Public Engagement Framework Renewal Process


The input phase of the Public Engagement Framework Renewal Process is now complete. The new framework document is being finalized, and will be launched in early 2025. 


Memorial University has been making a plan to guide how we work with the public on research, teaching and learning, and public engagement projects. This plan builds on the initial Public Engagement Framework which reached the end of its first phase in 2020. 

The new strategy will continue the work of the Framework, offering a vision, values, and definition for public engagement at Memorial, along with goals and objectives to help guide the university's collaborations with the public related to research, teaching and learning, and public engagement projects. The new strategy will also address barriers that were identified as part of OPE's evaluation of the Framework, and integrate emerging opportunities and other Memorial guiding documents (including Transforming Our Horizons, Memorial's Strategic Plan).  

Of course, a strategy focused on public partnerships and collaboration needs to be shaped in an engaged way! During the Fall of 2023, the Office of Public Engagement conducted a broad dialogue process, asking members of the Memorial community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the public, to share their perspectives, concerns, and ideas about how Memorial interacts with the public in relation to research, teaching and learning, and public engagement. 

The Public Engagement Framework Renewal Process 

Separate dialogue sessions were held for members of the public, Memorial alumni, and Memorial public partners during the Fall of 2023. 

Further community feedback was also collected via:

  • 1-on-1 conversations with public groups and organizations that have been identified through conversations with Memorial deans and directors, and through an open call for participation.
  • Thematic meetings focused on key areas emerging through the evaluation and consultations processes.
  • Online input from members of the public and from Memorial students, faculty and staff.

Steering Committee

The Framework Renewal Process is being conducted in partnership between OPE and a Steering Committee that includes an equal number of invididuals from within Memorial and the public. The members are located all across the province (and beyond) and all bring a wealth of experience in public engagement to the process.

Our Steering Committee members are:

  • Ashlee Cunsolo, Vice Provost and Dean, School of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Studies, Labrador Campus
  • Mirella de Oliveira Leis, MUN Alumna (M.Sc. Geography ’16)
  • Nat Hurley, Dean, HSS, Memorial University
  • Jillian Kavanagh, Manager, Office of the President, Marine Institute
  • Maisam Najafizada, Faculty Lead, Global Health and Health Equity, Division of Community Health and Humanities, School of Medicine
  • Stanley Oliver, Manager of Indigenous Relations & Trades NL: Indigenous Skilled Trades Office, Trades NL
  • Kristen Pittman, Manager, Indigenous Affairs, Grenfell Campus
  • Theresa Pittman, AVP Connected Learning, CNA
  • Peter Ride, Dean, School of Fine Arts, Grenfell Campus
  • Janna Rosales, Associate Professor (Teaching), Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, St. John's Campus
  • Josh Smee, CEO, Food First NL