Public Engagement Accelerator Fund
2024-25 Funding Cycles
Winter Round NOW CLOSED. Notification expected during week of Februay 10-14 (approx).
*Note: Faculty/department deadlines may be earlier than the closing dates posted here. To allow time for required approvals, it is recommended that you consult with the Research Grants and Contracts Services administrator or departmental administrator regarding departmental deadlines.
Memorial University’s Public Engagement Accelerator Fund is intended to help meet the goals and objectives of Memorial’s Public Engagement Framework by increasing capacity of our faculty, students and staff to collaborate with partners outside the University (i.e., the public).
The fund offers up to $10,000 to support the initiation or extension of public engagement projects that link to Memorial’s academic mission.
For more information on this fund, please see the Accelerator Fund Applicant Guide 2024-25.
Winter 2025
- Kelley Totten (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Folklore) and Edith Samson (Coaker Heritage Foundation). Rural Sustainability – Cultural, Environmental, and Economic Stewardship in Port Union and the Bonavista Peninsula.
- Rachel Prowse (Faculty of Medicine, Population Health and Applied Health Sciences) and Natasha Lawlor (Dietitians of Newfoundland and Labrador). Canada’s Healthiest Province: Advancing the Collaboration and Connection of Dietitians to Achieve Better Health Outcomes in Newfoundlanders and Labradorians
- Heather Angnatok (Labrador Campus. Elders, Aunties and Unces Program) and Garnat Blake (Department of Fisheries and Oceans). Life onthe Winter River; Winter Safety in Labrador.
- Kate Murphy (Office of Public Engagement, Johnson Geo Centre) and Michael Morrow (St. John's Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada). Looking towards "Our Future & Space".
- Robert Scott (Bonne Bay Aquarium and Research Station) and Lys-Ange LeBlanc (Creative Gros Morne). Artist Residencies at Bonne Bay Aquarium and Research Station.
- Bonnie Morgan (QE2 Library, Centre for Newfoundland Studies) and Jen Winsor (WritersNL). Imagining History: Creative Writing Workshops.
- Kevin Pope (Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences) and Colin Corbett (econext). Opportunities and Obstacles for Communities Near Large Wind Farms.
- Ian Warkentin (School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell Campus) and Kelsey Butler (Birds Canada). Engaging with Owls: growing opportunities for citizen science in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Renate Pohl (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell Campus) and Diana Daly (Divining Rod Performing Arts Production Consultancy). Strengthening the Live Arts Technical Workforce in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Jamie Skidmore (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, English) and Mary Walsh (Mary Walsh Productions). Verbatim History of the RCA.
- Kevin Power (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Brian Hillier (Footall Newfoundland and Labrador). Stronger Together: Enhancing Sport and Health Through Partnership Between Human Kinetics and Recreation with Provincial Sport Organizations.
Fall 2024
- Sevtap Sevas (Faculty of Medicine, BioMedical Sciences) and Jason Wiseman (Public Interest Group on Cancer Research / Community). Creating public resources on cancer using digital tools _ Season II.
- Patrick Gagnon (Faculty of Science, Ocean Science) and Catherine Street (Champney's West Heritage Group). Champney’s West Heritage Group (CWHG) Public Aquarium: achieving financial stability, and enhancing staff training and visitor experience.
- Lindsay Cahill (Faculty of Science, Chemistry) and Rebecca Brushett (Gros Morne Healthy Oceans Inc. (aka Atlantic Healthy Oceans Initiative (AHOI)). Plastic People in Newfoundland: Coastal Community Outreach.
- Amanda Bittner (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Political Science) and Jennifer Deon (PerSIStence Theatre). Enhancing inclusion in historical educational signage: a model.
- Courtney Crocker (Faculty of Education) and Kevin Hehir (Gonzaga High School). Tales to Teach, Tales to Reach: A Series Highlighting Writers, Illustrators and Storytellers in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Nicole Schott (School of Social Work) and Santiago Guzman (TODOS Productions). Eating Dis/Order Community Organizing, Art Sharing, Knowledge Mobilizing, Resource Creating and Activist Changemaking Towards Joyful Eating for Todos.
- Sarah Pickett (Faculty of Education) and Courtney Fowler (Courtney Fowler Performance Academy Inc.). The Difference between Tolerance and Belonging - Using Performance Art as a Public Engagement and Education Model.
