Members of the Board of Regents

Glenn Barnes
Anik Rahman

Dr. Neil Bose, President and Vice-Chancellor, Pro Tempore, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Dr. Jennifer Lokash, Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Memorial University of Newfoundland

Earl Ludlow, Chancellor

Members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council:

Michelle Baikie

Glenn Barnes

Bob Hallett

Justin Ladha

Eleanor Swanson

Nathalie Pender

Chief Brendan Mitchell

Tim Powers

Ashrafee Hossain

Lynn Zurel 

Student members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council

Carter McNelly
Memorial University of Newfoundland Students' Union

Arshad Shaikh
Graduate Students' Union

Marine Institute Students' Union

Luke Thibeau
Grenfell Campus Students' Union

Members elected by the Memorial University Alumni Association

Leigh Borden

Lloydetta Quaicoe

Trudy Morgan-Cole

Anik Rahman

 Andrew Mercer

Andrea Stack