7.3 Leave of Absence

  1. A leave of absence can only be requested after a student completes the first semester of the program.

  2. Any student who requests to take a leave, for any reason, from the program and retain status in the program may normally do so once, with the written approval of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, and for a maximum period of one academic year. A student who plans to resume studies within the one year period must notify the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs of the School in writing three months prior to the beginning of the term in which the student plans to continue in the program. A student who does not return at the end of their approved leave of absence may apply for a second leave of absence. A student who does not return from their approved leave of absence or does not apply for a second leave of absence will be deemed to have withdrawn from the program and will obtain a promotion status of Withdrawn.

  3. A student who attains a promotion status of Withdrawn may apply as a new applicant or apply for readmission to the School of Social Work in accordance with Calendar requirements for the year in which admission/readmission is being sought.

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