- Sharon King-Campbell (Humantities and Social Sciences, English) and Paul Power (Power Productions). Breathing the Same Air: a play of pandemic protocols.
- Xuemei Li (Faculty of Education) and Leo Etchegary (TEAL NL). Building Bridges for TEAL Professionals and Local Educators.
- Stephanie Young (School of Pharmacy) and Cindy Whitten (NL Health Services). Patient and Public Advisory Group - Re-imagining Outpatient Anticoagulation Management in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Winter 2024
- Ian Sutherland (VP, Grenfell) and Charlie Murphy (Quadrangle NL). Drag Speaks Back: Combatting Myths and Misinformation through Research-Informed Art.
- Tiffany Lee (School of Pharmacy) and Noelle Patten (Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board). Screening for poverty and related social determinants by community pharmacists: Public engagement and knowledge generation.
- Kim Cullen (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Cherie Whelan (NL Construction Safety Association). Mental health can’t be fixed with duct tape. Engagement with Newfoundland and Labrador construction workers about an Industry-led Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention Program.
- Elizabeth Schwartz (Humanities and Social Sciences, Political Science) and Joshua Smee (Food First NL). Food Insecurity on Campus: Understanding the scope of the problem at Memorial University.
- Peter Ride (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell) and Brad Randell (Rotary Arts Centre). Somewhere part 2: Somewhere is Our Place.
- Isabelle Cote (Humanities and Social Sciences, Nexus Centre) and Elizabeth Lawrence (City of St John's, Local Immigration Partnership). Successful Integration and Support of MUNL International Students: Identifying Challenges, Finding Solutions.
- David Buley (Faculty of Education) and Angela Warren (HarbourVOICES International Festival). Collaborative Singing Project: Sharing Stories, Songs, and Traditions.
- Avery Velez (School of Science and the Environment, Environmental Policy Institute, Grenfell) and Rhonda Sheppard (St. George's Hub/ St. George's Indian Band). Mi'kmaw Sustainability Course Delivery.
- Dorothy Vaandering (Faculty of Education) and Lisa MacDougall (Valley Restorative Justice, NS). Hubs of Hope: A Vision of Systemic Transformation through Restorative practices for Youth Well-Being.
- Catherine Scott (Faculty of Science, Biology) and Marie Louise Aastrup, (Nature Newfoundland and Labrador). Making a buzz about bugs: engaging the public in documenting insect diversity.
Fall 2023
- Ami Goulden, (School of Social Work) and Nancy Reid (Coalition of Persons with Disabilities NL (COD NL). Designing and Cultivating a Community-Informed Universal Design for Learning Community of Practice in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Anne Drover (Faculty of Medicine (Pediatrics)) and Jeannie Piercey (Choices for Youth). Creating hope: Wrapping around vulnerable young families.
- Denboy Kudejira (Office of the Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism) and Maria Gentel (YWCA St. John's). Exploring the Options for Enhancing the Academic and Community Engagement Experiences of Black Faculty, Students and Staff at Memorial University Campuses.
- Yolanda Wiersma (Faculty of Science, Biology) and Helen Spencer Foray NL. The Art and Science of Fungi.
- Sevtap Savas (Faculty of Medicine, Division of Biomedical Sciences) and Jason Wiseman (Public Interest Group on Cancer Research / community). Implementing a stakeholder-informed public engagement strategy on cancer: Creating public resources on cancer using digital tools.
- Meghan Forsyth (School of Music) and John Smith (Smithsonian Folkways Recordings). French Acadian Musical Connections: A Smithsonian Folkways Recordings Sound Communities Series Album.
- Ian Warkentin (School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell) and Kelsey Butler (Birds Canada). For the Birds: connecting with nature and science through Newfoundland’s birds.
- Chris Paterson (Harris Centre) and Rob Nolan (Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador). Regional Economic Development Task Force Workshop: From recommendations to action.
- Sheila Downer (Public Engagement and External Relations/Harris Centre) and Andrew Jennings (University of the Arctic, and University of Highlands and Islands). Setting Research Agenda: Northern and Arctic Island Studies Research.
- Allyson Stokes (Humanities and Social Sciences (Sociology)/Roxana Fazli (PhD candidate, Sociology) and Valerie Carruthers (Collective Interchange Cooperative). Volunteer Engagement for Increased Inclusiveness of services and development of core competencies to support expanded career options.
