7.2 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative)

These regulations apply to the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative). For the Diploma in Business Administration see Continuance Regulations for the Diploma in Business Administration. For the Bachelor of Commerce see Continuance Regulations for the Bachelor of Commerce.

7.2.1 General Information

In addition to meeting the Promotion Regulations for the Faculty of Business Administration, all students must meet the general academic regulations (Undergraduate). For further information refer to the University Regulations (Undergraduate), General Academic Regulations (Undergraduate). Promoted

  1. A student must achieve a grade of PWD (pass with distinction) or PAS (pass) as outlined in Evaluation of Work Terms to be promoted from each of Work Terms 1 through 3.
  2. To be promoted from each of Academic Terms 1 through 7, a student must achieve a passing grade in at least 12 credit hours and an overall average of at least 60% on those courses required in each academic term including the final term.

  3. A student who meets academic promotion requirements but fails a required core course in any of Academic Terms 1 through 7 will be required to successfully repeat that course prior to graduation.

  4. A student who meets academic promotion requirements but who fails an elective in any of Academic Terms 1 through 7 will be required to either successfully repeat that elective or successfully complete a different elective to replace it prior to graduation.

  5. A student must repeat or replace the failed course during the Spring semester between Academic Terms 2 and 3, during one of the three work terms (for example in the evening or online), or as a sixth course during a subsequent academic term, following the submission and approval of a course load waiver request to the Academic Programs Office. A student is advised to note the prerequisites for subsequent courses and must plan to repeat failed courses as soon as possible to ensure meeting the course sequencing requirements of the program.

  6. A student is advised that subsequent attempts at successfully completed courses cannot be used to meet program requirements, and should note that the grade from the first successful attempt will be used to compute the degree average. A student wishing to repeat courses to improve grades must do so during one of the three work terms or as a sixth course during an academic term, following the submission and approval of a course load waiver request to the Academic Programs Office. Required to Withdraw

  1. A student in an academic term who does not maintain the appropriate course load as outlined in Program Regulations, Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative), bullets 1 and 5, and who does not have the prior approval of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies for a reduced course load, will be required to withdraw from the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program.

  2. A student completing Terms 1 through 7 who fails to meet promotion standards will be required to withdraw from the program.

  3. A student who receives a failing grade on a work term as outlined in Evaluation of Work Terms will be required to withdraw from the program.

  4. Permission to drop a work term does not constitute a waiver of degree requirements, and a student who has obtained such permission must successfully complete an approved work term in lieu of the one dropped. A student who drops a work term without prior approval of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies upon the recommendation of the Office of Business Co-operative Education, or who fails to honour an agreement to work with an employer, or who conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause the discharge from the job, will be awarded a grade of FAL for that work term.
  5. A status of required to withdraw will be reflected on a student's transcript.

  6. A student who has been required to withdraw from the program may reapply for admission into the program in accordance with Admission/Readmission Regulations for the Faculty of Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative), Beyond Business One, Readmission.

  7. A student who has been required to withdraw twice from the program will not be eligible for readmission to the program. Voluntary Withdrawal

  1. A student who is completing an academic term may withdraw voluntarily from the program prior to the last day to drop courses without academic prejudice by notifying the Office of the Registrar and the Academic Programs Office of the Faculty of Business Administration in writing.

  2. A student who is completing an academic term may, due to illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing, withdraw voluntarily from the program after the last day to drop courses without academic prejudice only with the approval of the Academic Programs Office of the Faculty of Business Administration.

  3. A student who is registered for a work term and who has yet to accept a work placement may withdraw voluntarily from the program by notifying the Office of the Registrar and the Academic Programs Office of the Faculty of Business Administration in writing.

  4. A student who is completing a work term and who has accepted a work placement may not withdraw voluntarily from the program.

  5. A voluntary withdrawal is not reflected on a student’s transcript.

  6. A student who has voluntarily withdrawn from the program may reapply for readmission into the program in accordance with Admission/Readmission Regulations for the Faculty of Business Administration, Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative), Beyond Business One, Readmission.

7.2.3 Leave of Absence

A leave of absence from the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program may be granted in one year intervals, up to a maximum of two years. A request for a leave of absence must be made in writing to the Academic Programs Office.

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