Quick Start Fund for Public Engagement

2024-25 Funding Dates

Winter Round Closed. Notifications sent during the week of March 17-21, 2025.
The Quick Start Fund offers up to $2500 for projects that contribute to meeting the goals and objectives of Memorial's Public Engagement Framework. The purpose of the fund is to support new public engagement partnerships, projects and initiatives such as preliminary meetings, events and service learning projects. 

For additional information, please see the new Quick Start Guide for the 2024-25 Funding Cycle below (released on September 9, 2024).  

Quick Start Applicant Guide-2024-25

For program questions, please contact engagement@mun.ca


Quick Start Fund Recipients

Winter 2025

  • Katherine Pendakis (Social/Cultural Studies, Grenfell Campus) and Joan Cranston (Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital). Insights to Impact: A Community-Driven Research and Innovation Retreat (GNP-RC).
  • Nancy Pedri (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, English) and Sharon King-Campbell (Shakespeare by the Sea Festival Inc.). Shakespeare by the Sea at MUNL.
  • Sara Langer (School of Science and the Environment, Transdisciplinary Sustainability, Grenfell Campus) and Joan Simmonds (French Shore Interpretation Centre). From Tragedy to Tapestry: Crafting transformation through community-engaged traditional art and handcrafts in Conche, NL.
  • Chelsey McPhee (Research Initiatives and Services, NL SUPPORT/Quality of Care NL) and Blake Colbourne (Holistic Haven Inc.). Capacity Building Among Indigenous Youth: Exploring Patient-Oriented Research Opportunities in Coastal Labrador Communities. 
  • Ashmita Banerjee (Faculty of Engineering, Electrical Engineering) and Shantile Butler (Quidi Vidi/Rennies River Development Foundation (Fluvarium)). Engineering Workshop Series at the RiverTech Design Lab.
  • Colette Rogers (Research Innovation Office, Innovation & Entrepreneurship) and Amy Henderson (Business & Arts NL). Advancing the development of a Creative Innovation Network.
  • Kim Todd (Operations / Conference and Event Services, Signal Hill Campus) and Diana Baird (Newfoundland Labrador Environment Network). Newfoundland and Labrador Environment Network - Green Conversation Series.
  • Abdul-Latif Alhassan (School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell) and Jesse Hildebrand (Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants). Bugs in the Backyard.
  • A. Kurt Gamperl (Faculty of Science, ) and Ashena Johnson-Walker (The Island School). Engaging Bahamian Youth:  Marine Science Research and Careers, Marine Stewardship in the Face of Climate Change, and the Importance of ‘Local Ecological Knowledge’. 
  • Marc Losier (School of Fine Arts-Visual Art, Grenfell Campus) and Chris Donovan (Photo East Festival). 2025 PHOTO EAST Festival - Mount Allison and Grenfell Collaborative Student Exhibition of Photography.

Fall 2024

  • Christina Young (Faculty of Medicine, CRHS) and Chris Patey (Carbonear Institute for Rural Reach and Innovation by the Sea). Identifying directions for rural health research: A stakeholder engagement session with the Carbonear Institute for Rural Reach and Innovation by the Sea.
  • Leslie Philips (Faculty of Medicine/Pharmacy) and Kevin Coady (Alliance for the Control of Tobacco).  Establishing a Strategic Partnership to Enhance Tobacco and Vaping Cessation and Control in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • D'Arcy Wilson (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell Campus) and Holly Jackman (C.C. Loughlin Elementary School). The Kids’ Art Club: facilitating exchange between Grenfell visual arts students, preschools, and elementary schools in Corner Brook and Western NL.
  • Chloe Lundrigan (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Dale Jarvis (Heritage NL). Artist Residency in MUN's Folklore Archives.
  • Kristine Power (Memorial University Libraries) and Andrew Testa (St. Michael's Printshop). Powered by the Archives: Showcasing Community.
  • Morgan Gardner (Faculty of Education) and Linda Brown (Community Activist/HR Administrator/eLearning Design). Living the Earth Charter through Creative Community Exchange.
  • Shoshannah Ganz (School of Arts and Social Sciences, Grenfell Campus) and Joan Simmonds (French Shore Interpretation Centre). Embroidering Emily: Intergenerational Rural Knowledge Sharing Towards Sustainable Arts Practice. 
  • Dylan Maddix (School of Music) and Sarah Comeford (Newfoundland and Labrador Band Association). Artist Residency with Composer/Entrepreneur/Environmentalist Alex Shapiro.
  • Janna M. Andronowski (Faculty of Medicine, BioMedical Sciences) and Andrew Cramm (Planned Parenthood). Sexual and Repoductive Health Awareness Week.
  • Peggy (Karen) Blunden (Faculty of Education) and Megan Hiscott (NLHS). Promoting Simulation Pedagogy with Undergraduate Nursing Students and Practical Nursing Students at the Centre for Nursing Studies.