Winter 2023
- Rachel Jekanowski (School of Arts and Social Science, Grenfell) and Rina Garcia Chua (The Goose: A Journal of Arts, Environment, and Culture in Canada). Sustainable Publishing for the Energy Transition.
- Atanu Sarkar (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health and Humanities) and Dan Rubin (Food Producers Forum). Building a Provincial Food Producers Network.
- Kimberly Jarvis (Faculty of Nursing) and Leo Etchegary (Association for New Canadians). African Ways of Knowing and traditional beliefs: Social integration of female African newcomers to Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Marie Louise Aastrup (Faculty of Business Administration) and Christopher Mitchelmore (St. Anthony Basin Resources Inc. (SABRI). Revitalizing PLACE: Mobilizing Regional Economic Development Ideas and Strategic Planning Co-creation.
- Desai Shan (Faculty of Medicine, Community Health and Humanities) and Judith Altree (Mission to Seafarers Canada). Mobilization of community supports for a St. John’s seafarer welfare centre.
- Amanda Bittner (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Political Science) and Sarah Worthman (The Newfoundland and Labrador Queer Research Initiative). Solidari-Tea: intergenerational knowledge mobilization through 2SLGBTQIA+ (queer) oral history documentation.
- Bojan Furst (The Harris Centre) and Kieran Hanley (Economic Developers Association of NL). History of regional development in NL - Educational video module.
- Peter Ride (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell) and David Smallwood (Rotary Arts Centre). What is Somewhere?: exploring place and cultural identity in Corner Brook though collaborative arts practice.
- Russell Williams (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Political Science) and Joshua Smee (Food First NL). Community Engagement: Assessing a Living Wage in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Matthew Hills (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell Art Gallery) and Lys-Ange LeBlanc (Creative Gros Morne). People and the Sea: Sealevel Change
- David Buley (Faculty of Education, Music Education) and Carole Bestvater (Strong Harbour Strings). The Strong Harbour Strings Summer Camp: Stronger Together Through Music Education.
- Kelley Totten (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Folklore) and Bethany MacKenzie (Union House Arts). Art and Labor in Port Union: Community-generated knowledge, creativity, and media.
Fall 2022
- Vernon Curran (Faculty of Medicine) and Stanley Singh (EXCITE Corporation). Extended Reality (XR) Demonstration Project: Potential Applications to Rural Medical and Health Professional Education and Training in Central Regional Health Authority.
- Adam Beardsworth (School of Arts and Social Science, Grenfell) and Dustin Parsons (Marble Mountain Corporation). Marble Mountain Literary Festival.
- Rosemary Ricciardelli (Fisheries and Marine Institute) and Dan McGettigan (Turnings). A New Approach to Correctional Services in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Ahtisham Younas (Faculty of Nursing) and Chad Perrin (Momentum Development Support). Development of an Advisory Committee to Inform a Mixed Methods Study About Compassionate Care for Underserved Populations with Multimorbidites.
- Todd Hennessey (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell) and Raisa Mirza (WabiSabiJetty Design Studio). Rural Design Conference: Design and Innovation for Rural Futures
- Alison Carr (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Rebecca Rose (Breakwater Books). Conversations about Local Knowledge: Artist Talks about Knowledge Preservation, Reclamation, and Collaboration.
- Julia Janes (School of Social Work) and Heather Yetman (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador). A community-engaged feasibility inquiry into the walls to bridges program.
- Erica Hurley (Faculty of Nursing) and Charlene Combdon (Mi'kmaq Nation). Healing Relations: Building Relationships Between Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Nursing (MUNFON) and Indigenous Community.
- Gillian Morrissey (Faculty of Business Administration) and Jen Crowe (Choices for Youth). NL Social Procurement Summit.
- Jennifer A. Selby (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Mansoor Pirzada (The Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador). Mobilizing Muslim Narratives and Lives in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Winter 2022
- Anne Burke (Faculty of Education) and Dale Jarvis (NL Heritage). Keepers and Champions of NL Folklore Nature Stories: Embracing community stewardship through augmented story-crafting technology.
- Fiona Le Taro (Science) and Suzanne Dooley (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)). Community-based seabird rescue network.
- Duncan McIlroy (Faculty of Science) and Edith Samson (Sir William Coaker Heritage Foundation). Geoconservation and Geotourism in the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark, Bonavista Peninsula NL.
- Anne-Marie Sullivan (SHKR-School of Human Kinetics and Recreation and Charlene Edwards (Eastern Health). Recreational Therapy in Corrections.
