ribbon. Valued at $1,000.00 annually it will be awarded, with first preference, to an entrance student registered for full-time studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. If no suitable candidate can be identified from the first group the scholarship may be awarded to an undergraduate student registered for full-time studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Based on scholarship standing it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

St. John's Metrobus dependents

Oliver Family Metrobus Award

This award was established by a generous donation from Charlie Oliver and Paula Pike to honour the long term relationship of the Oliver family with Metrobus, the transit services within the municipalities of St. John’s, Mount Pearl and Paradise. Charlie Oliver (Sr.) (1951-1991), James Oliver (1987-2015) and Danny Oliver (2004-2022) provided a combined 86 years of service to Metrobus. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, this award will be granted annually to a full-time student in any undergraduate degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is a child, grandchild, sibling, legal guardian, niece, nephew or spouse of a current, retired, deceased, or former employee of St. John’s Metrobus or its successor company. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards. A letter from Metrobus or its successor company, confirming the relationship, as described above, to an employee, as described above, must accompany the application.

Dependents and/or spouses, siblings, grandchildren, nieces and nephews of faculty and/or staff of Memorial University

Gary Bourne Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of an endowment to the University funded largely by donations resulting from fundraising efforts of Gary's colleagues at the Office of Financial and Administrative Services. Valued at a portion of the annual accrued interest on the endowment it will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to an undergraduate student who is a dependent of a current, retired or deceased staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Roland (Rex) Carter Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2014 in memory of Roland (Rex) Carter, employee of the Department of Technical Services. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to students who are children, grandchildren, siblings, legal guardians, nieces, nephews or spouses of current, retired or deceased employees or former employees with a minimum of five years service in the Department of Technical Services at Memorial University. Preference will be given to students entering their first year at Memorial University, but all undergraduate students are eligible. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University. In the case of ties between candidates, financial need may be used as a determining factor. The scholarship will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Facilities Management Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship fund is the result of an endowment which began in 1996 as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The fund will provide one or more scholarships valued at a minimum of $500 each to students who are children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters or spouses of current or retired employees of the Department of Facilities Management, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference in awarding the scholarship(s) will be given to entrance students but undergraduates may also qualify. The scholarship(s) will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing but in the case of ties between candidates, need may be used as a determining factor.

Joan Haire Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1997 in memory of Joan Haire, employee of the Department of Technical Services, as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to students who are children, grandchildren, siblings, legal guardians, nieces, nephews or spouses of current, retired or deceased employees or former employees with a minimum of five years service in the Department of Technical Services at Memorial University. Preference will be given to students entering their first year at Memorial University, but all undergraduate students are eligible. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University. In the case of ties between candidates, financial need may be used as a determining factor. The scholarship will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Elaine Pitcher Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of an endowment to the University from a bequest left by Elaine Pitcher, a donation from Xerox Canada and donations from family, friends and colleagues of Elaine. Valued at a portion of the annual accrued interest on the endowment, it will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing to an undergraduate student who is a child of a current or retired staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Memorial University of Newfoundland CAUBO Conference 2010 Bursary

This bursary has been established by the Memorial University of Newfoundland planning committee members for the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) annual conference hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland in June 2010. The Committee members volunteered a considerable amount of their time and talent over the twelve months leading up to the conference to ensure the success of this event. Memorial University of Newfoundland’s share of the surplus generated by the conference has enabled the Committee to endow this entrance bursary. The bursary will be valued at a portion of the income on the endowment and will be awarded annually. The recipient will be an entrance student enrolled in any program at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who is a dependent of a current, retired or deceased staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need and must meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by the University. The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Memorial University of Newfoundland CAUBO Conference 2010 Scholarship

This scholarship has been established by the Memorial University of Newfoundland planning committee members for the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) annual conference hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland in June 2010. The Committee members volunteered a considerable amount of their time and talent over the twelve months leading up to the conference to ensure the success of this event. Memorial University of Newfoundland’s share of the surplus generated by the conference has enabled the Committee to endow this entrance scholarship. The scholarship will be valued at a portion of the income on the endowment and will be awarded annually. The recipient will be an entrance student enrolled in any program at Memorial University of Newfoundland and who is a dependent of a current, retired or deceased staff member of Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by the University. The bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Tracy Ronayne Scholarship

