7.1 Bachelor of Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies

  1. Students in the Bachelor of Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies must meet University Continuance criteria at the end of each semester in which they complete modules in the Program.

  2. Students must successfully complete all courses in Modules 1 and 2 prior to registering for courses in Modules 3 through 11.

  3. Students who do not successfully complete courses in Modules 3 through 11 must successfully complete those courses prior to registering for courses in Module 12, either as additional courses during subsequent Modules or following Module 11. Students are advised to refer to Program of Studies for the Bachelor in Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies for timing of course availability when planning to repeat courses that were not completed successfully.

  4. Students who wish to take a leave of absence from the Bachelor of Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies program are advised that the courses and Modules in the Program are offered in the semesters indicated in Program of Studies for the Bachelor in Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies and that a leave of absence may result in the need to complete the remainder of the program in a different sequence than prescribed in Modules and Courses in the Bachelor in Arctic and Subarctic Interdisciplinary Studies.

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.