Winter 2024

  • Natalie Beausoleil (Faculty of Medicine) and Andy Jones (Andy Jones Productions). Bridging Compassion and Mental Health: Excerpts from “Don’t Give Up on Me, Dad”.
  • Rochelle Baker (Faculty of Medicine, NLCAHR) and Mary Walsh (End Sexual Violence NL). "A Queer History of Newfoundland" Public Talk via Research & Knowledge Exchange on Gender, Sexuality and Health.
  • Jane Gosine (Faculty of Music) and Derek Staubitzer (Parkinson's Society). Singing for Parkinson's: exploring music on prescription.
  • Elizabeth Schwartz (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Madison Acker (Havura NL). "The Wrong Jew": A musical and storytelling exploration of "being diverse" in a multicultural society.
  • Christine Fearing (School of Graduate Studies) and Anne Pickard (The Rooms). Accessible Public Engagement as Capacity Building: Partnering with the disability community to create equity-driven public engagement policies and practices that serve the people of NL.
  • Krista King (Faculty of Medicine) and Carey Majid (Human Rights Commission of NL). Workplace Experiences and Rights of Cancer Patients in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Rachel Jekanowski (School of Arts and Social Science, Grenfell Campus) and Justin Brake (The Independent). Public Forum for Project Nujio'qonik and Green Transition in Western Newfoundland.
  • Shannon Fraser (School of Graduate Studies/Interdisciplinary PhD) and Dave Walsh (Newfoundland-Labrador Federation of Co-operatives). Developing a Community of Practice for Education about Co-operatives in Newfoundland and Labrador: Creating and Integrating Primary, Secondary, Post-Secondary and General Population Education Strategies.
  • Renate Pohl (Grenfell) and Diana Daly (Divining Rod Performing Arts Consultancy). Assessing the Live Arts Technical Workforce Deficit in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Ronan Martel (Humanities and Social Sciences) and James Ravenscroft (St James United Church). Here I Am: A week of religious scholarship and action for transgender rights.
  • Ahmad Deeb (Faculty of Nursing) and Jacqueline Brockerville (Divisional Manager in the Medicine Program at Eastern Urban Zone (St. Clare's Mercy Hospital). Building a Partnership with Knowledge Experts to Improve Nurses Ability in Clinical Deterioration Management.

Fall 2023

  • Avery Velez (Environmental Policy Institute, Grenfell Campus) and Chief Rhonda Sheppard (St. George's Indian Band/ St. George's Hub). Engaging with Mi'kmaw communities on sustainability course development.
  • Sevtap Savas (Medicine) and Derrick Bishop (Community at large). A documentary screening and panel discussion event to disseminate knowledge on cancer experiences of transgender individuals.
  • Todd Hennessey (Fine Arts, Grenfell Campus) and Rory Lambert (King's Point Theatre Festival). Turncoat Hill: Anniversary Production.
  • Tara Cashen (School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell Campus) and Emma Howell (Western Environment Centre). Bay of Islands Maple Festival
  • Alex Fallis (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell Campus) and David Smallwood (Rotary Arts Centre). Crossing Seven Seas – a journey into community memory.
  • Todd Hennessey (Centre for Research and Innovation) and Johnston Miller (Corner Brook Disc Golf).  Disc Golf Dyeing: Art and Physical Activity Inspired Community Engagement.
  • Jennifer Dyer (HSS) and Sandra McKellar (End Sexual Violence NL). December 6th Action on Violence Against Women Panel Dialogue.
  • Stephanie Field (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Pam Mills (Recreation NL). Mobilizing Memorial University's Physical Education undergraduate students to be community active health leaders.
  • Kaila Mintz (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell Campus) and David Smallwood (Rotary Arts Centre).  Art and Text - new ways to communicate with art.

Winter 2023

  • TA Loeffler (School of Human Kinetics & Recreation) and Sue Rendell (Tuckamore Ski and Snowshoe Club). Nature-Based Physical Literacy Summit.
  • Nicole Lewis-Power (Faculty of Nursing) and Deanne Whey (Memorial University Campus Childcare). Teddy Bear Clinic: A Health Education Intervention for Pre-school Children.
  • Adam Beardsworth (School of Arts and Social Sciences, Grenfell) and David Smallwood (Rotary Arts Centre).  Literary Corner Brook Reading Series.
  • Jennifer Buxton (Office of Engagement, Grenfell) and Joan Cranston (Bonne Bay Old Cottage Hospital). Great Northern Peninsula Research Collective (GNP-RC) Visioning, Capacity Building, and Knowledge Sharing.
  • Elizabeth Schwartz (Humanities and Social Sciences) and Rob Nolan (Municipalities NL).  Hub for the Study of Local Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador: Official launch event and stakeholder consultation workshop.
  • Joy Fraser (Humanities and Social Sciences) and Maureen Peters (The Rooms). “Mummers on Trial:” Public Exhibit at The Rooms.
  • Thomas Chapman (Faculty of Science) and Dr. Marie Louise Aastrup (Nature NL). Insect Apocalypse? Citizen Science Insect Monitoring & Outreach.
  • Peter Ride (Dean, School of Fine Arts, Grenfell) and David Smallwood (Rotary Arts Centre). A Place Called Home - participatory photography with new migrant communities in Western Newfoundland.
  • Larry Weyand (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell) and Ashley Hemmings (Eastern Edge Gallery and Artist Run Centre). Art Bridge.
  • Kevin Power (Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Darrell Mugford (Eastpoint Hockey). Applied Sport Science Exercise Research and Testing (ASSERT).

