7.2 Promotion Status

A student's promotion status at the end of each Academic year will be in one of the following two categories:

7.2.1 Clear Promotion

Clear Promotion means a student can proceed to the next Academic year. Clear Promotion will be granted when the following criteria are met.

  1. A student has completed the Academic year with a weighted average of at least 65% and a pass (numeric grade of at least 50% or PAS) in each course. A weighted average will be based on credit hours in the program of study as outlined in Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), Full-Time Program.

  2. A student has maintained professional and ethical behaviour consistent with the Student Code of Conduct as outlined at: www.mun.ca/pharmacy.

7.2.2 Promotion Denied

Promotion Denied means Clear Promotion is not achieved at the end of the Academic year. A student with Promotion Denied status will normally be required to withdraw from the School. A student will be deemed to be in Promotion Denied status when any of the following criteria are met:

  1. A student has obtained less than a 65% weighted average in the Academic year or has obtained less than 50% in any course or has received a grade of FAL (fail) in any course within the Academic year. A weighted average will be based on credit hours in the program of study as outlined in Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), Full-Time Program.

  2. A student has not maintained the professional and ethical behaviour consistent with the Student Code of Conduct and the Professional Suitability regulations.

    For more information on the process for adjudication of breaches of Professional Suitability, see the School of Pharmacy's website.

Notwithstanding the above, the School of Pharmacy may offer the student the option to repeat an Academic year on the grounds of academic difficulties. This may be offered only once during the student's program. This restriction may be waived if it has been demonstrated that the student's academic performance has been adversely affected by factors duly authenticated and acceptable to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies of the School of Pharmacy.

7.2.3 Other Information

To be recommended for graduation, a student must have Clear Promotion at the end of Academic year 4, and must have successfully completed all four Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) courses during Academic year 5. The following criteria will be used to assess the APPE courses:

  1. A student must demonstrate consistent professional and ethical behaviour that meets the criteria of Student Conduct as outlined at www.mun.ca/pharmacy. In addition, students in Pharmacy programs are also required to adhere to the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board Code of Ethics, the School of Pharmacy Code of Professional Conduct for Pharmacy Students, the School of Pharmacy Pledge of Professionalism as outlined at www.mun.ca/pharmacy/ and Professional Suitability regulations as outlined in University Regulations (Undergraduate), Professional Suitability.

  2. A student is required to obtain a grade of PAS (pass) in all four APPE courses (PHAR 605P, 606P, 607P, 608P).

  3. Normally, if a student fails an APPE course, the Committee on Undergraduate Studies of the School of Pharmacy may permit the student to continue to the students next scheduled APPE course and require the student to repeat the failed course at a later date. This may extend the duration of the student’s program.

  4. In certain circumstances, such as violation of student conduct as outlined at www.mun.ca/pharmacy or failure of an APPE course may result in the student being required to withdraw from the program.

  5. A student is permitted to repeat only one APPE course. A student who fails an APPE course (PHAR 605P, 606P, 607P, 608P) on a second attempt will be required to withdraw from the program.

  6. If a failed grade is received in more than one APPE course, the student will be required to withdraw from the program.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.