- Paul De Decker (HSS) and Greg O'Grady (NL Stuttering Association). Short Films About Dis-Communication.
- John Bodner (Grenfell-SASS (School of Art and Social Sciences) and George French (Corner Brook Museum and Archives). Bowater Oral History Project: Stage II.
- Scott Neilsen (School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies) and Jodie Ashini (Innu Nation). Innu Research Exchange.
- Christina Smeaton (Grenfell-Environmental Science) and Colleen Kennedy (Gros Morne Cooperative Association). Maximizing place-based potential: translating knowledge into climate change action in Gros Morne National Park enclave communities.
- Stephanie Field (SHKR-School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Leslie Kunz (City of St. John's). Diving in: Developing a new public swimming and water safety program in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Cathy Newhook (Harris Centre) and Kieran Hanley (Econext). Forecast Report - engaging the public in climate change discussion.
- Sobia Shaheen Shaikh (School of Social Work), Delores Mullings (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion-Anti-Racism) and Mandy Penney (Inclusion NL). Developing a Community-Engaged Anti-Racist Accessibility Assessment Tool for Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Fall 2021
- Pablo Navarro (Faculty of Medicine) and Joshua Smee (Food First NL). Public Forum for a Basic Income in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Sevtap Savas (Faculty of Medicine) and Farah McCrate (Eastern Health). Public Conference on Cancer.
- Pierre LeBlanc (School of Fine Arts, Grenfell) and Peter Ollerhead (Cycle Solutions). Corner Broken Spoke Bicycle Cooperative.
- Mark Turner (Faculty of Music) and Carol Gear (OKâlaKatiget Society). Strengthening and Renewing the OKâlaKatiget Society’s Radio Service | Sungujuttigiagumallugu, Nutaulittigiagumallugullu OKalaKatiget Society-kut Nallautikut kiiggatunnigiKattajanga.
- Penny Morrill Science Glen Williams NL English School District Stable Isotope Precipitation Sampling in Newfoundland (SIPS NL) Extension.
- Roshni Kollipara (Faculty of Medicine/Biomedical Sciences) and Nancy Nickerson (Kativik Ilisarniliriniq). Hands-On! Northern STEM Outreach.
- Jennifer Donnan (School of Pharmacy) and Taylor Fleming (Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy). Empowering community partnerships to modernize Cannabis education for youth in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL).
- Sarah Lewis (Faculty of Education) and Sharon Penney (Retired Teachers Association of NL). A Time! Celebrating a Century of Teacher Education in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Ivan J White (Indigenous Resource Centre) and Rhonda Sheppard (St. George's Indian Band). Indigenous-led community-learning in Bay St. George.
- Wendy Reid Fairhurst (Interdisciplinary PhD student) and Hillary King (Cohousing NL). The Power of public engagement: Shifting who gets a say in housing development.
Winter 2021
- April Pike (Faculty of Nursing) and Jacqueline Limoges (Canadian Nursing and Genomics). Developing Networks and an Engagement Framework to Advance Genetics and Genomics Nursing Practice in Canada.
- Kim Cullen (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Jackie Manuel (NL Construction Safety Association). Mental health can’t be fixed with duct tape: Engagement strategies for mental health awareness and suicide prevention in the construction industry.
- Diane Tye (HSS, Dept of Folklore) and Chris Shortall (Tessier Park Neighbourhood Association). Rethinking Urban Food Production in NL Foodways through Tessier Park's Fruit Forest
- Kyle Pushkarenko (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Nancy Reid (Coalition of Persons with Disabilities). Increasing accessibility to physical activity: A co-created, service delivery plan of action for persons with disabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Brennan Lowery (Faculty of Business Administration, OFI) and Joan Cranston (Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation). PLACE Dialogues Norris Point: Re-imagining the role of rural social enterprise and place in a post-Covid world.
- Saiqa Azam (Faculty of Education) and Christina Pike (Newfoundland and Labrador School Board (NLESD)). Inclusive Science Education: LEARNing in Partnership.
- Ingrid Percy (School of Fine Arts - Visual Arts) and Whitney French (Rotary Arts Centre School of Fine Arts). Summer Visiting Artist Program.
- Robert Hengeveld (School of Fine Arts -Visual Arts) and Jim Parsons (The City of Corner Brook). Reclaiming Public Space for Community and Culture.