This scholarship has been established by the Department of Computing and Communications (C&C) at Memorial University of Newfoundland to honor the life and contribution of a former employee, Tracy Ronayne. To be eligible the recipient must have scholarship standing, be a full-time undergraduate student and be a dependent of a current, retired, deceased or former (having worked in the Unit for a minimum of 5 years) employee of C&C or be a student employed by C&C during the Fall semester of the academic year for which the scholarship will be awarded. One or more scholarships may be awarded in any given year. In the absence of a candidate meeting the above criteria, the scholarship will be awarded to a student beyond first year majoring in Computer Science in the Faculty of Science or a student in the Faculty of Business Administration. The scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

James Tucker Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1997 in memory of James Tucker, employee of the Department of Technical Services, as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to students who are children, grandchildren, siblings, legal guardians, nieces, nephews or spouses of current, retired or deceased employees or former employees with a minimum of five years service in the Department of Technical Services at Memorial University. Preference will be given to students entering their first year at Memorial University, but all undergraduate students are eligible. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University. In the case of ties between candidates, financial need may be used as a determining factor. The scholarship will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty/Staff Scholarship

The Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland (WAMUN) has established a $1,200.00 annual scholarship available to students in any faculty or year at Memorial University of Newfoundland, providing they are either:

  1. children of full-time faculty or staff; or
  2. children of deceased or retired faculty or staff, who at the time of death or retirement, were employed full-time.

This scholarship is based on scholarship standing.

Jennifer Cutler Memorial Award

This Award was established by several staff within the Office of Development in memory of a dear colleague, Jennifer Cutler, who passed away in January 2016. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the Award will be will be granted to a child, legal guardian or dependent of a current, retired or deceased staff member at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The donors recognize that although academic excellence is commendable, it is not the only criteria for acknowledging the hard work and perseverance of pursuing an education. Preference will be given to a student who is not in receipt of another scholarship, bursary or award administered by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards at the time of the granting of this Award. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. 


Dependents of teachers of the public school system

E.A. Bishop (1889-1953) Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, established to honour the memory of E.A. Bishop, a teacher in Newfoundland and Labrador, is the result of a generous donation to Memorial University of Newfoundland by his son, John. Interest on the fund will provide a scholarship to full-time undergraduate students after completion of their first year at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are dependents of teachers in the public school system of Newfoundland and Labrador. Applicants must be students in the Faculties of Arts or Science and be of scholarship standing. The scholarship is valued at approximately two semester’s tuition for five courses. If, in any year, there is no eligible candidate, the scholarship will not be awarded; however, a student may be awarded the scholarship more than once.

Disability based

Fraser Edison Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of a donation to the Opportunity Fund in 1999 by Mr. Fraser Edison. It will be valued at the annual interest on the endowment and will be awarded to an undergraduate student who has a recognized physical disability.

Glenn Roy Blundon Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $500.00, has been established by the family, friends and fellow students of the late Glenn Roy Blundon, a former student of Memorial University of Newfoundland who, despite his severe physical disability, succeeded in his studies and made a significant contribution to student life. In the awarding of this scholarship, preference will be given to academically qualified students with disabilities but those enrolled in the Special Education Program may be considered when no candidates are available from the first group.

DISC Student Involvement Award

This award was established by the MUN Disability Information Support Centre (DISC). Valued at $500 each, two awards will be granted annually to students who self-identify as having a disability. The recipients can be in any program and year of study at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will go to students who are involved with student life, community volunteer work or maintain a high academic average. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Mature female students

Iris Kirby Memorial Scholarship

This award, valued at $650.00 annually, has been established by the friends and colleagues of the late Iris Kirby. Iris was an active feminist and advocate of encouraging women to develop their fullest potential. The scholarship is open to women enrolling in full-time undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are entering or returning after at least five years out of full-time study. Applicants should have been resident in Newfoundland for at least one year before applying. The scholarship will be awarded in the Winter semester on the basis of the Fall semester's results. In deciding on candidates of equal academic attainment, a commitment to the goal of an equal status for women in our society will be considered.

Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Mature Student Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship, valued at $1,200.00, is awarded annually from funds donated by the Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is restricted to women enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland who are entering or returning, having been away from full-time study for a period of three years or more. They must have been residents of Newfoundland and Labrador for at least a year prior to enrolling. This scholarship is awarded in Winter semester based on Fall semester results in which a minimum average of 75% will be required. Financial need will be considered. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Matriarch’s Fund Una Emma Agnes Bursary 

This bursary was established by a generous donation from Mr. Cyril Mullins to honour Una Emma Agnes; an artist, musician, songwriter and unapologetic dessert lover! Una Emma Agnes was one of the women who were the strength of the family through some of the most trying personal and historical times of the 20th and 21st centuries. Mr. Mullins’ aim is for this scholarship to help historically and systemically marginalized gender identifications pursue artistic, STEM, non-traditional or leadership fields. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student, in any year of study, who self-identifies as female or as gender-diverse. Preference will be given to students pursuing studies in science, engineering, math, business, political science or music. However, if no eligible candidate exists in a given year, the recipient may be selected from any area of study. The recipient must have demonstrated financial need as well as meet the minimum academic requirements for a bursary as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. This bursary will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards.

Kathleen K. (Fitz-Gerald) Earle Memorial Award

This award was established by a generous donation from Memorial University of Newfoundland alumna Margaret Allan (BA’82, MBA’95) in recognition of her mother, Kathleen Earle. After having her family, at age 40, Kathleen returned to Memorial University to complete her undergraduate degree. She went on to work at the Memorial University Library for 18 years until her retirement in 1985.  Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it will be granted annually to a mature student in any year of study who self-identifies as a woman or as gender diverse. Preference will be given to a student who has a gap in studies of two or more years. The recipient may be in any undergraduate program of study and must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.


Minor hockey

Daniel Cleary Entrance Scholarship

Daniel Cleary is a native of Harbour Grace, Newfoundland and a NHL hockey player who played with the Detroit Red Wings when they won the Stanley Cup in 2008. Mr. Cleary is the first resident of the Province to have played on a Stanley Cup winning team. The Daniel Cleary Entrance Scholarship is established as the result of funds raised from an event, and sale of merchandise, celebrating Mr. Cleary and the Red Wings’ victory. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an entering full-time undergraduate male or female student in any program of study at Memorial University of Newfoundland. To be eligible, candidates must demonstrate scholarship standing and have participated in the highest level of minor hockey in Newfoundland and Labrador in their graduating year. The scholarship is valued at $1000 and will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website.

Andrew Ryan Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by a generous donation from the St. John’s Minor Hockey Association to honour the memory of minor hockey player Andrew Ryan. Valued at $1,500.00 per year, it will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering his or her first year of any academic program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. To be eligible, candidates must meet the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship and have participated in minor hockey in Newfoundland and Labrador. This scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

MUNSU Staff's children, grandchildren or spouses

MUNSU Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship fund is the result of an endowment which began in 1996 as a part of the Opportunity Fund Campaign. The fund will provide a scholarship valued at the annual interest on the endowment, to students who are children, grandchildren, or spouses of current (worked a minimum of 15 of the last 24 months) or retired employees of MUNSU, Memorial University of Newfoundland or of previous employees who had a minimum of ten years of service to MUNSU. In the event that there are no eligible candidates from the above group in a given year the scholarship will be open to nieces or nephews of current, retired or previous employees of MUNSU (as per above). It will be open to entrance students as well as undergraduates. The scholarship is not renewable and individuals will not normally hold the scholarship more than once unless there is no other eligible candidate in a given year. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing but in the case of ties between candidates, need may be used as a determining factor.

