Daniella Simas Medeiros

Daniella Simas MedeirosDaniella Simas Medeiros graduated from York University in 2013 with an Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology, and a general certificate in Law and Society.  She is currently a Master's student in Sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland, working under the supervision of Dr. Rose Ricciardelli (CRWDP co-investigator) and Dr. Nicole Power.  Her thesis topic focuses on the health and wellbeing of correctional officers (COs) who work in provincial institutions. She is interested in exploring how the correctional workplace shapes the health-related experiences of COs, and whether correctional policies are serving their current and emerging needs.  She intends to work with Dr. Ricciardelli’s already existing dataset of interviews with provincial correctional officers in one province, and to supplement this, she intends to conduct some of her own in-depth interviews with provincial correctional officers in other provinces. She also plans to incorporate an analysis of the various work disability policies, procedures and programs that may impact correctional officers as they navigate these issues. Her research will be conducted in partnership with the John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, who can assist her in better understanding penal contexts and in making contact with correctional professionals and paraprofessionals.

During her time at York University, Daniella had the pleasure of working as a Research Assistant for Dr. Ricciardelli in projects involving correctional officers. Furthermore, she has had experience working in the Federal Government of Canada. These work experiences led to her strong interest in policy and correctional officers within the context of occupational health.


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