- Atanu Sarkar (Faculty of Medicine - Div. of Community Health and Humanities) and Dan Rubin (Food Producers Forum, Inc.). Enhancing Year-Round Food Production by Partnering with Community Food Hubs.
- Xuemei Li (Faculty of Education) and Martha Trahey (TESL NL). Enhancing engagement of TESL NL stakeholders on pressing issues.
- Kirk Regular (Centre for Applied Ocean Technology, School of Ocean Technology, Marine Institute) and Neil Burgess (Shipwreck Preservation Society of NL). Developing Public Awareness of our Maritime Heritage by documenting shipwrecks with 3D imagery for virtual online exhibits in collaboration with the Shipwreck Preservation Society of NL (SPSNL).
Fall 2020
- Rachel Jekanowski (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Daniel Rumbolt (Eastern Edge Gallery). Breaking Down White Walls: Developing an Anti-Racism Action Program for NL Arts Communities.
- Barbara Neis (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Greg Locke (Stray Light Media Inc. Exit Zero, Dispatches from the Newfoundland Migrant Workers
- Tony Fang (Faculty of Business) and Meghan Philpott (Association for New Canadians). Developing a Better Understanding of the Integration Needs of the Newcomers in the NL Workplace: A Public Engagement Project.
- Dorothy Vaandering (Faculty of Education) and Mi'sel Joe (Miawpukek First Nation). Learning from Indigenous Experience: Making Relational Restorative Justice Real in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Nick Harris (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Denise Hillier (Stella's Circle). Enhancing Public Engagement Through the Voices of Lived Experience.
- Sheila Garland (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Geoff Eaton (Young Adult Cancer Canada). PRIME-D: Disseminating Results from the Young Adults with Cancer in their PRIME (YACPRIME) study.
- Mumtaz Cheema (Grenfell School of Science and the Environment) and Lindsay Newman (NL Eats). Engaging high school students in attacking food insecurity in their communities.
- Jennifer Buxton (Grenfell Campus Office of Engagement) and Nicole Bursey
(NorPen Status of Women Council). Enhancing community-based online service learning and student support through co-designed "E-Learning Hubs" in two rural regions. - Fred Campbell (Grenfell School and Science and the Environment) and Ivan White Sr. (Abadak Wilderness Adventures Inc.). Community-driven knowledge mobilization on health properties of local and traditional foods.
Winter 2020
- Natalie Beausoleil (Faculty of Medicine) and Laura Williams (Resource Centre for the Arts). The Dialysis Project.
- Robyn Anderson (Grenfell School of Fine Arts) and Jane Walker ( Union House Arts). Printshop in a Box.
- Catharyn Andersen (Office of Indigenous Affairs) and Justin Campbell ( First Light). Community Action Plan to End Anti-Indigenous Racism in St. John’s.
- David Hancock (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Tony Croft (SportNL). Co-Creating a Research Plan to Investigate Sport Officiating in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Mery Perez ( Grenfell Office of Engagement) and Mildred Lavers ( Northern Peninsula (Mekap’sk) Mi’kmaq Band and Norpen Aboriginal Women's Circle). Great Northern Peninsula Community Based Learning Pilot Project.
- Kim Shipp (GEO Centre) and Jean Ann Lambert (Holy Name of Mary Academy). STEAM BUS: Increasing Climate Change Innovation Capacity for Youth in Rural NL through Mobile STEAM Outreach.
- Erin MacGowan (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Ruth Lawrence (White Rooster Theatre). The Cut of It: Mobilizing Breast Cancer Research Through Theatre and Public Engagement.
- Kevin Power (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Michael Burry (Spinal Cord Injury NL). Community-based Exercise Therapy for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury.
- Po Chun Lau (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Jodey Wall (Town of Pouch Cove). Pouch Cove Sculpture Garden Public Art Project.
- Melissa Halford (Grenfell School of Arts & Social Science) and Joan Cranston (Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation). Stay Where You're at 'til I Comes Where You're To.
