24.5 Courses

  • 6002 Action Research
  • 6003 Culture and Society
  • 6110 Physical Education, Recreation, and Sport Management
  • 6111 Canadian Delivery Systems in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport
  • 6120 Curriculum Development in Physical Education
  • 6121 Leadership
  • 6122 Comprehensive Community and School Health
  • 6123 Coaching and Long-term Athlete Development
  • 6124 Adapted Physical Activity
  • 6126 Positive Youth Development
  • 6127 Activity Over the Lifespan
  • 6201 Foundations of Sport Psychology and Mental Training Techniques
  • 6410 Sport and Society
  • 6500 Introduction to Research in Physical Education
  • 6600 Contemporary Issues and Trends
  • 6730-6739: Individual Reading and Research

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