Fall 2022

  • Sevtap Savas (Faculty of Medicine) and Cindy Whitten (Eastern Health, Department of Research and Innovation). Development of a community engagement & outreach strategy on cancer.
  • Rebecca Puddester (Faculty of Nursing) and Dr. Angela Hyde (Cancer Care and Laboratory Medicine, Eastern Health, and Centre for Translational Genomics). Building Partnerships with the Cancer Care Workforce to Enhance Cancer Care through Genetic and Genomic Competency Development.
  • Kimberly Jarvis (Faculty of Nursing) and Karen Singleton (Recovery Center, Eastern Health). Developing community partnerships to acquire understanding of adult women's substance use and the impact on their health.
  • Brennan Lowery (School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell Campus) and Richard May (CBDC Nortip). Regional workshops to share and co-create a cultural asset inventory on the Great Northern Peninsula.
  • Thomas Halford (School of Arts and Social Science, Grenfell) and  Brittany Noseworthy (Corner Brook Public Library). Grenfell Community Publishing House.
  • Jeff Crane (School of Human Kinetics & Recreation) and Neil Baker (Physical Education Specialist Interest Council).  Calling all physical educators: Building relationships in the physical education realm through community development.
  • Judah Adeniyi (Faculty of Business Administration) and Liam Flanagan (Tech NL).  Technology and the Future of Work: Labour Market Opportunities, Barriers, and Equity in a Time of Technological and Economic Transformation.
  • Kim Cullen (School of Human Kinetics & Recreation) and Ms. Jackie Manuel (Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association (NLCSA)). Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Construction Industry - Industry Task Force Planning Meeting.
  • Carol Lynne D'Arcangelis (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Jenn Deon (Persistence Theatre). Abolitionist Intimacies: Public lecture and book launch.
  • Julie Sircom (School of Science & the Environment, Grenfell) and Rodney Reid (Newfoundland and Labrador Beekeeping Association). Developing a research database of honey bee colony health, habitat context, and beekeeper practices in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Ki Adams (Faculty of Education) and Caroline Orsborn (Celebrate NL - Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation). Building community, partnerships, and networks: The making of a Newfoundland and Labrador international choral festival.

Winter 2022

  • Jennifer Dyer (HSS, Gender Studies) and Mica McCurdy (Living in Community, St. John's) Living in Community: Measuring the Training and Success of Anti-Stigma Dialogue.
  • Chantille Isler, Faculty of Nursing (MUNFON) and Leanne Lewis (The Pottle Centre - Executive Director). The Development of an Experience Expert Advisory Group to Inform a Provincial Mental Health Nursing Research Study.
  • Jessica Spooner (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sociology) and Natasha Bader (The St. John's Women's Centre). Project Hike: Building community and nature connection for women who are in vulnerable situations.
  • Robert Hengeveld (Grenfell School of Fine Arts - Visual Arts) and Helen Savoury (Independent Advisor). Exploring Indigenization and DEI within Fine Arts pedagogy and learning environments.
  • Jennifer Godfrey Anderson (Faculty of Education) and Elizabeth Yeoman (Happy City/Director). Happy City St. John’s Neighbourhood Summit 2022: Making Connections.
  • Jill Bruneau (Faculty of Nursing) and Dr. Kellie LeDrew (Psychiatrist/Eastern Health). Psychosis Intervention and Early Recovery Program Engaging key stakeholders to inform a research study regarding cardiovascular risk assessment for individuals experiencing first episode of psychosis who are at risk for metabolic disease.
  • Samantha Morton (HSS, Sociology) Kerri Neil (Social Justice Co-op of NL). SJCNL-ZWAT Brand Audit 2022
  • Erica (Samms) Hurley (Faculty of Nursing) and Arlene White (Community Member-Mi'kmaq Knowledge Keeper).  Strengthening Relationships: Community Collaboration for an Indigenous Health Course.
  • Rod Taylor (Faculty of Science - Earth Sciences) and Alicia Hopkins (Legendary Coasts). Official Provincial Fossil Competition: Public Engagement Through Paleontology
  • Lynsey Soper-Thistle (School of Social Work) and Annette Johns (Newfoundland and Labrador College of Social Workers). "Engaging Social Work Field Instructors in Trauma Informed Supervision.
  • Mohsin Jamil (Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science) and Syed Mansoor Pirzada (The Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANAL)). Preparing NL Youth Community for Career in Technology.