Fall 2019
- Jill Allison (Faculty of Medicine) and Susan Boone (Heal Bell Island) – Healing Beyond Bell Island: Sharing a Community Support Model for Addictions Support and Treatment
- Cathy Newhook (Harris Centre) and Mike Kehoe (Older Workers NL) – Older Workers Summit
- Rochelle Cote (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Stacey Howse (First Light) – Celebrating Indigenous Boarders: Making for New Cultural Understanding of Indigenous Urban Youth Landscapes in Newfoundland
- Jenna Rosales (Faculty of Engineering) and Justin Haley (Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador) – Designing a More Mindful Engineering Community
- Kelly Butler (Indigenous Resource Centre) and Arlene White (Bay St. George Mi-kmaq Cultural Revival Committee) – Maw-lulwu’tinej/Let’s Work Together: Relationship-Building and Collaboration in a Mi-kmaw Context
- Mary Dalton (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Elizabeth Lawrence (City of St. John’s) – Flahoolic: A Poetry Podcast
- Shannon Lewis-Simpson (Student Life) and Joan Butler (New Perlican Heritage Committee) – Advancing Experiential Learning and Regional Cultural Narratives in New Perlican
- Stephan Czarnuch (Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science) and Jerry Earle (Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees- NAPE) - Road to Mental Readiness for First Responders: Train the trainer in NL
- Nicholas Lynch (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Viviana Ramirez-Luna (Zero Waste Canada) – The Road to Zero Waste and the Circular Economy in Newfoundland: Challenges and Opportunities
- Kathryn Lear (Signal Hill Campus) and Amy Henderson (Business & Arts NL) – Hill Harmonies: Student Music Performance Series
- Atanu Sarkar (Faculty of Medicine) and Dan Rubin (Perfectly Perennial Herbs and Seeds) – A partnership to sustain local food production using the Earth Sheltered Greenhouse
Winter 2019
- Bill Brennan (School of Music) and Newfoundland and Labrador English School Board – Playing Out: Engaging Youth with Music
- Delores V. Mullings (School of Social Work) and Association for New Canadians – Creating opportunities for dialogue among newcomer racialized women and community stakeholders to strategize about inclusive and welcoming workplaces
- Meghan Forsyth (School of Music) and SingSong Inc. – Festival of Traditional Newfoundland and Labrador Music, Song and Stories
- Kristina Szutor (School of Music) and Kittiwake Dance Theatre – Partnering in Dance: Developing Collaborative Capacity
- Jan Buley (Faculty of Education) and Stella’s Circle – The Lullaby Project NL: Engaging with beauty through poetry and music
- Karen Goodnough (Faculty of Education) and Shorefast Foundation – Fostering Ocean Literacy and Environmental Stewardship: The Adapt-an-Island Project
- Kim Cullen (School of Human Kinetics and Recreation) and Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Safety Association – Working together: Unpacking what works in return-to-work
- Myriam Osorio (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Salsa in St. John’s – Carnaval Latino!
- Nicholas Welch (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Innu Nation – Innu Community Linguistics Workshop
- Ryan Murphy (Student Life) and TEDxStJohn’s – Spreading Pollen: a local enterprise network
- Teresa Connors (International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation and post-doctoral research fellow, Memorial) and Parks Canada Agency – Sonics from our Ocean’s Edge
- Martha Traverso-Yepez (Faculty of Medicine) and Eastern Health – Engaging Newfoundland and Labrador in Designing a Perinatal Health Framework
Fall 2018
Anne Burke (Faculty of Education) - Makerspaces in Museums and Galleries for Intergenerational Learning
Deborah Kelly (School of Pharmacy) - Academic Detailing for Community Pharmacists Involved in Deprescribing Scope of Practice
Blair Winsor (School of Business) - Workshop for Rural Community Economic Development Using Social Enterprise
Karen Hattenhauer (Faculty of Science) - Laboratory Experience for Public School Students: A MUN Field trip
Ian Sutherland (School of Music) - Making music work: Professional development workshops for musicians
Rosemary Ricciardelli (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) - Relational justice: Creating a culture of restoration and accountability within St. Mary's Elementary School Community
Svetlana Barkanova (Faculty of Science) - Stars for Everyone: Culture and Astronomy in and out of Classroom
Vernon Curran (School of Medicine) - The Digital Health Revolution: Community Perspectives of Digital Health in Newfoundland and Labrador
John Atkinson (Faculty of Science) - Public Website for Wild and Country Foods of Newfoundland and Labrador
Winter 2017
Andrea Rose (Faculty of Education) - Building community and learning together: the making of a Newfoundland and Labrador Choral Federation
