15.6.1 Department of English Description

In the Department of English students will encounter ideas, both new and old, and texts, both experimental and traditional. Students will read some of the best works in literature and culture, and will engage in provocative conversations about meaning, literary history, the future, identity, and their place in the world. All of the programs offered by the Department of English are designed to help students to think critically, read closely, and to write effectively. It doesn't matter whether students are pursuing a Major, a Minor, or an Honours degree, as they will find a diverse range of courses taught by highly knowledgeable and dynamic professors.

A Bachelor of Arts in English is one of the most versatile degrees a student can obtain because of the universal creative focus achieved through literary study.

The following undergraduate programs are available in the Department of English:

  1. Honours in English

  2. Joint Honours in English and Another Major Subject

  3. Joint Major in English

  4. Honours in Communication and Media Studies

  5. Major in Communication and Media Studies

  6. Major in English

  7. Major in English with Specialization in Theatre/Drama

  8. Minor in Communication and Media Studies

  9. Minor in English General Information

  1. Students who choose an Honours, Major or Minor degree in English are encouraged to consult with the Head of the Department or the Manager of Academic Programs to receive advice on English course selection.

  2. Some courses offered at the Grenfell Campus may not be available in St. John’s. Students wishing to move from one Campus to another may have difficulty in completing their program in a timely manner. Students are encouraged to consult with the Head of the Department or the Manager of Academic Programs, so that they may complete their program in a timely manner.

  3. Students using ENGL 1020 and 1021 to fulfill the Language Study Requirement are required to complete an additional 6 credit hours in the Department of English Critical Reading and Writing courses at the 1000 level in order to fulfill the requirements for the English programs outlined below.

  4. English course descriptions are found at the end of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences section under Course Descriptions, English and are designated by ENGL.

15.6.2 Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts requires the successful completion of a minimum of 120 credit hours. A student must meet the requirements for a departmental Major, Minor, or Honours program and also meet the Program Regulations – General and Honours Degrees for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. A student is therefore advised to consult with the Admission to the Bachelor of Arts General Degree Programs regulations, the Program Regulations - General and Honours Degrees which also includes the Bachelor of Arts General Degree Components, The Major Program, and The Minor Program regulations. Information regarding honours programs is available at Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree Regulations as well as under each department’s regulations.

A student is strongly encouraged to consult with an academic advisor to discuss available programs and requirements in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences including the Core Requirements, The Major Program, The Minor Program, and the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree Regulations. A student is advised to declare a program of study, including a Major and a Minor, before completing the first 45 credit hours of study. Information about declaring a Major and Minor in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at www.mun.ca/hss/programs/undergraduate/ideclare.php. Information regarding advisors for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at www.mun.ca/hss/about/contact/liaisons.php. Major in English

  1. The Major requires 36 credit hours in English, which shall include:

    1. 3 credit hours chosen from English 1090 or 1000 (or the former 1080), and 3 credit hours chosen from English 1001, 1110, 1191, 1192, 1193 (or one of the former 1101, 1102, or 1103);

    2. English 2000;

    3. English 2001;

    4. English 3200 or 3201;

    5. 6 credit hours at the 4000-level;

    6. an additional 6 credit hours at the 3000-level or above; and

    7. an additional 9 credit hours at the 2000-level or above.

    8. Of the 36 credit hours required for the Major above, 3 credit hours must be in Canadian Literature, and 3 credit hours must be in American Literature, as listed in English Courses to Fulfill Requirements for the Minor, Major, and Honours Programs in English. Major in English with Specialization in Theatre/Drama

  1. The Major requires 36 credit hours in English, which shall include:

    1. 3 credit hours chosen from English 1090 or 1000 (or the former 1080), and 3 credit hours chosen from English 1001, 1110, 1191, 1192, 1193 (or one of the former 1101, 1102, or 1103);

    2. English 2000;

    3. English 2002;

    4. English 2450;

    5. English 2451;

    6. English 3021 or 3022;

    7. English 3200 or 3201;

    8. English 4300 or the former 4301;

    9. English 4400;

    10. English 4401; and

    11. 3 credit hours chosen from English 3156, 3171, 3260, 3849, 4302. Minor in English

  1. The Minor requires 27 credit hours in English, which shall include:

    1. 3 credit hours chosen from English 1090 or 1000 (or the former 1080), and 3 credit hours chosen from English 1001, 1110, 1191, 1192, 1193 (or one of the former 1101, 1102, or 1103);

    2. English 2000;

    3. English 2001;

    4. 3 credit hours chosen from English 2002, 2003, 2004;

    5. English 3200 or 3201;

    6. an additional 3 credit hours at the 3000-level or above; and

    7. an additional 6 credit hours at the 2000-level or above.