Fall 2021

  • Kelley Totten (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Dale Jarvis (Heritage NL). Craft at Risk” Workshop Series: Community Engagement and Material Culture.
  • Lynn Kendall (Grenfell School of Arts & Social Science) Tara Saunders (Qalipu First Nation). Advancing the Indigenous tourism sector through networking and collaboration
  • Daisy Baldwin (Faculty of Nursing) and Brenda Oldford (Eastern Health). Initiating Collaborations with Eastern Health to Assess the Feasibility of a Women's Health Grounded Theory Research Study
  • Paula Mendonca (TTCO) and Kieran Hanley (Econext). Clean Growth Industry Connector
  • David Buley (Faculty of Education) and Sheilah MacKinnon-Drover (L'Arche Avalon). Making Music Together: Music and Reciprocal Education In and Through Community
  • Christine Carter (School of Music) and Ms. Amy Henderson (Business and Arts NL). Artist Residency with Choreographer/Dancer/Creative Facilitator Shannon Litzenberger
  • Claire Pratt (Faculty of Medicine) and Mari-Lynne Sinnott (ProActive Wellness Family Medicine). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on 2SLGTBQIA+ psychosocial health and resource utilization in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Karen A. Dobbin-Williams (Faculty of Nursing) and Cris Carter (Patient Partner). The Development of a Patient Advisory Committee to Inform a Mixed Methods Study About the Care Needs of Individuals with Diabetes in Newfoundland and Labrador

Winter 2021

  • Gillian Sheppard (Faculty of Medicine) and Heidi Dixon (First Light) - Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity in the Emergency Department: The Start of a Conversation
  • Bui Petersen (Faculty Engineering and Applied Science) and Kerry Murray (Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour)  - Technology and the Future of Work: Labour Market Opportunities, Barriers, and Equity in a Time of Technological and Economic Transformation
  • Ozgen Demirkaplan (Faculty of Medicine) and Pamela Anstey (St. John's Market Cooperative) - Soapbox Science St. John’s 2021
  • Emily Walsh (School of Maritime Studies, Marine Institute) and Noel Milley (Fish, Food & Allied Workers Union (FFAW)) - Cold Water Exposure in Fishing and Aquaculture Industries: How to Keep Safe.
  • Barry Gaulton (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Neil Burgess (Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador) - Toward a Partnership for Maritime Archaeology in Canada: Atlantic Region Workshop 2021
  • Justin Dearing (Sustainability and Climate Action Office) and Andrew Niblock (City of St. John's) - Designing Burton's Pond's Blue Bag Recycling Pilot Program
  • David Lowe (Faculty of Science) and Andrea Mills (Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador) - Bringing rocks to life in Eastern Newfoundland: A pilot project to align geoscience research and geoheritage in Eastern Newfoundland
  • Saiqa Azam (Faculty of Education) and Craig White (Let's Talk Science) - The Nature of Science Institute: Professional Learning of K-12 Science Teachers
  • Anne Burke (CITL) and Dale Javis (NL Heritage) - Keepers and Champions of NL Folklore Nature Stories: Embracing community stewardship through augmented story-crafting technology
  • Penny Morrill (Faculty of Science) and Glen Williams (NL English School District) - Start-up Funding for SIPS (Stable Isotope Precipitation Sampling) for the Island of Newfoundland
  • Robert Hengeveld (School of Fine Arts) and Reg Kachanoski (Gros Morne Summer Music) - Creative partnership exploring resettlement stories

Fall 2020

  • Max Liboiron (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Kerri Neil (Social Justice Co-operative NL) Food Pricing Survey: From Nain to Corner Brook
  • Sevtap Savas (Faculty of Medicine) and Rebecca Roome (Community member) -  Creating a province-wide Public Interest Group on Cancer Research
  • Deneice Falconer (Faculty of Education) and Kaberi Sarma-Debnath (Multicultural Women's Organization of Newfoundland & Labrador) - Newcomer Writing Workshop
  • Gabriela Sabau (School of Science and the Environment-Grenfell) and Dr. David McKenzie (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Government of Canada) -  Preliminary meeting with external groups to assess interest and expertise for participating in an agroecology for Newfoundland and Labrador research project
  • Kyle Pushkarenko (Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Angela Crockwell (Thrive) -  MUN PALS (Physical Activity Led by Students): Community perspectives and insight
    Mery Perez (School of Science and the Environment_ and Joshua Smee (Food First NL) - Frameworks, Contexts, and Meaning: a critical engagement process with NL communities
  • Paul De Decker (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Greg O'Grady (Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association) - Letting the Words In: Leveraging Experiential Knowledge of People Who Stutter to Inform Stuttering Research
  • Roza Tchoukaleyska (School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell Campus) and Joan Cranston (Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation) - Thriving communities, healthy connections: A new initiative on the Great Northern Peninsula
  • Sheila Garland (Faculty of Science) and Geoff Eaton (Young Adult Cancer Canada) - Young Adults with Cancer Lived Experience Advisory Panel (CAN-LEAP)
  • TA Loeffler (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Kimberly Orren (Fishing for Success) -  Outdoor Teaching and Learning: COVID-19 and Beyond

