

Memorial University is a public university, serving the public good. Public engagement is one of Memorial's three academic mission areas (along with research and teaching & learning,) and a core strength of this university. 

The Office of Public Engagement (OPE) is the steward of the Public Engagement Framework, which guides Memorial's public engagement activity. OPE is also a catalyst for action on public engagement at Memorial University, working with groups inside and outside the university to design programs and initiatives that advance public engagement at Memorial.

Basically, we are here to help support students, faculty and staff in their public engagement work, however we can. Please take a look at our programming, and reach out if you've got questions or ideas about public engagement at Memorial. 

Interested in staying in the loop? We post regularly on Linkedin. 



Engage Memorial Symposium 2025: Practice and Place is an opportunity for Memorial’s many publicly engaged students, faculty/ASMs and staff to share experiences and learn from each other. This two-day event is being held at Signal Hill Campus on May 28th and 29th, 2025.

OPE is happy to release a new, student-led report exploring how public engagement affects the careers of faculty members at Memorial University. Touching on a range of issues, including promotion and tenure, the production of scholarly products, funds leveraged, and partnerships, both in community and across higher education institutions. 


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