    8. Of the 27 credit hours required for the Minor above, 3 credit hours must be in Canadian Literature, as listed in English Courses to Fulfill Requirements for the Minor, Major, and Honours Programs in English. Joint Major in English

As an alternative to a Minor or a double Major, a student may choose to complete a Joint Major in English and a Major in another program in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Joint Major Program requires 3 fewer credit hours in each participating Major as prescribed in each program’s Calendar entry. For the joint Major in English, 3 fewer credit hours shall be required to fulfill clause 1.g of the Major in English above.

15.6.4 Honours Degrees

An Honours degree in English is generally required for admission to a graduate program in the discipline. Admission to Honours Program

Students wishing to pursue an Honours program in English must apply for admission to the Manager of Academic Programs or the Head of Department. To be eligible for the Honours program, students normally must have a minimum of 70% in each English course or a cumulative average of 75% or higher in all completed undergraduate courses. Admission to the program is in accordance with University Regulations (Undergraduate) and the Bachelor of Arts (Honours Degree) Regulations. It is strongly recommended that students have completed at least 15 credit hours, including 6 credit hours in English at the 1000 level (excluding English 1020 and 1021), English 2000, 2001, and 3200 or 3201 before applying. Honours Degree with English as Major Subject

  1. Students who choose to complete an Honours Bachelor of Arts in English must complete 60 credit hours in English courses.

  2. In their final year, all Honours English students will be required to complete an Honours Essay (English 4999) and achieve a minimum grade of 70%. The semester before they plan to undertake their Honours Essay, students must receive approval of their chosen topic from the Head of the Department, who will then appoint an appropriate supervisor.

  3. Any course that considers more than one national literature or period fulfills only one requirement for the Honours degree in English.

  4. The 60 credit hours shall include:

    1. 3 credit hours chosen from English 1090 or 1000 (or the former 1080), and 3 credit hours chosen from English 1001, 1110, 1191, 1192, 1193 (or one of the former 1101, 1102, or 1103);

    2. English 2000;

    3. English 2001;

    4. English 2122 or 3160;

    5. English 2160;

    6. English 3200 or 3201;

    7. English 4100;

    8. English 4101;

    9. English 4900 or 4901;

    10. 3 credit hours chosen from English 2600, 3002, 3006, 3021, 3500, 3600, 3828, 4600, 4601;

    11. an additional 3 credit hours in pre-19th-century literature;

    12. 3 credit hours in 19th-century literature;

    13. English 4999; and

    14. an additional 18 credit hours in English courses at the 2000 level or above, including 3 credit hours at the 3000 level or above and 6 credit hours at the 4000 level. Of these 18 credit hours, 3 credit hours must be in Canadian Literature (excluding English 2160) and 3 credit hours must be in American Literature (excluding English 2160), as listed in English Courses to Fulfill Requirements for the Minor, Major, and Honours Programs in English.

    15. Of the 60 credit hours required for the Honours above, at least 36 of these credit hours must be at the 3000-level or above. Joint Honours Degree in English and Another Major Subject

See Bachelor of Arts (Honours Degree) Regulations.

  1. A student’s program for Joint Honours must be approved by each Head of Department and conform to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences General Regulations for Joint Honours degrees.

  2. Any course that considers more than one national literature or period fulfills only one requirement for the Honours degree in English.

  3. Students must choose to write their Honours Essay in only one of the two departments involved in their Joint Honours. Honours students who choose to complete English 4999 must achieve a minimum grade of 70%.

  4. The 45 credit hours shall include:

    1. 3 credit hours chosen from English 1090 or 1000 (or the former 1080), and 3 credit hours chosen from English 1001, 1110, 1191, 1192, 1193 (or one of the former 1101, 1102, or 1103);

    2. English 2000;

    3. English 2001;

    4. 3 credit hours chosen from English 2122, 2160, or 3160;

    5. English 3200 or 3201;

    6. English 4100;

    7. English 4101;

    8. English 4900 or 4901;

    9. an additional 3 credit hours in pre-19th-century literature;

    10. 3 credit hours in 19th-century literature; and

    11. 12 credit hours in additional English courses at the 2000-level or above, 3 credit hours of which must be at the 3000-level or above and 6 credit hours of which must be at the 4000-level.

    12. Of the 45 credit hours required for the Joint Honours above, 3 credit hours must be in Canadian Literature (excluding English 2160, if previously completed to fulfill the requirements in 6.d above) as listed in English Courses to Fulfill Requirements for the Minor, Major, and Honours Programs in English.

    13. Of the 45 credit hours required for the Joint Honours above, at least 27 credit hours must be at the 3000-level or above.

