Public Engagement Support Community of Practice

The Community of Practice (COP) is a regular, sustained interaction and collaboration between Memorial’s public engagement support units that focuses on bringing together PE support unit staff to:

  • Share public engagement activities, projects, and lessons, including outcomes, best practices, events, funding, professional development, etc.
  • Identify shared goals and challenges in the delivery of our mandated support mechanisms and find ways to address them
  • Identify potential collaboration opportunities between units
  • Help shape Memorial’s public engagement strategy and activities by providing input, suggestions, and ideas, including providing input into the implementation of the new Public Engagement Framework (2025 – 2035)

For the purpose of this group, we consider a Public Engagement Support Unit to be any Memorial’s unit with a mandate that specifically includes providing support to the public engagement activity of Memorial students, faculty, and staff. 

Meetings of the COP take place at least four times annually and is chaired by staff from Memorial’s Office of Public Engagement.  In addition to a regular agenda, all members are welcome to propose themes for discussion, and/or to submit requests to present on topics likely to be of interest to the group.

Membership is limited to individuals actively working in public engagement support roles at Memorial. Invited unit leads are welcome to attend themselves, or to delegate others to participate as they deem appropriate.

If you think that your unit may be a fit for this group or would like more information, please contact