Winter, 2020

  • Public Engagement with The Samara Centre for Democracy. Alex Marland, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • From Reflection to Action: Multicultural understanding through conversation and song to build community. Jakub Martinec, Faculty of Music
  • Promoting Respectful Clinical Practice Learning Environments. Sandra MacDonald, Faculty of Nursing
  • Youth Community Engagement Workshop (St. Pierre). Mallory Champagne, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Memorial Partners With Family Resource Programs to Support NL Families. Caroline Porr, Faculty of Nursing
  • Planning the first Canadian Magnum Professional Practice Workshop in St. John's. Bojan Furst, The Harris Centre
  • Engaging and Empowering Newcomer Language Support Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Xuemei Li, Faculty of Education
  • Grenfell Visual Arts Students at Union House Arts. Ingrid Mary Percy, Grenfell School of Fine Arts
  • Science with the Symphony. Sarah Sauvé, School of Medicine
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: Enhancing Relationships between Coastal Landscape and Culture. Sheridan Thompson, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Quick Start Fund Recipients 2019
  • The Academic and the Activist Podcast (pilot project), Amanda Bittner, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Acoustic Ecology, Tourism and Public Engagement, Teresa Connors, School of Music
  • Phase 2 of Scale-Up: Integrating capacity building, Stephen Ellenbogen, School of Social Work
  • Interactive Choral Music Collaborations with the Vancouver Chamber Choir, Meghan Forsyth, School of Music
  • Conversations on Policymaking with the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association, Darron Kelly, Faculty of Education
  • Beginning to Unlearn Racism: A Conversation about Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, Shannon Lewis-Simpson, Student Life/Department of Anthropology
  • Outdoor Inclusion Summit: Bringing our Paths Together, T.A. Loeffler, Human Kinetics and Recreation
  • Earth Sheltered Cold Climate Greenhouse Working Group, Kim Shipp, Botanical Garden
  • Capacity Building and Social Enterprise on the Southwest Coast, Bonnie White, SASS
  • Food, Stories and Songs of This Place: Celebrating 50 Years of Folklore Education in Newfoundland and Labrador, Pauline Cox, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Her Health, Sarah Devereaux, Faculty of Medicine
  • Lee Maracle on Indigenous Feminisms and Decolonization, Shannon Hoff, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Older Workers Summit, Cathy Newhook, Harris Centre
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group's (OGIG's) Partnership with Momma Moments, Melissa O’Brien, Faculty of Medicine
  • Designing a More Mindful Engineering Community, Janna Rosales, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • NL Arts and Culture Wiki-thon, Joan Sullivan, Office of Public Engagement
  • Extended Site: Collaboration between the Grenfell Visual Arts Program and the Bonne Bay Marine Station, D’Arcy Wilson, Grenfell, Visual Arts
  • Moravian Church of Newfoundland and Labrador, Tom Gordon, School of Music
  • A public symposium on Genetics, Genetic Research, and what they may mean for the people of NL, Sevtap Savas, Faculty of Medicine
  • Decarbonize NL: Envisioning a carbon-neutral economy in NL, Brett Favaro, Marine Institute


Quick Start Fund Recipients 2018

March 2018

  • Pint of Science festival. Brecht Rudiger, Ph.D Student, Faculty of Science


Quick Start Fund Recipients 2017 

April 2017

  • World Oceans Day – Our Oceans, Our Future. Danielle Nichols, Marine Institute
  • Giant Floor Map of Newfoundland and Labrador. Trevor Bell, Department of Geography
  • A Youth-Friendly Clinic to Improve Access to Health Care. Lisa Bishop, Faculty of Medicine, School of Pharmacy
  • Engaging partners in a project to embed the patient/carer experience in interprofessional education at Memorial. Adam Reid, Faculty of Medicine.
  • Promoting Mental Health and Well-being during Pregnancy and Early Childhood. Martha Traverso-Yepez, Faculty of Medicine
  • Etuaptmumk: Two-Eyed Seeing in Campus Community Collaboration. Charlene Connors, GO Engagement
  • Coding Outreach. Robert Gallant, School of Science and the Environment (Grenfell Campus)
  • Conservation GIS Symposium & Workshop - fostering connections. Yolanda Wiersma, Faculty of Science
  • Fostering Experiential Learning through Applied Course Work in Geography and Environmental Studies. Stephen Decker, School of Arts and Social Science (Grenfell Campus)
  • Addressing Islamophobia in Newfoundland and Labrador: Community Consultations. Sobia Shaheen Shaikh, School of Social Work
  • Collaborating for Arts Innovation at Memorial. Ian Sutherland, School of Music
  • Inaugural Grenfell Visual Arts Student Gallery in downtown Corner Brook, NL. Mark Losier, School of Fine Arts (Grenfell Campus)
  • Narrative and Place in Bay Roberts: Preliminary Outreach and Research. Jillian Gould, Faculty of Science & Department of Folklore
  • Grenfell Amateur Astronomy Society Kick Off. Steven Day, School of Science and the Environment (Grenfell Campus)

