4 Degree Regulations

Students must meet all regulations of the Faculty of Science in addition to those stated in the general regulations. For information concerning admission/readmission to the University and general academic regulations (undergraduate), refer to University Regulations (Undergraduate).

For information concerning fees and charges, see the Financial and Administrative Services website.

Upon meeting the qualifications for any of the programs, students must apply to graduate on the prescribed "Application for Graduation" form. This form may be obtained on-line at Memorial Self Service. The deadlines for application submission are July 15 for Fall (October) convocation, January 3 for Winter (February In-Absentia) convocation, and January 15 for Spring (May) convocation. Applications received after these dates will be processed as time and resources permit. Additional information is available from the Office of the Registrar. Information regarding Convocation, including the dates of the ceremony, is available on the convocation website.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.