English Courses to Fulfill Requirements for the Minor, Major, and Honours Programs in English
LevelCanadian LiteratureAmerican LiteraturePre-19th Century19th Century20th and 21st Century


2150, 2151, 2160

2160, the former 2213, the former 2214, 2216, 2217, 2218


2211, the former 2214

2122, 2150, 2151, 2212, the former 2213, 2811, 2813, 2815, 2850, 2851


3152, 3153, 3155, 3156, 3157, 3158, 3820, 3848

3260, 3261, 3262, 3263, 3265, 3848

the former 3001, 3002, 3006, 3021, 3022, 3130, the former 3190, 3600, 3710, 3715, 3819, 3828

3152, 3160, 3161, the former 3172, 3175, the former 3190, 3710, 3711, 3819, 3830

3009, the former 3100, 3152, 3153, 3155, 3156, 3157, 3158, 3160, 3161, the former 3172, 3175, the former 3190, 3260, 3265, 3711, 3713, 3714, 3811, 3819, 3820, 3830, 3843, 3844, 3848


4821, 4822, 4850, 4851, 4852- 4860

the former 4251, the former 4260, 4261, the former 4270, 4271, 4272

the former 4000, 4010, 4030, 4040, 4041, 4050, the former 4051, 4210, 4211, 4212, 4271, 4500, the former 4501, 4600, 4601

the former 4001, 4050, the former 4051, 4060, 4061, 4070, the former 4251, the former 4260, 4271, 4300, the former 4805, 4817, 4821, 4851

the former 4001, 4070, 4071, 4080, 4101, the former 4261, the former 4270, 4272, 4300, the former 4301, 4302, 4810, 4817, 4819, 4821, 4822, 4843, 4844, 4850

15.6.6 Major and Minor in Communication and Media Studies

The Major and Minor in Communication and Media Studies are administered by the Department of English.

The Major and Minor in Communication and Media Studies draws upon a variety of disciplines to provide students with a critical understanding of the role media and communication technologies play in culture and society. Courses focus on the analysis of media and communication technologies, the mass circulation of ideas and information, the relationship between communication and society, and the transformation of mass forms of popular culture. In addition to exploring the historical developments of media and communication, these programs introduce students to emerging theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of contemporary media. Core courses in Communication and Media Studies provide students with knowledge of key traditions in communication studies and cover a series of critical themes that are intended to guide students throughout the program.

As per the Degree Regulations, Major Programs of Study, students completing an Honours, Major, or Minor in Communication and Media Studies are ineligible to complete a second interdisciplinary program (minor or second major).

Communication and Media Studies course descriptions are found at the end of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences section under Course Descriptions. Communication and Media Studies courses are designated by CMST. Advising

Due to the nature of interdisciplinary programming, students must carefully plan their course selection and regularly consult with the program's designated academic advisor. Questions about the delivery of a course should be directed to the appropriate academic unit. Information regarding advisors for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at www.mun.ca/hss/about/contact/liaisons.php. Declaring the Major or Minor in Communication and Media Studies

Students wishing to declare a Major or Minor in Communication and Media Studies shall consult with the program's designated academic advisor to discuss the requirements of the program. Information about declaring a program of study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at www.mun.ca/hss/programs/undergraduate/ideclare.php.

A student is not eligible to complete both a Major or a Minor in Communication and Media Studies and the former Major or Minor in Communication Studies. Regulations for the Major in Communication and Media Studies

A Major in Communication and Media Studies consists of all of the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts program, including a minimum of 36 credit hours in courses in Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies below, as follows:

  1. 18 credit hours in courses designated as Communication and Media Studies, including 2000, 2001, 3000, 4000; and

  2. 18 additional credit hours chosen from Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies. This may include up to 6 credit hours in non-Communication and Media Studies courses eligible for the Certificate in Film Studies chosen from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses for the Certificate in Film Studies.

  3. Of the 36 total credit hours, a minimum of 15 must be at the 3000 level or above, including at least 6 credit hours at the 4000 level.

  4. Students should normally enroll in the Communication and Media Studies (CMST) section of any applicable cross-listed courses. Regulations for the Minor in Communication and Media Studies

Students who choose to complete a Minor in Communication and Media Studies must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in Communication and Media Studies as follows:

  1. CMST 2000; 2001; 3000; 4000;

  2. 3 credit hours chosen from: CMST 2100, 2451, 2813, 3001, 3002, 3010-3020, 3050, 3816, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4010-4020, 4050, 4402, 4700, 4844, or 4900; and

  3. An additional 9 credit hours in courses from Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies.

  4. Of the 24 credit hours listed for the minor above, a minimum of 9 credit hours must be at the 3000 level or above.

  5. Students should normally enroll in the Communication and Media Studies (CMST) section of any applicable cross-listed courses. Course List

Not all courses are necessarily offered each year. Students must be careful not to register for different designations of the same course that is cross-listed with different departments. Normal departmental prerequisites for courses are applicable.

Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies
1000 and 2000-Level Courses3000-Level Courses4000-Level Courses

CMST 2000, 2001, 2100, 2451 or English 2451

CMST 2813 or English 2813

Philosophy 2140 or the former 2582

Sociology 2210

Anthropology 3630 or Sociology 3630

CMST 3000, 3001, 3002

CMST 3010-3020

CMST 3050

CMST 3816 or the former English 3816

English 3843

Political Science 3860

CMST 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4010-4020, 4050, 4402 or the former English 4402, 4700, 4843 or English 4843, 4844 or English 4844, 4900 or English 4900

Sociology 4107 Previous Calendar Regulations

In accordance with University Regulations (Undergraduate), Year of Degree and Departmental Regulations - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Faculty of Science, candidates for a Major in Communication and Media Studies will normally follow regulations in effect in the academic year in which the student first successfully completes a course in Communication and Media Studies at the 2000-level or above which may be applied to the honours, major, or minor program respectively. However, the student may elect to follow subsequent regulations introduced during the student's tenure in a program. Students who are eligible and have chosen to follow an earlier year’s regulations are encouraged to consult the program’s designated academic advisor for assistance with course selection.

In the case of departmental regulations for an honours, major, or minor, a student will normally follow regulations in effect in the academic year in which the student first successfully completes a course in Communication and Media Studies at the 2000 level or above which may be applied to the honours, major, or minor program respectively. However, the student may elect to follow subsequent regulations introduced during the student's tenure in a program.

Students who graduated with the former Communication Studies major are not eligible to complete the Communication and Media Studies major. Students who graduated with the former Communication Studies minor are not eligible to complete the Communication and Media Studies minor.

15.6.7 Regulations for the Honours in Communication and Media Studies

An Honours degree in Communication and Media Studies is generally required for admission to a graduate program in the discipline. Admission to Honours Program

Students wishing to pursue an Honours program in Communication and Media Studies must submit an application for admission to Honours to the Program Director. It is strongly recommended that students have completed at least 15 credit hours in Communication and Media Studies at the 3000 level, and CMST 2000, 2001, and 3000 before applying. To be eligible for the Honours program, students normally must have a minimum of 70% in each CMST designated course or a cumulative average of 75% or higher in all completed undergraduate courses. Applications will be competitive as spaces are limited based on faculty availability. Admission to the program is in accordance with University Regulations (Undergraduate) and the Bachelor of Arts (Honours Degree) Regulations. Honours Degree with Communication and Media Studies as a Major Subject

  1. Students who choose to complete an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies must complete 60 credit hours in applicable CMST courses.

  2. In their final year, all Honours CMST students will be required to complete an Honours Essay (CMST 4999) and achieve a minimum grade of 70%. The semester before they plan to undertake their Honours Essay, students must receive approval of their chosen topic from the Program Director who will then appoint an appropriate supervisor.

  3. The 60 credit hours shall include:

    1. 18 credit hours in CMST 2000, 2001, 2813, 3000, 4000, 4999

    2. 9 additional credit hours at the 3000-level chosen from Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies.

    3. 6 additional credit hours at the 4000-level chosen from Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies.

    4. An additional 27 credit hours at the 2000 level or above chosen from Core Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses Approved for the Honours, Major, and Minor in Communication and Media Studies.

    5. Of the 60 credit hours required for the Honours above, at least 36 of these credit hours must be at the 3000-level or above.

15.6.8 Regulations for the International Bachelor of Arts (iBA)

In addition to completing the normal requirements for a Bachelor of Arts and one of a Joint Honours, Honours, Major or Minor in English, students may elect to complete requirements for the International Bachelor of Arts (iBA). As part of the minimum 120 credit hours, a student may use eligible credit hours in English to jointly satisfy other requirements of the iBA degree. When selecting courses, a student is encouraged to consult with an academic advisor early in the program, to consider Possible Course Sequencing for the International Bachelor of Arts (iBA) (First 60 Credit Hours), and to consider English courses listed in International Studies (IS) Designated Courses. Up to 12 credit hours in English IS courses may be used towards the International Studies (IS) Courses Requirement. Information regarding advisors for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at www.mun.ca/hss/about/contact/liaisons.php.

15.6.9 Diploma in Creative Writing

The Department of English administers the Diploma in Creative Writing. Credit hours in English may be eligible to jointly fulfill requirements of a degree and a diploma. For further information about this program, see Diploma Programs Offered in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, or contact the Program Director.

15.6.10 Former Diploma in Performance and Communications Media

The Department of English administers the Diploma in Stage and Screen Technique. Credit hours in English may be eligible to jointly fulfill requirements of a degree and a diploma. For further information about this program, see Diploma Programs Offered in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, or contact the Program Director.

15.6.11 Certificate in Film Studies

The Department of English administers the Certificate in Film Studies. Credit hours in English and Communication and Media Studies may be eligible to jointly fulfill requirements of a degree and a certificate. For further information about this program, see Certificate Programs Offered in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, or contact the Program Director.

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