March 2017

  • Dialogue Exchange with the shíshálh Nation: Reporting Archaeological Findings and Discussing Future Collaborations. Natasha LeClerc, Department of Archaeology
  • Splash'n'Dash : Engaging Aging Seniors in an Active Lifestyle A Four Week Pilot Program. Lesley-Marie Lahey, School of Nursing
  • Co-op Advisory Committee: preliminary meeting. Theresa Mackenzie, Science Co-op office (Dean)
  • Development of a Collaborative Research Partnership with Nurses Practicing in the Mental Health and Addictions Program, Eastern Health and Nurse Researchers with MUN School of Nursing. Joy Maddigan, School of Nursing.
  • EndMS Summer School Patient Engagement Session. Megan Parker, Faculty of Medicine
  • MUNBG/BASNL Planning Workshops. Kim Shipp, Botanical Garden
  • Having a Blast’ in Labrador West. Karen Pottle-Fewer, Labrador Institute.
  • Grenfell Promoting research participation in the community. Benjamin Zendel, Faculty of Medicine
  • Building Awareness: Environmental Impacts on Health in NL. Thomas Farrell, Faculty of Medicine
  • Waste Not Want Not Engagement Fair: Waste Reduction, Composting, and Food Security. Barun Maity, GSU
  • Innu Palliative Care: Establishing Partnerships. Russell Dawe, Faculty of Medicine
  • Laboratory experience for public school students. Mark Berry, Faculty of Science (Biochemistry)

February 2017

  • For the people by the people: engaging seniors with early stage dementia in the creation of a sustainable action plan to improve access to support services in Newfoundland and Labrador. Karen Parsons, Faculty of Nursing
  • Collaboration between Grenfell ENACTUS Students and the Wonderful Fine Market: Identifying and addressing entrepreneurial and sustainability lessons from the St. John’s Farmers Market. Jose Lam, School of Arts and Social Science (Grenfell Campus)
  • Shifting the Message: Towards a “Health, not Weight” Strategy in Newfoundland and Labrador. Erin Cameron, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
  • The MacEdward Leach Digital Archive. Meghan Forsyth, School of Music
  • Outreach to Inuit schools. Geoffrey Rayner-Canham, School of Science and the Environment (Chemistry)
  • Collaborative Fieldwork Residency between Bonne Bay Marine Station and Grenfell Campus Visual Arts Program. D’Arcy WIlson, School of Fine Arts
  • Everyday ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis). Kimberly Maich, Faculty of Education
  • Biology Graduate Student Symposium (BGSS). Samantha Trueman, Faculty of Science (Ocean Science/ Biology)
  • Strategic Doing. Mike Clair, Harris Centre
  • Civic Engagement and Student Experience -- A Collaboration with Happy City St. John's. Shannon Lewis-Simpson, Student Life (Student Experience Office)
  • Royal Canadian Legion Artefact Inventory: A Community Engaged Learning Project. Lisa Russell, Student Life (Student Experience Office)

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Quick Start Fund Recipients 2016

May 2016

  • Trans Needs Summit. Ailsa Craig, Department Sociology
  • Traditional Medicines: Memorial as a Place for Aboriginal Knowledge to Take Root. Edward Allen, Student Life 
  • Synergy Session/Networking Reception Creating Sustainable Communities and Regions: Experiences from the Netherlands. Ken Carter, Grenfell Office of Engagement
  • Preparing for community revival and rural immigration in small island setting. Bojan Fürst, Harris Centre 
  • Recharge the Battery: Creating a "Learning, Living Community" for Graduate Students. Jennifer Massey, Student Life
  • Math Circles of St. John's Planning and Development Meetings. Margarita Kondratieva, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • A Dialogue on the Status of the Newfoundland & Labrador Film and Television Industry. Mark Turner, School of Music
  • It takes a village: Working together to support the challenges for breastfeeding families living with tongue-tie. Tiffany Lee, School of Pharmacy
  • Defining Food Policy: Where to Start when Crafting Food Policy? Jason Waters, Department of Political Science

 April 2016

  • Learning from the Past, Looking for the Future. David Stephens, School of Social Work 
  • The 30th year anniversary of the rescue of 155 Tamil boat refugees off the coast of Newfoundland in 1986. Yolande Pottie-Sherman, Department of Geography
  • Saint-pierre et Miquelon patrimoine historique - historical heritage / archéologie publique - community archaeology. Catherine Losier, Department of Archaeology
  • Building Bridges: Connecting High School Students with the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences. Denise Hooper, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. 
  • Social Enterprise in Newfoundland & Labrador: Research Potential for Social Impact. Nicole Helwig, Centre for Social Enterprise
  • Avalon Regional Collaboration on Emergency Preparedness: Scoping and Workshop. Nicholas Damer, Department of Political Science
  • Elmastukwek Mi'kmaw Mawio'mi. Kelly Butler, Student Services (Grenfell Campus)
  • Making the difference with wrestling and boxing program in Aboriginal community: A photo essay and exhibition. Adam Dubrowski, Faculty of Medicine

 March 2016

  • Ed 4644 Experiential Education. Jennifer Anderson. Faculty of Education
  • Collaboration between NL School Lunch Association, Memorial Botantical Gardens, and the Faculty of Education: Creating an after school program that focuses on gardening, sustainability, and cooking for elementary school children. Elizabeth Yeoman, Faculty of Education
  • Songs and Stories of the Loggers of Newfoundland and Labrador: A public presentation on Fogo Island. Megan Forsyth, School of Music
  • Citizen science investigation of red squirrel (Tamiasciuris hudsonicus) distribution in Newfoundland. Erin Fraser, Grenfell Campus Division of Science
  • World Oceans Day Family Event- Come Fathom the Deep. Danielle Nichols, Department of Ocean Sciences 
  • What’s arts got to do with it?: A structured dialogue about the roles of the arts and culture industries in Newfoundland and Labrador. Michelle Porter, Newfoundland Quarterly
  • Intergenerational Teachings. Sylvia Moore. Faculty of Education
  • Opera to Go! A Collaborative Performance for Students and their Families. Caroline Schiller, School of Music
  • thegreenrock.ca ~ think planet. live local. how do you fit in? Kim Todd, Department of Philosophy
  • P is for Picture Book: Imagination through Illustration: Highlights from the Roger and Marlene Peattie Picture Book Collection. Jeannie Bail, QEII Library
  • Chemistry and Your Life, Chemistry in Your Life. Geoff Rayner-Canham, Grenfell Campus Division of Science

 February 2016

  • Exploring the Seafloor: Live Interactive Broadcast from a Research Vessel in the South Pacific to the Johnson Geo Centre. John Jamieson, Department of Earth Sciences
  • A Meeting of the Descendants of the General Hospital Graduate Nurses Serving Overseas in World War 1. Sandra MacDonald, School of Nursing
  • HSS on Food. Lynne Phillips, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Mobile Heritage Film Workshops. Morgon Mills, Labrador Institiute

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Funding and Awards
Quick Start Fund Recipients 2015
May 2015
  • Convergence: Art, Science and Spirituality. Dr. Maggie Atkinson, Division of Fine Arts
  • A Picture of Health: Pre-Election Forum on Health Policy. Ms. Rochelle Baker, Faculty of Medicine
  • Memorial Woodwind Festival 2015. Dr. Christine Carter, School of Music
  • Right Here, Right Now: A Women's Centered, Trauma Informed Drop-In Counselling Initiative. Dr. Catherine de Boer, School of Social Work
  • Sharing Dialogue While Promoting Health and Wellness. Dr. Rebecca Law, School of Pharmacy
  • Invocacion y Danza. Ms. Sylvie Proulx, School of Music
  • The health impact of early development: Town-Hall event for disseminating research findings and engage old and new participants with renewed enthusiasm and commitment towards the topic. Dr. Martha Traverso-Yepez, School of Medicine


April 2015
  • Science Literacy Week, 2015. Dr. Aimee Surprenant, Office of the Dean of Science
  • Knowledge, Free Expression and Democracy in Canada in the 21st Century. Dr. Barb Neis, Department of Sociology
  • Uncovering the invisible: microscopy and mushroom identification workshop. Dr. Dmitry Sveshnikov, Division of Science (Environmental Science/Biology)
  • Official Launch of Relationships First: Restorative Justice in Education NL Consortium. Dr. Dorothy Vaandering, Faculty of Education
  • Engaging Planners in the Development of Indicators for Planning Healthy Built Environments. Dr. Cathy Donovan, Faculty of Medicine
  • The Victoria Park Lantern Festival Puppetry Project. Dr. Jamie Skimore, Department of English
  • Fall 2015 Author Residency. Dr. Jennifer Lokash, Department of English
  • Listening "for" the Voices of Communities: Towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable Physical Literacy Education Program for Children and Families in Newfoundland and Labrador. Dr. Kyoung June LI, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
  • Regional Engagement: Stephenville-Port au Port. Marilyn Forward, Grenfell Office of Engagement
  • The Future of Nature on the West Coast of Newfoundland. Dr. Sean McGrath. Department of Philosophy
  • A hands-on workshop on videography for local youth. Trudy Taylor-Walsh, Bonne Bay Marine Station

March 2015
  • Fighting depression and mental health with combat sports: Creating local champions. Dr. Adam Dubrowski, Faculty of Medicine
  • Introducing the Mi'kmaw Game of Waltes to Local Communities in Western Newfoundland. Dr. Angela Robinson, Division of Social Science [Social/Cultural Studies], Grenefell Campus
  • The Health Care Profession Camp for Aboriginal Students. Dr. Carolyn Sturge-Sparkes, Faculty of Medicine
  • Re-situating the role and importance of people with lived experience: Capacity building among participants of the St. John's Drug User Group. Dr. Christopher Smith, School of Social Work
  • Engaging the Public: A Town Hall Event to Talk About Health Research (Ferryland). Mr. Dale Humphries, Research Grant and Contract Services (NL SUPPORT)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Art Education Association Preliminary Foundation Conference. Dr. Gerard Curtis, Division of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) Grenfell Campus
  • Community Volunteer Recognition Event. Ms. Jennifer Crowe, Student Volunteer Bureau
  • Collaboration between Grenfell ENACTUS students and the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation: Identifying and addressing entrepreneurial and sustainability issues in social enterprises. Dr. Jose Lam, Division of Social Science [Business and Economics], Grenfell Campus
  • Forum on Advancing the Experiential Learning Agenda at the St. John's Campus. Ms. Lisa Russell, Deputy Provost Portfolio
  • Engaging local fishermen in the public programming activities at the Bonne Bay Marine Station. Dr. Robert Scott, Division of Science [Environmental Science], Grenfell Campus