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary - Sons or daughters

Frederick J. Hancock Scholarship

This scholarship is the interest on a sum of money donated to the University by Frederick J. Hancock, former Sergeant of the Newfoundland Constabulary who served as a member of the Force for twenty-five years until his retirement in 1963. Preference in the awarding of this scholarship will be given to sons and daughters of active, retired or deceased members of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary. Candidates must be enrolled in full-time studies at the University and possess scholarship standing.

Single mother/parent

Elsie and Stephen O'Neill Award

The children of Elsie and Steve O’Neill established this award in appreciation of their parents’ support and encouragement toward their higher education. Valued at a minimum of $1,000 annually, the award will be granted to a single parent who is an undergraduate student. First preference is to part-time students, but full-time students will be considered. Students must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Rose Patten Single Parent Award

This award has been established by Ms. Rose Patten to encourage and assist single parents to develop their full academic potential. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, it is open to single parents who are enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland Single Parent Undergraduate Award

This award was established through generous donations from the Women’s Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Valued at a portion of the income on the investment, it will be awarded annually to full-time or part-time single parents enrolled in any faculty, school of year of study. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University. Financial need and scholarship standing may be taken into consideration. The award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

June and John Reid Award

This award was established by a generous donation from June and John Reid, proud alumni of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Through this award, the Reid’s hope to provide an opportunity for single parents of any age to successfully complete their education without the burden of academic debt. Valued at a portion of the income on the endowment, the award will be granted to a full-time undergraduate student in their first year, who has completed their high school diploma (or equivalent) in Newfoundland and Labrador. If there is no eligible student in first year, the award may be given to a student in a subsequent year. Preference will be given to a female student and financial need may be taken into consideration. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. It is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient maintains the minimum academic requirements for an award. It will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.

United Church - Child of a minister or child of a United churchman

Reverend Doctor Levi Curtis Bursary

This bursary has a value of at least $200.00 and is awarded each year to a student who is a candidate for the ministry of the United Church, a child of a minister of the United Church, or the child of a needy United Churchman.

Child, stepchild, or legal ward of any member of Professional Municipal Administrators

Professional Municipal Administrators Award

This Award was established by the Professional Municipal Administrators (PMA). Valued at $1,000 annually, the Award will be granted to a full-time student in any undergraduate degree program in any year of study at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The recipient must be a child, stepchild, or legal ward of any member of PMA. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the University. The Award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required and must include a letter from PMA indicating the candidate’s eligibility.



Jennifer C. Agu NSA-NL Bursary

This Bursary was established by Jennifer C. Agu, the pioneer President of the Nigerian Students Association – Newfoundland and Labrador (NSA-NL). Valued at $2,000 annually, the Bursary will be awarded to an undergraduate student who is enrolled in the first, second or third year of study in any degree program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to an undergraduate student who is in the second or third year of study.   Students must be Nigerian citizens who are paying international fees. Preference will be given to a student who, in the current scholarship year, is not in receipt of another scholarship, bursary or award administered by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards at the time of awarding this Bursary. Students are required to self-declare financial need and show evidence of being a registered member of NSA-NL by providing a letter of good standing officially issued by the Association. The Bursary will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. An application is required.

Murray K. Smith Memorial Award

This award was established in memory of Murray K. Smith (1931-1982) by his wife, Anna English-Smith and their children, Ken, Moya, Alex and Damien. Murray was a dedicated husband, father, RCMP officer; and an avid curler and community volunteer. Despite living with Crohn’s Disease, he strived to attain an optimal level of wellness and lived his life to the fullest. Valued at $3000 the award will be granted annually to a student enrolled in any year of study and in any program at Memorial University of Newfoundland who lives with Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland and have graduated from a high school in Newfoundland and Labrador. For undergraduate students an application is required which is available at the Scholarships and Awards Office website at Graduate students are required to apply to the School of Graduate Studies. Applications must be accompanied by documentation from a healthcare professional to support the candidate’s diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. The Award shall rotate between undergraduate and graduate students. If a suitable undergraduate candidate is not available it may be given to a graduate student and vice-versa with the rotation resuming in the following year. In the case of undergraduate students, it will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards. In the case of graduate students, it will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies.