Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall assist the Board by acting on any matter within its jurisdiction pursuant to the Memorial University Act, subject to any specific conditions or restrictions that are imposed on it by the Board, where decisions are required to be made and action taken between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Regents and the calling of a special Board meeting, in the opinion of the Committee Chair, is not warranted or advisable and where the Board has otherwise delegated specific responsibilities.
The Executive Committee oversees the institutional strategic plan and its implementation, ensures an effective and inclusive strategic planning process, frames major strategic and cross-functional institutional issues and priorities for Board consideration, and plays a coordinating role in relation to all the Committees of the Board of Regents.
The Committee also holds responsibility for University policy oversight, including the review of major University policies and awareness of minor policy changes, and will serve as the conduit for the Board in regard to the strategic direction of policy at the University.
Click here for the Executive Committee Terms of Reference
Click here for the Governance Sub-Committee
Board – Senate Liaison Subcommittee
This subcommittee has been approved for development by the Board with the Senate to discuss opportunities and matters to advance the University's priorities and ensure the bi-cameral governance structure of the University is operating effectively.
The Terms of Reference will be developed collaboratively assuming Senate are also in support of this subcommittee of the Executive and Governance Committee of the Board.
Members of the existing Board Executive and Governance Committee will meet with the Senate Executive Committee to ascertain the appropriate next steps in this process should there be mutual interest.