February 2015
  • We Stand on Guard for Thee: A Research Initiative in Support of the Canadian Forces Family. Gail Wideman, Faculty of Social Work
  • Engaging Ideas: Diversity in the Workplace. Kate Scarth, Faculty of Business Administration
  • The Singing Network: Creating spaces and events to experience the power of singing and song. Andrea Rose, Faculty of Education
  • Building Public Engagement Capacity Between the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care Stakeholders - A Joint Vision for Public Engagement. Fran Kirby, Faculty of Medicine
  • Pamela Mordecai's Performances of her Poetry Collections. Stephanie McKenzie, Faculty of Arts
  • Building Relationships for an Expanded Preceptor Model. Lisa Bishop, School of Pharmacy

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Funding and Awards
Quick Start Fund Recipients 2014 
April 2014
  • The International Conference on Marine and Freshwater Environments (iMFE) 2014 - Our Water, Our Future. Dr. Bring Chen, Faculty of Engineering
  • Film Internship @ Memorial Libraries. Ms. Colleen Quigley. MUN Libraries
  • Speaking Event - with Daniele Benedettelli (Lego Mindstorm expert). Ms. Katheryn Hong, Faculty of Engineering
  • Fogo Island/Change Islands engagement and knowledge mobilization workshop. Dr. Kelly Vodden, Environmental Policy Institute, Grenfell Campus
  • Food n Garden Fair. Ms. Liz Klose, MUN Botanical Garden
  • Food System Collaborations: Farmers, Markets and Good Eating in NL. Dr. Lynne Phillips, FARM/Faculty of Arts
  • Gay Men's Health: A Public Forum hosted by the Gender, Sexuality & Health Research Exchange Group of NLCAHR. Ms. Rochelle Baker, NLCAHR/Medicine

March 2014
  • Engineering in Edgewise: A Public Salon for Engineering in the 21st Century. Dr. Cecilia Moloney, Faculty of Engineering/Metakettle
  • RIAC Production Workshops and Digital Documentaries for Community Radio. Dr. Elizabeth Yeoman, Faculty of Education
  • Watch your step: Staying active and on your feet as you age. Ms. Michelle Osmond, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
  • The State of Publishing in the Digital Age. Dr. Bob Scott, Bonne Bay Marine Station/Grenfell Campus

February 2014
  • Apollo 5 Brass Quintet tour to Labrador West. Mr. Alan Klaus, School of Music
  • Developing and Improving the Process to Evaluate the Impact of a Vascular Reduction Program for Women Living in Rural Newfoundland. Dr. April Manuel, School of Nursing
  • St. John's Many Voices: An Exhibition Showcasing Cultural Diversity. Dr. Beverly Diamond, MMaP
  • Spread the words: Incorporating the Dialect Atlas of Newfoundland and Labrador into the Grade 8 Social Studies curriculum. Ms. Suzanne Power., Faculty of Arts/ELRC
  • MUN MED Gateway Community Kitchen. Ms.Kate Duff, Faculty of Medicine
  • Learning Through Dance: The ABCs. Ms. Kristine Power, QEI Library
  • Directing students at the 8th Women's Work Festival. Ms. Ruth Lawrence, Department of English
  • Great Big Walk 2014. Dr. TA Loeffler, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation

January 2014
  • Preserving our heritage through archaeological field conservation. Ms. Donna Teasdale, Department of Archaeology.
  • The Politicization of Identity: A Presentation to the Grenfell and Bay of Islands Community by President Todd Russell of NunatuKavut Community Council and a day-long Visit to Grenfell Campus. Dr. Maura Hanrahan, Humanities Programme, Grenfell Campus
  • The Just for Women Safe Space Project. Dr. Jill Allison, Faculty of Medicine
  • Dancer-in-Residence. Dr. Kristin Harris-Walsh, School of Music
  • Empowering a community to tackle youth mental health and addictions challenges. Dr. Lisa Bishop, School of Pharmacy
  • Service Learning with the United Way. Ms. Lisa Russell, Student Affairs/CDEL
  • Engaging Ideas: Transporting Research to Practice. Ms. Mekaela Gulliver, Faculty of Business
  • MUN and North West River, Sitting in a Tree. Mr. Morgon Mills, Labrador Institute
  • Maroon and Mi'kmaq: An International Indigenous Exchange Post-Symposium Booklet. Dr. Stephanie McKenzie, Dvision of Arts (English), Grenfell Campus 
  • Ode To Water. Ms. Sarah Minnes, Environmental Policy Institute, Grefell Campus
  • Settlement of Newcomers in Labrador West: What are the Gaps in Services?. Dr. Delores Mullings, School of Social Work
  • A Celebration of University-Community Engagement. Dr. Jacqueline Walsh, Social Science, Grenfell Campus

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