Robert Ormsby (Department of English) - Brave New Worlds: Shakespeare In Newfoundland and Labrador
Jennifer Browne (Student Experience Office) - Charging the Battery: Creating a Graduate Residential College
Julia Lukewich (School of Nursing) - Integrating Nurses into the Primary Care Setting in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL): The Development of Core Competencies for Family Practice Nursing
Sylvia Moore (Faculty of Education) - Intergenerational Teaching
Alison Carr (ISER Books) - Towards an Encyclopedia of Local Knowledge: Excerpts from Chapters I and II
Jamie Skidmore (Department of English) - A Fish Tale: An Engaging Partnership Between Isle aux Morts Heritage Society, the Town of Isle aux Morts, Qalipu First Nation, and Memorial University
Xili Duan (Faculty Engineering and Applied Science) - Energy Recovery Integrated with Sewage Treatment for Sustainable Community Development
April Manuel (school of Nursing) - "The Experiences of Individuals in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Living with Hearing Loss: The Development of a Proposal"
Katherine Side (Department of Gender Studies) - Connecting Through Cloth: Clothing Northern Newfoundland and Coastal Labrador
Fall 2016
Rose Ricciardelli (Department of Sociology) - Implementing and Evaluating Extra-Judicial Measures in Newfoundland and Labrador
Max Liboiron (Department of Sociology) - Citizen Science on Marine Plastic Pollution in Newfoundland and Labrador Schools & School Programs
Gail Wideman (School of Social Work) - Atlantic Regional Military and Veterans Families Leadership Circle
Margarita Kondratieva - (Faculty of Education) - Math Circles of St. John's Pilot Project
Sarah J. Martin (Department of Political Science) - Scaling Food Security Partnerships Up and Down: Global and Local Lessons on Community Engagement
Stephen Tomblin (Department of Political Science) - Regional Avalon Collaboration on Emergency Preparedness
Alex Marland (Department of Political Science) - Newfoundland and Labrador Democracy Project
Dorothy Vaandering (Faculty of Education) - Relationships First: Creating School Cultures of Belonging
Ursula Kelly (Faculty of Education) - Remembering and Celebrating the Songs, Stories and Service of the Newfoundland Forest Corp of World War I and the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit of World War II
Winter 2016
David Gill & Gerard Galway (Faculty of Education) - “Making” a Difference: Building Bridges Through Public Engagement
Tom Gordon (School of Music) - 20th Biennial Inuit Studies Conference
Catherine de Boer (School of Social Work) - Right Here, Right Now: A Women Centered, Trauma-Informed Drop-In Counselling Initiative
Olga Heath (Faculty of Medicine) - Engaging the Community in Health Professional Education: Interprofessional Placements in Community Agencies
Wiliam Driedzic (Department of Ocean Sciences) - Public Aquarium at Champney's West
Arn Keeling (Departmetn of Geography) - Resource Development and Community Well-Being: Public dialogue on “social license to operate”
Lisa Russell (Student Life) - Mobilizing Knowledge on the East Coast Trail: A Pilot Project to Enable Experiential Learning and Advance Regional Cultural Tourism
Kevin Pope (Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science) - Bubble Greenhouse Collaboration for Community Development and Food Security
Fiona Polack (Department of English) - Screening the Offshore
Carolyn Sturge-Sparkes (Faculty of Medicine) - Seeing Beyond Good Medicines (Title Innu-Aimun) : A Collaborative Learning Project between Innu Youth and Students of Health Care Professions
Aimee Surprenant (Department of Psychology) - Science Literacy Week 2016
Fall 2015
Dr. Kati Szego (School of Music) - The Neighbours Project: Cultural Diversity in Newfoundland and Labrador (Phase 1)
Dr. Catherine Donovan (Faculty of Medicine) - Monitoring the Evolution of a Healthy Built Environment in Newfoundland and Labrador: Developing a Proposal for Intersectoral Engagement.
Dr. Sandrine Jean (Department of Anthropology) - Housing Forum: Housing and the mobile workforce in Newfoundland and Labrador
Dr. Agnes Juhasz-Ormsby (Department of English) - The Mullock Collection and Newfoundland Print Culture
Dr. Kelly Vodden (Environmental Policy Institute) - Moving towards sustainability in the Clarenville-Bonavista Rural Secretariat Region: A report card for regional sustainability and community mobilization
Ms. Lynn Morrissey (Faculty of Business Administration) - Labrador Hydroponic Co-Operative
Dr. Kristin Harris-Walsh (School of Music) - Memorial's Dancer in Residence
Dr. Stephen Bornstein (Faculty of Medicine) - The NL Centre for Applied Health Research (NLCAHR) Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program: Accelerator Project for Patient/Caregiver Partnerships & Federal