Building the Future of Collaboration between Rural NL and Memorial
The connections between rural Newfoundland and Labrador and Memorial University run deep.
There’s the development of rural medicine in this province over the past fifty years, the ground-breaking community-based collaborations between communities and MUN Extension, and the Marine Institute’s partnerships with governments and industry in the development of our post-moratorium ocean economy (to name only a few.)
Today, a whole new range of innovative projects are underway, developed collaboratively to respond to real community and public need. There are so many new tools, technologies, and ways of understanding that are helping us achieve even greater levels of impact together, all rooted in core values of public engagement: mutual respect, mutual contributions, and mutual benefits.
As we find ourselves on the edge of incredible challenges (a global pandemic, climate change, demographic shifts, and a disastrous financial situation,) how will the future of collaboration between our province’s university and its rural communities unfold?
Dr. Kelly Vodden, rural researcher and Associate VP (Grenfell Campus)
Joanie Cranston, Coordinator, Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Foundation
Andrew Hunt, Chief of Staff - Rural Health, Eastern Health, and Assistant Dean, Distributed Medical Education
Sheila Downer, Northern Liaison, Memorial University
Bojan Furst, Manager (Knowledge Mobilization), the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Development and Public Policy, Memorial University
Deatra Walsh, Director of Advocacy and Communications, Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador
Kevin Anderson, Head of the School of Fisheries, Marine Institute